Sunday 5 April 2020

PABSON Kaski 2076 Question

Symbol No: ………………

SEE Preparation Examination-2076
PABSON Examination Committee, Kaski
Subject: Computer Science

Group "A" Fundamental (22 marks)

1.      Answer the following questions:                                   (5x2=10)

a)     Write the advantages of client server model over peer to peer model of networking.
b)     Write any four advantages of E-mail over traditional postal mailing system.
c)      Write the role of UPS and Spike guard in terms of power protection.
d)     Write the differences between linear and Non-linear multimedia contents.
e)     What is self replicating program? Name any two destructive activities of such program.

2.      a) Convert as instructed:                                                 (2x1=2)

i)                    (235)8  into decimal
ii)                  (BA5)16  into Binary

b)  Perform the binary calculations:                             (2x1=2)

i)          11111-1101
ii)         101101÷111

3.      Match the following pairs:                                               (4x0.5=2)

a)     Power DVD player                                 - Offline service
b)                                     - Online service
c)      USENET                                                  - Multimedia software
d)     Intranet                                                    - Website
-Internet service

4.      Select the correct answer from the given options:(4x0.5=2)

a)     The types of media used in multimedia includes:

i)                    Text                 iii)      Sound
ii)                  Graphics          iv)      All

b)     Defragmentation is a process of:
i)                    Formatting a disk
ii)                   Storing files into the smallest number of contiguous regions.
iii)                 Scanning and fixing the disk.
iv)                None
c)      Which is not the networking operating system?
i)                    MS-DOS              iii)        UNIX
ii)                  LINUX                  iv)        Windows NT
d)     Which of the following is not a virus?
i)                    Stealth iii)            Worm
ii)                  WinZip iv)            Trojan

5.      Give the appropriate technical terms of the following: (4x0.5=2)

a)     A computer which is used to control the entire networks/ clients.
b)     A company that provides Internet facility to the users with paying certain charge.
c)      The simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frames.
d)     A virus that damages documents created in Ms-Word and Ms- Excel.

6.      Give the full forms of:                                                       (4x0.5=2)

a)      PDF                                  c)         IMEI
b)      MAC                                 d)         MPEG

Group "B"

DBMS-Ms-Access (10 marks)
7.      Answer the following questions:                                       (3x2=6)
a)     Write the advantages of computerized database over manual database.
b)     While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about teacher’s name, address, salary and data of birth.
c)      What is report? Why it is created?

8.      State whether the following statements are true or false: (4x0.5=2)
a)     Primary key field must not be left blank. [ ]
b)     The extension of database file created by Ms-Access is .DBF. [ ]
c)      Memo field accepts 32,757 characters. [ ]
d)     With the help of wizard also we can create a form. [ ]

9.      Match the following:                                            (4x0.5=2)

a)     Currency field                      -1 GB

b)     YES/NO field                       -255 characters
c)     OLE field                             -1 BIT
d)     Text field                             -1 MB
-8 bytes

12.  Debug the following program:                                       (2)

INPUT “Enter any number”; R PRINT CHK$ (A)
R=A MOD 10 S= S+R˄3

Group "C" Programming in QBASIC (18 marks)

10.  Answer the following questions:                                   (3 x 1=3)

a)     Write any two advantages of modular programming.


IF         S=M    THEN
CHK$= “Armstrong”
CHK$= “Not Armstrong”

b)     Write any two features of C programming language.
c)      Write the function of:
i)                    DIM SHARED
ii)                  FILES


13. Read the program given below and answer the questions:(2)

DECLARE     SUB    sum (N) CLS

11.  Find the output of the given program.                                     (2)




SUB Find S=25

FOR N=1 TO 11 STEP 2 S=S+N


PRINT “calculated value=”; S


INPUT “Any number”; N CALL sum (N)

SUB sum (N) S=0


R=N MOD 10 S=S +R N=INT(N/10)


PRINT “sum=”; S END SUB 


a)     What will be the result if input value is 123?
b)     What happens if we change WHILE N< >0 into WHILE N=0?

14. Write programs in QBASIC according to the given instructions:   (3 x 3 =9 )

a) Write a program using FUNCTION procedure to count total number of vowels in an entered word.

b) Write a program to check whether an entered number is palindrome or not using SUB. END SUB.

c) A data file “SEARCH.INF” contains numerous data under the fields NAME, AGE, ADDRESS and PHONE NUMBER of employees. Write a program in QBASIC to scan all the data then search and display only the employee’s data according to entered name.

The End

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