Monday 6 April 2020

Solution of MODEL SET 6 [Class 9 (Nine)]

Group A : “Computer Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                                         4×2=8
                  a) Why laptop compute is called a microcomputer ? How ?
ans: Laptop computer is called a microcomputer as laptop computer are small in size, portal and single user ones.
                  b) What are the engines developed by Charles Babbage ? When it was invented ?
Ans:           The engines developed by Charles Babbage are
1. Difference Engine in 1822AD
                  2. Analytical Engine in 1837AD
                  c) What do you meant by computer hadware and software ?
ans             The physical parts of computer that can be touch and felt is called hardware and the collection of program is called software.
                  d) Differentiate between impact and non-impact printer ?
ans:            Impact printers form images and characters by striking a mechanism such as a print hammer or wheel against an inked ribbon, leaving an image on paper. Non-impact printers form characters and images without direct physical contact between the printing mechanism and the paper
                  e) Discuss how information communication technology has changed human life?
Ans:           Use your creative for it.
2.               Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                            2
                  a) Vaccum tubes were replaced by transistor  in second generation.
                  b)  MODEM converts digital signal to analog and vice-versa.
                  c) The surface of the floppy disk is divided into a number of concentric circle called ______ tracks.
                  d) Binary coded were devised by ____lady ada Augusta __ .
3.               Write down the full forms of the following.                                   2
                  a) BCD=Binary coded decimal b) EBCDIC= Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code         c) SVGA=  Super Video Graphics Array       d) PS/2=Personal system 2
4.               Match the following.                                                                     2
                  Pascaline                 John Napier
                  Slide Rule               Analytical engine
                  Charles Babbage     William Ought Red
                  Nepier’s Bone                    Pascaline
                                                Stepped Reckon
Ans;           Pascaline=Pascaline
                  Slide rule=William Ought red
                  Charles Babbage=analytical engine
                  Napier’s bone= John Napier
5.               Write down the single technical term for the followings.   2
                  a) A software is designed to solve the particular kind of task in the computer.=Application software
                  b) A printer produce more sound and provides less quality output. Imapct
                  c) The process of detecting and removing errors in the computer programs. debug
                  d) A collection of relaed information.=record
6.               a) Convert the following as indicate.                                              2
                        i) (1010)10 into hexadecimal        ii) (A01D)16 into binary
                  b) Perform the following binary calculation.
                        i) (1011100)2 × (111)2 ÷ (10)2
                        ii) (11011010)2 + (1011010)2 - (1110)2
Group B: “Operating System” 5 marks
7.               Can you see the hidden files of your logged disk drive ? Write command
                  is used for this purpose ?                                                    1
8.               Write down the commands to accomplish the following tasks.  2
                  a) Display the status report of a disk in drive B.
                  b) Delete all the files with extension. DOC belonging to the Dinesh  directory of the drive C.                                                2
9.               Answer the given questions.                                                           2
                  a) What do you meant by application windows and document windows ?
ans;            The rectangular-shaped viewing area on screen that you are working in is application window.
                  document window is a section of the screen used to display the contents of a document file on a GUI (graphical user interface) operating system.
                  b) Write down the funciton of COPY CON and REN command of MS-DOS.
Ans;           Copy con= used to create file
                  Ren=used to rename
Group C : “HTML” 5 marks
10.             Answer the given questions:                                                           3
                  a) What is the use of ‘STRIKE’ element of HTML ?
ans=           The use of strike is to draw strike in the middle of text. Like. ram
                  b) Why FONT element is important in HTML ?
ans;            FONT elements makes the font more attractive so font element is important in HTML.
                  c) What does Bgcolor attribute do in HTML ?
ans;            IT change background color of page.
11.             Fill in the blanks with suitable word.                                             2
                  a) ______HTML_ is an easy-to-use markup language used to develop web pages.
                  b) A _______ is a unit of markup, a set of symbols define in HTML to have special meaning.
                  c) The HTML instructions, along with the text to which the instructions apply, are called _______ .
                  d) The basis structure of an HTML document consists of _TITLE______ HEAD and BODY elements.
Group D: “Programming” [20 Marks]
12.             a) Write any four features of high level programming language.
1.                  high level languages are programmer friendly. They are easy to write, debug and maintain.
2.      It provide higher level of abstraction from machine languages.
3.      It is machine independent language.
4.      Easy to learn.

                  b) What is system design ?
ans; Systems design is the process of defining elements of a system like modules, architecture, components and their interfaces and data for a system based on the specified requirements.
                  c) Write use and syntax of the INPUT element.
Ans; Use is to accept input from user.
Syntax: INPU[“message”];{list of varibles}
13.             a) Draw a flowchart to find out the area of the room, where length and breadth are given.
                  b) Write down the output of the fllowing program:                       2
                        DIM N(5)
                        PRINT= “Enter five numbers”
                        FOR A =1 TO 5
                        INPUT Na.
                        NEXT A
                        SUM = 0
                        FOR B = 1 TO 5
                        SUM =SUM+Nb.
                        NEXT B
                        PRINT “SUM=”;SUM
If input is 1,2,3,4,5 then output is
14.             a) Re-write the following program using Do.........WHILE and LOOP.2
                        LET CNT = 1
                        LET TOT = 0
                        WHILE CNT<=10
                        INPUT “Number.”;N
                        PRINT AVG,TOT

                        LET CNT = 1
                        LET TOT = 0
                         Do WHILE
                        INPUT “Number.”;N
                        Until CNT<=10

                        PRINT AVG,TOT

                  b) Re-write the following program after correcting:                        2
                        LET X = 1
                        LET S = S + X
                        LET X = X + 1
                        LOOP WHILE X<=10
                        PRINT S
                        LET X = 1
                        LET S = S + X
                        LET X = X + 1
                        WHILE loop X<=10
                        PRINT S

15.             a) Write a program to display the first 100 prime numbers by using FOR.........NE×T statements.     
x = 1
p = 1
s = 0
FOR i = 1 TO x
    IF x MOD i = 0 THEN
        s = s + 1
    END IF
IF s = 2 THEN
    PRINT x
    p = p + 1
x = x + 1
IF p <= 100 THEN GOTO top

                  b) An examination board delares a student passed if: he gets 40 out of 100 in each of the five subjects (Englsih, Math, Social, Science and Nepali) and he gets 44 percent in aggregate. Write a program to find whether the student passed or not, it the marks in five subjects 9 out of 100) are given.
INPUT "Enter marks in MATHS"; M
INPUT "Enter marks in Science"; S
INPUT "Enter marks in Social"; So
INPUT "Enter marks in Nepali"; N
INPUT "Enter marks in ENGLISH"; E
IF M > 40 AND S > 40 AND So > 40 AND N > 40 AND E > 40 THEN
    PRINT "Congratulations you are passed"
ELSEIF M = 40 AND S = 40 AND So = 40 AND N = 40 AND E = 40 THEN
    PRINT "Congratulations you are passed with aggragate percent 44!!!"
    PRINT "Sorry you are fail"

                  c) Write a program to convert temperature given in Centigrade into Fahrenheit.
Ans: CLS
F = C * (9 / 5) + 32


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