Monday 6 April 2020

Grade Nine Model Set Solution 10

                              Class Nine [Computer Solution]


Group A : “Computer Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.              Answer the following questions.                                          4×2=8
                 a) What do you meant by storage capabilities ?What are the unit to measure the storage capacity of a disk ?
ANS:  STORAGE  capabilities is the way of measure how much data file folder can be store in a disk.
1 bit
4 bits
8 bits
1024 bytes
1, 024kilobytes
1, 024 megabytes
1, 024 gigabytes
1, 024 terrabytes

                 b) What is programd evelopment cycle ? Why is it necessary ?
Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC) is a systematic way of developing quality software. It provides an organized plan for breaking down the task of program development into manageable chunks, each of which must be successfully completed before moving on to the next phase.
                 c) Write down the characteristics of a good algorithm.
·         Ams;    The inputs must be specified.
·         The outputs must be specified.
·         Definiteness.
·         Effectiveness.
·         Finiteness.

                 d) Define the term ‘Algorithm’ and ‘Flowchart’.
Ans;          An algorithm is a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task,
                  A flowchart can also be defined as a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm, a step-by-step approach to solving a task.
2.              State True or False.                                                              2
                 a) Text editor, memor dump program and Norton utilities are the examples of utility program. false
                 b) Payroll package and inventory package are the examples of tailored software.true
                 c) A typical 3.5 inch floppy disk holds 1.2 MB of data.false
                 d) John Napier invented Napier’s bone in 1690. true
3.              Write down the full form for the following.                        2
                 a) LSIC= large Scale Integrated circuit)     b) LISP            c) VDU=video display unit      d) SRAM=static random access memory
4.              Match he following.                                                            2
                 APPLE-I                  1971
                 IBM-PC                  1993
                 Intel i486                1976
                 Intel 4004               1981
5.              Write down the single technical term for the following.      2
                 a) An electronic device capable of storing electrical energy.
                 b) An electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum.
                 c) A blinking point of light displayed on the screen to help the user in the input data.                   
                 d) Teh act of entering data and instructions into a computer.
6.              a) Convert the follwing as indicated :                                              2
                        i) (9771)10 into binary                        ii) (745)8 into hexdecimal.
                 b) Perform the following binay calculation :                                    2
                        i) (111111000)2 + (1000111)2 - (1101)2
                        ii) (11101)2 × (110)2 + (1101011)2
Group B: “Operating System” 5 marks
7.              What is cold booting and warm booting ? Name any three DOS system files.                                        
Ans;  cold booting is the way of starting computer where as warm boot is the way of restarting computer.
8.              Write down  the effects of the followig DOS command.     2
                 a. C:]>REN*.DLL*.EXE      b. C:\>DIR A:\PROJECT\*.XLS
9.              Answer the given questions:                                                 2
                 a) How to create a new folder on the desktop ? Write with steps.
Right click the mouse
Click on new
Select folder
Rename the folder
                 b) What do you understand by folder anagement ? Justify your answer.
Ans: the way of organize the folder is called folder arrangement.
Group C : “HTML” 5 marks
10.            Answer the given questions :                                                            3
                 a) What are the most important features of HTML ?
·         ams;     Platform independent language.
·         It is not case sensitive language.
·         Title, Lists, Paragraph, etc.
·         Controls fonts, colors, positioning using CSS( Cascading Style Sheets).
·         We can build tables.

                 b) Write down the two advantages of HEML.
Ans’          easy to code
                 Not case sensitive language.
                 c) What is teh purpose of <SUB> elements in HTML ?
to create subscript of text.ex.hi <sub>hello</sub> gives Hihello
11.            State True or False.                                                              2
                 a) .......... attribute displays a solid black line that has no shading.
                 b) ......<sup>.... element converts text into superscript form.          
                 c) The........<effect>..attribute enables us to set the movement of the marquee as scroll, slide and alternate.
Group D: “Programming” [20 Marks]
12.            a) What do you understand by syntax error and run time error?      1
Ans ;syntax error is an error in the source code of a program
                 Time error is the difference between the time reported by a clock, compared to the time reported by a reference clock at the same instant. It is always relative to a reference, and has no meaning without a reference to compare to.
                 b) Mention ay two features of QBASIC.
Easy to code
Easy to understand.
                 c) What is the function of LOCATE and SWAP statement?
Locatate = to locate values
Swap=to exahnge value
13.            a) Draw a flochart to find out the greatest number among three different numbers.                                                                    2
                 b) Write down the output of the following program:                       2
                        M$=“DHADING BENSI”
                        L = LEN (M$)
                        A = 1
                        B = 5
                        FOR K = 1 TO L STEP 2
                        PRINT TAB b.; MID$(M$, A, L)
                        A = A + 1
                        L = L - 2
                        B = B + 1
                        NEXT K
14.            Read the following program and answer the question given below.  4
                 X = 5
                 FOR I = 1 TO X
                 S + S + I
                 PRINT S
a)                  Rewrite the above program using WHILE........WEND.

                 X = 5
                 While i<=x
                 S = S + I
                 PRINT S

b)                  What will be the output of the above program?
c)                  How many times is the ody of the above program execute ?
d)                  Find the result if the lien S = S + I is chaged to S = S + 1 2.
e)                   30
15.            a) Write a program to input ten numbers and print them in reserve order.
DIM num(10)

FOR i = 1 TO 10
    input num(i)
FOR i = 0 TO 10
    FOR j = i + 1 TO 10
        IF num(i) < num(j) THEN
            temp = num(i)
            num(i) = num(j)
            num(j) = temp
        END IF
    NEXT j

PRINT "reveres is:"
FOR i = 1 TO 10
    PRINT num(i)


                 b) Write a program that lets the user enter ten numbers into an array. The program should display the largest value stored in teh array.
DIM num(10)

FOR i = 1 TO 10
    input num(i)
FOR i = 0 TO 10
        IF big< num(i) THEN
        END If
PRINT "big is:”; big


                 c) Write a program to input the hours worked by five employees who al make the same hourly wage in an array. Then calculate gross pay for five employees. Overtime is paid at Rs. 5 per every hours worked about 40 hours.


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