Tuesday 7 April 2020

Triton Solution of Computer Science


Computer Science - SEE Model Question (Set-II)

Time: 1:30 hours                                                                             F.M.: 75

Group A

1.     Answer the following question:                                                                     (5×2=10)

a)       What do you mean by communication media? Give any two examples of guided media.


Communication media is the channel or electronic pathway through which data or signal can be transmitted from one point to another. Examples of guided media are:-

·         Twisted pair cable

·         Coaxial cable

b)      Compare and write the differences of e-mail with traditional postal mail.

Ans:- The difference of e-mail with traditional postal mail are :-


Postal Mail

It is very much slower then email

It is very much faster then postal mail

In postal mail, only the specific type of hand writing and style is used

In email any type of font and graphics can be used

It is not reliable

It is fully reliable

It does not support attachment

It support document attachment


c)       What is a backup? Why it is important in computer security system?

Ans: -

Backup is the process of making an additional or reserve copy of data, program  and software for future use when required.

Important of Backup system:-

Because if our original data, programs software are lost, deleted, or damaged in such case we can restore our data, programs or software in usable from the backup system.

d)      How does virus spread form one computer to another?

Ans:- Viruses spread when the software or documents they get attached to are transferred from one computer to another using a network, a disk, file sharing methods, or through infected e-mail attachments etc.

e)       Why multimedia technology is becoming popular?

Ans:-Multimedia technologies presented the computerized society with opportunities and challenges that in many cases are unprecedented. It is becoming more and more popular because of the effectiveness of its applications in all aspects of human life.

3.     Select the correct answer:                                                                               (4×0.5=2)

a)       Computer virus has its infection to ----------------- .

i) Monitor                  ii) Mouse                       iii) Keyboard                iv) Hard disk

b)       Defragmentation is a process of ----------------- .

i)   Formatting the disk                                   ii) Relocation of the disk       

iii) Relocation of the files of the disk        iv) None

c)       Cyber law of Nepal was introduced in the year ----------------- .

i) 2057                       ii) 2060                          iii) 2061                        iv) 2062

d)       Data transmission will be faster using ----------------- .

i) Co-axial                        ii) Fiber Optics             iii) STP                          iv) UTP

4.     Write the full form of the following:                                                                    (4×0.5=2)

        a) DNS                               b) NAV                        c) VHF                           d) PNG

        DNS = Domain Network System

        NAV=Network Allocation Vector

        VHE= Virtual Home Environment

        PNG= Portable Network Graphic

5.     Match the following:                                                                                                 (4×0.5=2)

                Group A                             Group B

a)       Web Browser            (c)   Power protection device.

b)       Cyber ethics              (d)   To share hardware and software resources

c)       UPS                            (a)   Google Chrome

d)       Network                     ()     Bridge

                                                    (b)   Moral Principles

6.     Give the appropriate technical terms of the following:                          (4×0.5=2)

a)       The technique used to provide medical information and services through the Internet. Telehealth

b)       The moving graphic images.  Animation

c)       Website used to search information on the Internet. Search Engine

d)       An electronic equivalent of a signature. Digital Signature


Group ‘B’ [Database Management - 10 Marks]

7.    Answer the following question:              (3×2=6)

a)       Is MS-Access RDBMS? If yes, explain.

Yes, MS Access is a database and, more specifically, a relational database because database system which is used to manage and manipulate data in the relation database model.

b)       What is data redundancy? How can we reduce data redundancy?

Data redundancy occurs in database systems which have a field that is repeated in two or more tables. Database normalization prevents redundancy and makes the best possible usage of storage. The proper use of foreign keys can minimize data redundancy and reduce the chance of destructive anomalies appearing.

c)       What is query? List its types.

Query is the one of the most important object of Ms- Access. It is a way o fretrieving and editing information according to the specified criteria. The types of query are:-

                                I.            Select query

                              II.            Action query

                            III.            SQL query

                            IV.            Cross tab query

                              V.            Advance sort/ filter query

8.     Choose the correct answer [Choose all that apply]:                               (4×0.5=2)

a)       Which of the following is an example of database?

i) Oracle            ii) Ms-Access    iii) Tel. Directory         iv) All

b)       Primary Key doesn’t accept ----------------- value.

i) Null                 ii) Duplicate      iii) Both                 iv) None

c)       Which component of Ms-Access doesn’t allow entering data?

i) Form              ii) Report          iii) Table               iv) Query

d)       Which specifies an expression that checks for the invalid data?

i)   Validation Rule                    ii) Validation Text

iii) Input Mask                             iv) Required

 9.    Match the following:                                                                                         (4×0.5=2)

                Group A                                                 Group B

a)       Data Integrity                               (c)   No. of character can be entered

b)       Automatic                                     (c)   Validation Rule

c)       Field size                                       (d)   Caption

d)       Label for field                              ( )    Indexed

                                                                        (b)   Default value


Group ‘C’ [Programming - 18 Marks]

10.  a)    Write any two differences between SUB and FUNCTION procedures? (1)

        The different between SUB and FUNCTION procedure are:-


SUB Procedure

FUNCTION Procedure

This statement does not return value.

This statement returns a single value.

It is called by CALL statement

It is called by expression or PRINT statement

Printing is mainly done in Sub module

Printing is mainly done in main module


        b)    Give brief description of C language.                                                               (1)

        C is a general-purpose, a structured, standardization, system independent, high efficiency programming language which is         developed by Denis Ritchie in 1972 at AT&T.

        c)     Write down the function of the following statements:                    (2×0.5=1)

        i) NAME:-  NAME Statement Renames a file or directory.

        ii) PRINT# :- this statement is used to write or print data in formatted pattern to the data file or printer.

        Syntax:- PRINT# Using[file number],variable list]

11. Write the output of the following program.                                                                    (2)

DECLARE SUB result (n$)


CALL result(n$)



SUB result (n$)

b = LEN(n$)

count = 2

WHILE count <= b

        x$ = x$ + MID$(n$, count, 1)

        count = count + 2






12.  Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs.                                               (2)

REM to displays records from 3nd to 7th position

OPEN “record.txt” FOR OUTPUT AS #2


INPUT #1, R, N$, A$, DOB$

P = P + 1

IF P<= 3 AND C>=7 THEN







REM to display records from 3rd to 7th position

OPEN ”record.Dat”  FOR OUTPUT as #2



IF P<= AND C>=7






13.  Study the following program and answer the given questions.                (2×1=2)

REM check the supplied no. is perfect square or not



INPUT "type any number: "; n

IF check(n) = 0 THEN

        PRINT "Perfect Square"


        PRINT "Not Perfect Square"




FUNCTION check (x)

s = SQR(x)

IF s = FIX(s) THEN

check = 1


check = 0



a)       Name the actual and formal parameter used in above program.

Ans:- CHECK(x) and SQR(x) are actual and formal parameters.

b)       Does the program give same output if FIX() function is replaced by INT() function?

Ans:- Yes, the program gives same output if INT() function is replaced by FIX().

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