Sunday 12 April 2020

DLE / BLE SET Solution 7

Model Question Set 7
Time: 1:30 hrs                                                                                                                           Full Marks: 50
Students are required to answer in their own words as per as practicable.
All questions are compulsory.
Group ‘A’
Very short questions:                                                                                                                                    10
1.      What is a computer network?
Ans: Interconnection of two or more computers together for communication and sharing is known as computer network.
2.      Define the term program.
Ans: Program is a set of instructions that make computer to accomplish a type of task.
3.      Name the first mechanical computer.
Ans: Analytical Engine was the first mechanical computer.
4.      What does computer virus mean?
Ans: Virus is a self-replicating and destructive computer program.
5.      How many bytes a character ‘y’ stored?
Ans: 1 bit
6.      Give any two examples of output device.
Ans: Monitor and Speaker are the two examples of output device.
7.      Is function of ‘Close’ and ‘Exit’ same in MS Word?
Ans: Yes, the function of both command are same.
8.      Who is known as first programmer?
Ans: Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace was the first programmer.
9.      Write the full form of the followings:                        
a)      IT              =Information Technology
b)      HTTP        =Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
c)      GIF           =Graphic Interchange Format
d)      CUI           =Character User Interface
Group ‘B’
Short questions:                                                                                                                                       7*4=28
1.      Write any four features of windows-based OS.
Ans: The four features of windows based OS are given below:
            i. It allows users to do graphical works.
            ii. No need to remember commands for working on this OS.
            iii. By looking options and icons, user can do maximum works.
            iv. User can do variety of works at a time.
2.      What do mean by video conferencing and virtual reality? Explain.
Ans: Video conferencing is a technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location together. This technology is particularly convenient for business users in different cities or even different countries because it saves time, expenses, and hassles associated with business travel.
            Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible, such as vision, hearing, touch, even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power.
3.      What are the symptoms of computer virus?
Ans: The symptoms of computer viruses are given below:
i. Computer becomes slow.                                        ii. Computer restarts frequently
iii. Data, Programs and files are being corrupt           iv. Unusual beep and messages occurs
4.      Mention any five points of computer ethics.
Ans: The five points of computer ethics are given below:
a.    You should not use a computer to harm other people.
b.    You should not interfere with other people's computer work.
c.    You should not snoop around in other people's files.
d.    You should not use a computer to steal.
e.    You should not use a computer to bear false witness.
5.      Define the term HTML. Explain the importance of HTML in web page design.
Ans: HTML refers to Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is the high level programming language that is used to create web pages. At first Tim Berners Lee developed the first web page using HTML.
                        It is very important in web page designing. It provides different keywords that help in encoding codes for web pages. There are more different languages that are used for creating web pages as HTML.
6.      Write short notes on:
i)                   LAN
LAN refers to Local Area Network. It is the smallest network among MAN and WAN. Communication is faster in it. Less people can use this type of network. Low investment is required for its connection. Maintenance can be done very well in less time. It can be owned by private or small organizations.
ii)                 Super Computer
            Super Computer is one of the biggest computers on the basis of size. It is one of the most powerful computer. It is most expensive computer in the world. It is used for scientific research and weather forecasting. It consumed large amount of electricity and produced large amount of heat.
                                                                                               Group ‘C’
Long  questions:                                                                                                                                      2*6=12
a.       Write an algorithm to print the word “Nepal” ten times.
Ans: The algorithm is given below:
Step 1     : Store “Nepal” in a variable N$ and 1 in X
Step 2     : Display N$
Step3      : Add 1 to the variable X
Step4      : Check, is X<=10?
If yes, goto  step 2
If no, goto step 5
Step 5     : Stop     
b.      Write a QBASIC program to read the value of pen in paisa and convert it into the nearest rupees and paisa.
2.      Distinguish between word processing package, spreadsheet package and presentation package with any two examples of each.
Ans: The differences between are given below:
Word Processing package
Spreadsheet package
Presentation package



Word processing software, sometimes called a word processor, allows users to create and manipulate documents containing mostly text and sometimes graphics.

Most word processing software allows users to incorporate graphical images, such as digital photos and clip art, in documents.

Its extension is .doc or .docx.

Example: Ms-word, word star, word perfect, etc
Spreadsheet software allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform calculations on the data.

Most spreadsheet software has basic features to help users create, edit, and format worksheets.

Its extension is .xls or xlsx.

Example: Excel, Lotus1-2-3, spreadsheet, etc
Presentation software is used to create visual aids for your presentation to deliver feelings, thoughts, ideas, information, messages to a group of people. 

Presentation software typically provides a variety of predefined presentation formats that define complementary colors for backgrounds, text, and graphical accents on the slides.

Its extension is .ppt or .pptx.

Example: Ms-Power Point, Dreamweaver, etc.


MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint