Sunday 12 April 2020

Solution of ICT, Ethics and Cyber Laws for DLE / BLE Exam 2076

ICT, Ethics and Cyber Laws

Short Answer Questions                                                                               [4 Mark]

1.      How is image inserted in HTML document? Give examples with Tag.

The <IMG> tag allows us to display or insert an image inside our HTML document. The most commonly used image format for web page is GIF format. The other formats supported by most graphical browsers are BMP and JPEG format.

For Example:

<IMG SRC="Sunrise.jpeg" HEIGHT= 200 WIDTH= 150 ALT= "Sunrise Point"> </IMG>


2.      What is computer virus? What are the three preventive measures of virus infection?

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

Any 3 preventive measures of virus infection are:

                    i.            Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers.

                  ii.            Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying.

                iii.            Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games.


3.      Write any three preventive measures to protect computer from virus.

Any 3 preventive measures to protect computer from virus are:

                                i.            Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers.

                              ii.            Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying.

                            iii.            Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games.


4.      Differentiate between LAN and MAN.

The difference between LAN and MAN are:



1. It is a type of network which covers small area i.e. within a room, building, or short distance by using cables or small wireless devices.

1. It is a type of network which covers an entire city.

2. It is controlled by a single organization.

2. It is controlled by single or group of organization.

3. It uses private connection media.

3. It uses private or public connection media.


5.      What is computer virus? Write the symptoms of computer infected system?

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

The symtoms of computer infected system are:

                       i.            Program takes long time to load.

                     ii.            Increased use of disk space and growth in file size.

                   iii.            Corrupting the system data.

                   iv.            Renaming files with different names.


6.      Write the short notes on:

a.       HTML:

            HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the text markup language used to create web pages for presenting information on the internet. It is the building blocks of all basic websites. It is the language developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1990 at CERN Geneva, Switzerland. It is platform independent language.


b.      Cyber Law:

                      Cyber law is the part of the overall legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and their respective legal issues. Simply, cyber law is the law which is used for stopping computer crime and abuse. Cyber law of Nepal was established on 30th Bhadra, 2061 B.S or 15th September, 2004 A.D. Areas of Cyber law are Computer crime, Telecommunication law, Data protection and Digital signature.


7.      What is the role ICT in education?

ICT plays a catalytic role in enhancing learning in classroom and beyond. It enhances scope of education by facilitating mobile learning and inclusive education. It facilitates research and scholarly communication. ICT in schools can be used as a school communication tool to improve student learning and better teaching techniques. With the advancement of technology in education, schools adopt school communication software to transmit, store, share or exchange information.


8.      What is computer virus? Write any two ways to protect computer from viruses.

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

Any 2 ways to protect computer from viruses are:

                                i.            Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying.

                              ii.            Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games.


9.      What is internet? Write any two things that we can do using the service provided by the internet.

The internet is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data via various types of media.

Any 2 things that we can do using service provided by the internet are:

                                i.            Internet helps us to share information from any place in the world.

                              ii.            Internet enables fast transfer of news or incidents to people.


10.  What is meant by cyber law? Write any two computer ethics that we should follow while using computer and ICT.

Cyber law is the part of the overall legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and their respective legal issues.

Any 2 computer ethics that we should follow while using computer and ICT are:

                                i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                              ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.


11.  Define computer network. Write its types and explain any one of them.

A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and applications.

Its types are:

                             i.             LAN (Local Area Network)

                           ii.            MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

                         iii.            WAN (Wide Area Network)


LAN (Local Area Network)

A LAN is a type of network which covers small area i.e. within a room, building, or short distance by using cables or small wireless devices. It is controlled by a single organization. It uses private connection media. E.g.: network in a school, college or cyber cafe. The diameter is not more than a few kilometres. LAN offers bandwidth of 10-100 Mbps.


12.  What is Cyber crime? Write three provisions of Cyber ethics.

Cyber crime is defined as a crime that involves computer and Internet to harm people or their important files and documents.


Any 3 provisions of cyber ethics are:

                                i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                              ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.

                            iii.            You should not spread false and illegal information.


13.  Write short notes on: Email


            Email is also known as Electronic mail. It is one of the most popular services provided by the internet which exchanges messages between the computers through a network. It is the soft copy service of the internet. Email has gained popularity with the spread of the Internet. Today, email is the preferred method of communication.


14.  What is Mail Merge? Write the steps to make a page break in the Ms- Word document.

Mail merge is a method to send emails or letters in bulk that doesn’t require time-consuming typing of personal details.

the steps

v  Create new – Just add in your source file

v  Select recipients list – Select what you want from your file

v  Insert placeholders – Again so simple just drag where you want the title, name and address to go or whatever filters you have

v  Filter recipients – If you want to filter the document you can do this here

v  Preview results – Have a look before the done deal

v  Complete merge – Click it, merge it!


15.  What is script virus? What are the symptoms of computer viruses?

Script Virus is written in script programming languages, such as VBScript and JavaScript. It can infect a computer through various scripting environments, such as Windows Help, Windows installation files and Windows registry files.


The symptoms of computer viruses are:

                                i.            Program takes long time to load.

                              ii.            Increased use of disk space and growth in file size.

                            iii.            Corrupting the system data.

                            iv.            Renaming files with different names.


16.  What is network topology? Mention any two advantages of bus topology.

The arrangement or connection pattern of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called network topology.

Any 2 advantages of bus topology are:

                                i.            It requires fewer cable media, so it is cheaper than other topologies.

                              ii.            It is easy to add new node to the network.


17.  Write short notes on: LAN


           LAN stands for Local Area Network. A LAN is a type of network which covers small area i.e. within a room, building, or short distance by using cables or small wireless devices. It is controlled by a single organization. It uses private connection media. E.g.: network in a school, college or cyber cafe. The diameter is not more than a few kilometres. LAN offers bandwidth of 10-100 Mbps.


18.  Define computer network? Write any three advantages of computer network.

A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and applications.

Any 3 advantages of computer network are:

                                i.            Computer in a network can access the network-connected hardware devices like printers, disk drives, etc.

                              ii.            Data in a network environment can be updated from any computer. Updated data can be accessed by all computers on the network.

                            iii.            Computers in a network system share different software packages.


19.  Write short notes:

a.       Photoshop:

                    Photoshop is a graphics editing the application software developed by Adobe systems. It is used for creating and editing graphics. It can be used to change pictures, to create innovative digital content and other varieties of computer graphics. It provides a comprehensive environment for professional designers and graphics producers to create images for web use, print layout and multimedia content, etc.


b.      Cyber Law:

                    Cyber law is the part of the overall legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and their respective legal issues. Simply, cyber law is the law which is used for stopping computer crime and abuse. Cyber law of Nepal was established on 30th Bhadra, 2061 B.S or 15th September, 2004 A.D. Areas of Cyber law are Computer crime, Telecommunication law, Data protection and Digital signature. 


20.  What is computer virus? Write any four symptoms of computer virus.

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

Any 4 symptoms of computer virus are:

                                i.            Program takes long time to load.

                              ii.            Increased use of disk space and growth in file size.

                            iii.            Corrupting the system data.

                            iv.            Renaming files with different names.

21.  What is topology? Draw a structural figure of star topology.

The arrangement or connection pattern of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called network topology.

22.  Write the short notes on:


a.       Internet:

Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. Further, Internet can be used to collect information from various websites on different subjects. All the newspapers, magazines and journals of the world are available on Internet.


b.      Cyber crime:

Cybercrime is a dangerous crime involving computers or digital devices, in which a computer can be either a target of the crime, a tool of the crime or contain evidence of the crime. Cybercrime basically defined as any criminal activity that occurs over the Internet. There are many examples such as fraud, malware such as viruses, identity theft and cyber stalking.


23.  List any two advantages and disadvantages and computer network.

Any 2 advantages of computer network are:

                    i.            Computer in a network can access the network-connected hardware devices like printers, disk drives, etc.

                  ii.            Data in a network environment can be updated from any computer. Updated data can be accessed by all computers on the network.


Any 2 disadvantages of computer network are:

                                i.            It allows for more presence of computer viruses and malware.

                              ii.            It lacks independence and poses security difficulties.


24.  Give the uses of following HTML tags.

a.       <HTML>: It is used to identify the file as a HTML document.

b.      <HR>: It is used to produce a horizontal line across the page or on the browser window.

c.       <UL>: It is used to precede the listed items with bullets or symbols instead of numbers.

d.      <Body bgcolor>: It is used to set the background color of the entire web page.


25.  What is HTML? Who invented HTML?

HTML is the text markup language used to create web pages for presenting information on the Internet.

HTML was invented by Tim Berners Lee.


26.  Define web browser with two examples.

Web browser is software that allows user to display and interact with a hypertext documents. Examples are: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer


27.  Write the HTML tag for the following:


a.       School Name  [ use heading tag ]: <h1> Jagat Mandir School </h1>

b.      Insert horizontal line: <HR>

c.       Insert image of your school: <IMG Src = "school.jpg">

d.      Scroll your name: <MARQUEE > Ram </MARQUEE>

e.       Link your page with http;// : <A HREF = "" > Go to this site </A>


28.  What do you mean by computer virus? What are the symptoms of virus infected computer?

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

Any 4 symptoms of virus infected computer are:

                                i.            Program takes long time to load.

                              ii.            Increased use of disk space and growth in file size.

                            iii.            Corrupting the system data.

                            iv.            Renaming files with different names.


29.  What is network topology? List its types and describe any one of them.

The arrangement or connection pattern of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called network topology.

Its types are:

                                i.            Bus Topology

                              ii.            Star Topology

                            iii.            Ring Topology


Star Topology:

The network topology in which all computers or other devices are connected through a central device through a central device called hub or switch is called star topology. It is easy to set up and configure. It is easy to extend to network by attaching new devices to the central devices. It requires more cable in comparison of bus topology so it is more costly.

30.  Write the features of Photoshop.

The features of Photoshop are:

v  Manipulating the color of an image.

v  Cropping images.

v  Repairing flaws, such as dust on the lens or red eyes.

v  Drawing on an image with a pen or pencil.

v  Adding text to images.

v  Removing people or objects within an image.

v  Organizing photos for quick access.

v  Publishing images online or send via email.


31.  Mention any four points of computer ethics.

Any 4 points of computer ethics are:

                                i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                              ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.

                            iii.            You should not spread false and illegal information.

                            iv.            You should not destroy, erase or edit personal or group records.


32.  What is antivirus program and Communication?


An antivirus program is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against computer viruses. 

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another.

33.  What are the precautions of computer virus?

The precautions of computer virus are:

                                i.            Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers.

                              ii.            Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying.

                            iii.            Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games.

                            iv.            Don’t interchange the internal disk among the computers.


34.  Explain LAN and MAN with diagram.

LAN (Local Area Network)

A LAN is a type of network which covers small area i.e. within a room, building, or short distance by using cables or small wireless devices. It is controlled by a single organization. It uses private connection media. E.g.: network in a school, college or cyber cafe. The diameter is not more than a few kilometres. LAN offers bandwidth of 10-100 Mbps.


MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

A MAN is a type of network which covers an entire city. It is controlled by single or group of organization. It uses private or public connection media. E.g.: interconnection between different branches on same branch and ISP providing internet services. It offers a number of network services compatible with bandwidth from 128 kbps to 1 Gbps.


35.  Write any four commitments of computer ethics.

Any 4 commitments of computer ethics are:

                                i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                              ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.

                            iii.            You should not spread false and illegal information.

                            iv.            You should not destroy, erase or edit personal or group records.


36.  What is HTML tag? Write necessary HTML code to generate the following list:

a.       Computer

b.      Printer

c.       Scanner

d.      Monitor


HTML tags are the codes or commands that define the structures and behaviors of the different parts of  a web document.



<TITLE> Electronic Devices </TITLE>



<OL TYPE = a>

<LI> Computer</LI>

<LI> Printer</LI>

<LI> Scanner</LI>

<LI> Monitor</LI>





37.  What do you mean by Web Browser? Write any three of them.

Web browser is software that allows user to display and interact with a hypertext documents. Examples are: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari


38.  What do you mean by computer virus? How many types of computer virus are there? Write their names.

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

There are 5 types of computer viruses. They are:

                                i.            Boot Sector Virus

                              ii.            File Infecting Virus

                            iii.            Multipartite Virus

                            iv.            Macro Virus

                              v.            Script Virus

39.  Write any four points of computer ethics.

Any 4 points of computer ethics are:

                                i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                              ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.

                            iii.            You should not spread false and illegal information.

                            iv.            You should not destroy, erase or edit personal or group records.


40.  What are the precautions of computer virus?

The precautions of computer virus are:

                                i.            Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers.

                              ii.            Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying.

                            iii.            Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games.

                            iv.            Don’t interchange the internal disk among the computers.

41.  What is computer network? Write any two advantages of it.

A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and applications.

Any 2 advantages of computer network are:

                                i.            Computer in a network can access the network-connected hardware devices like printers, disk drives, etc.

                              ii.            Data in a network environment can be updated from any computer. Updated data can be accessed by all computers on the network.


42.  Write some symptoms of computer virus.

Some symptoms of computer virus are:

                                i.            Program takes long time to load.

                              ii.            Increased use of disk space and growth in file size.

                            iii.            Corrupting the system data.

                            iv.            Renaming files with different names.


43.  Write short notes on:

a.       Computer network:

                            iii.            A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and applications. Computer in a network can access the network-connected hardware devices like printers, disk drives, etc. Data in a network environment can be updated from any computer. Updated data can be accessed by all computers on the network.


b.      Computer virus:

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer. There are 5 types of computer viruses. They are Boot Sector virus, File infecting virus, Multipartite virus, Macro virus and Script virus. A computer virus is one type of malware that inserts its virus code to multiply itself by altering the programs and applications. 


44.  What is topology? Give any two example of it.

The arrangement or connection pattern of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called network topology. Examples are Ring topology and bus topology


45.  What is meant by Software Piracy and Digital Signature?

Software piracy is defined as illegally copying software that does not belong to you in a manner that violates the copyright. A example of software piracy is when you download a copy of Microsoft Word from a file-sharing website without paying for it.

digital signature is an authentication mechanism that enables the creator of the message to attach a code that acts as a signature


46.  What is computer virus? What are the precautions of computer virus?

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

The precautions of computer virus are:

                                i.            Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers.

                              ii.            Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying.

                            iii.            Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games.

                            iv.            Don’t interchange the internal disk among the computers.


47.  Write in short notes:

Star topology:

The network topology in which all computers or other devices are connected through a central device through a central device called hub or switch is called star topology. It is easy to set up and configure. It is easy to extend to network by attaching new devices to the central devices. It requires more cable in comparison of bus topology so it is more costly.


48.  What is Network Topology> List its types and describe any two of them.

The arrangement or connection pattern of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called network topology.

Its types are:

                                i.            Bus Topology

                              ii.            Star Topology

                            iii.            Ring Topology


Star Topology:

 The network topology in which all computers or other devices are connected through a central device through a central device called hub or switch is called star topology. It is easy to set up and configure. It is easy to extend to network by attaching new devices to the central devices. It requires more cable in comparison of bus topology so it is more costly.


Bus Topology:

      The specific kind of network topology in which all of the various devices in the network are connected to a single cable or line is called bus topology. It is easy to set up computers and other devices in bus topology, because all the devices are connected through a single wire. The whole network system collapses if the cable or backbone is damaged. It is difficult to find fault in this network topology.


49.  What is HTML? Write its features and define tags used in it.

HTML is the text markup language used to create web pages for presenting information on the Internet.

Its features are:

                                i.            Platform independent language

                              ii.            It is not case sensitive language.


The tags used in HTML are:

                                                        i.            Container tag:

The tag that has both opening and closing tag is known as container tag. It is also known as paired tag. E.g. : <html>...</html>, <b>...</b>, etc.


                                                      ii.            Empty tag:

The tag that has only opening tag but no closing tag is known as empty tag. It is also known as singular tag. E.g. : <br>, <hr>, etc.


50.  What is ethics in computer? Write any 2 commandments of computer ethics.

Computer ethics are a set of moral standards that govern the use of computers. It is society's views about the use of computers, both hardware and software.

Any 2 commandments of computer ethics are:

                                                        i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                                                      ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.


51.  What is Network Topology? List its types and describe any one of them.

The arrangement or connection pattern of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called network topology.

Its types are:

                                i.            Bus Topology

                              ii.            Star Topology

                            iii.            Ring Topology


Star Topology:

The network topology in which all computers or other devices are connected through a central device through a central device called hub or switch is called star topology. It is easy to set up and configure. It is easy to extend to network by attaching new devices to the central devices. It requires more cable in comparison of bus topology so it is more costly.

52.  What is HTML? Write its features and define tags used in it.

HTML is the text markup language used to create web pages for presenting information on the Internet.

Its features are:

                            iii.            Platform independent language

                            iv.            It is not case sensitive language.


The tags used in HTML are:

                                                    iii.            Container tag:

                         The tag that has both opening and closing tag is known as container tag. It is also known as paired tag. E.g. : <html>...</html>, <b>...</b>, etc.


                                                    iv.            Empty tag:

                     The tag that has only opening tag but no closing tag is known as empty tag. It is also known as singular tag. E.g. : <br>, <hr>, etc.

53.  What is ethics in computer? Write any 2 commandments of computer ethics.

Computer ethics are a set of moral standards that govern the use of computers. It is society's views about the use of computers, both hardware and software.

Any 2 commandments of computer ethics are:

                                                        i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                                                      ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.



54.  What are the three differences between third generation and fourth generation of computer?

Any 3 differences between third and fourth generation of computers are:

Third generation of computers

Fourth generation of computers

1. These computers used IC chip as main electronic component.

1. These computers used microprocessors as main electronic component.

2. The operating speed of these machines was measured in nanoseconds.

2. The operating speed of these machines was measured in picoseconds.

3. They had less storage capacity.

3. They had more storage capacity.


55.  What is computer virus? Write any two symptoms of computer virus.

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

Any 4 symptoms of computer virus are:

                                i.            Program takes long time to load.

                              ii.            Increased use of disk space and growth in file size.

                            iii.            Corrupting the system data.

                            iv.            Renaming files with different names.

56.  Discuss star topology with diagram.

Star Topology:

 The network topology in which all computers or other devices are connected through a central device through a central device called hub or switch is called star topology. It is easy to set up and configure. It is easy to extend to network by attaching new devices to the central devices. It requires more cable in comparison of bus topology so it is more costly.


Long Answer Questions                                                                                           [ 6 Marks ]

1.      What is network topology? Write are its types? Write any three provisions of cyber ethics.

The arrangement or connection pattern of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called network topology.

Its types are:

                                i.            Bus Topology

                              ii.            Star Topology

                            iii.            Ring Topology


Any 3 provisions of cyber ethics are:

                                                        i.            You should not use a computer to harm other people.

                                                      ii.            You should not search the file or record of other people.

                                                    iii.            You should not spread false and illegal information.


2.      What is computer network. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of it.

A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and applications.

Any 2 advantages of it are:

                                i.            Computer in a network can access the network-connected hardware devices like printers, disk drives, etc.

                              ii.            Data in a network environment can be updated from any computer. Updated data can be accessed by all computers on the network.


Any 2 disadvantages of it are:

                                i.            It allows for more presence of computer viruses and malware.

                              ii.            It lacks independence and poses security difficulties.


3.      What is web browser?

Web browser is software that allows user to display and interact with a hypertext documents. Examples are: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.


4.      Write the uses of following HTML tag.

a.       <B> Chitwan </B> : It is used to display the text "Chitwan" in bold face.


b.      <Centre> Examination 2073 </Centre> : It is used to center the text "Examination 2073" between the current left and right margins.


5.      Define ICT. What is the importance of ICT in education sector? Describe it.

ICT is the technologies of modern computer based information system that provide access to information through telecommunications.

ICT plays a vital role in the field of education sector. ICT is working, as a tool for improving learner's skills to access information and knowledge in formal and non-formal learning conditions. ICT in schools can be used as a school communication tool to improve student learning and better teaching techniques. With the advancement of technology in education, schools adopt school communication software to transmit, store, share or exchange information.



6.      Define the cyber law.

Cyber law is the part of the overall legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and their respective legal issues. Simply, cyber law is the law which is used for stopping computer crime and abuse. Cyber law of Nepal was established on 30th Bhadra, 2061 B.S or 15th September, 2004 A.D. Areas of Cyber law are Computer crime, Telecommunication law, Data protection and Digital signature. 


7.      Write the functions of following HTL tags.

a.       <BODY>: It is used set off the visible portion of the document.

b.      <IMG> : It is used to display an image inside our web page.


8.      What is computer virus? List any four symptoms shown by a computer infected by virus?

Computer virus is a destructive program that disturbs the normal functioning of a computer which is designed intentionally to harm data, information and programs of the computer.

Any 4 symptoms shown by a computer infected by virus are:

                                i.            Program takes long time to load.

                              ii.            Increased use of disk space and growth in file size.

                            iii.            Corrupting the system data.

                            iv.            Renaming files with different names.



9.      How is human health beneficial by the use of ICT? Explain . Write any three sectors where ICT is used?

Information and communications technologies (ICTs) can play a critical role in improving health care for individuals and communities. By providing new and more efficient ways of accessing, communicating, and storing information, ICTs can help bridge the information divides that have emerged in the health sector in developing and new industrial countries—between health professionals and the communities they serve and between the producers of health research and the practitioners who need it. Through the development of databases and other applications, ICTs also provide the capacity to improve health system efficiencies and prevent medical errors.

Any three sectors of ICT are:

v  Health and Medicine

v  Education

v  Business


10.  What is browser software? Write any three examples of it.

A browser software is a software that allows user to display and interact with a hypertext documents. Examples are: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari.


11.  Write function of following HTML codes.

a.       <B> My Nepal my pride. </B> : It is used to display the text"My Nepal my pride." in bold face.

b.      <IMG SRC = “C:\Nepal.jpg”> : It is used to insert image with file name " Nepal.jpg” inside web page.

c.       <Body bgcolor=”Red” ></Body> : It is used to set the background color of entire web page as "Red".


12.  What is ICT? Write two positive ad two negative impact of ICT in the society.

ICT is the technologies of modern computer based information system that provide access to information through telecommunications.

Any 2 positive impact of ICT in society are:

                                i.            Fast communication speed

                              ii.            Effective sharing of information


Any 2 negative impact of ICT in society are:

                                                        i.            It has increased unemployment.

                                                      ii.            It has reduced personal interaction.


13.  What is hacking and cracking?

The process of attempting to gain or successfully gaining, unauthorized access to computer resource is called hacking.


The act of breaking into a computer system, often on a network maliciously is known as cracking.


14.  What is webpage? Write the function of <IMG> and <A> Tag in HTML.

Web page is a document stored in an electronic form that contains information in specific or single topic.

The function of <IMG> tag is to display an image inside our web page.


The function of <A> tag is to mark the text as a hypertext link.


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