Sunday 5 April 2020

Pre Test Solution of Computer Science 2076

SEE Preparation Examination-2076
PABSON Examination Board, Kaski
Subject: Optional II (Computer Science)
Marking Scheme
1.      a)         i)          It reduces the network traffic
ii)         Centralizes the network management and security to the server.
[Assign 1+1 for correct or satisfactory answer]
Ø  Cheapest
Ø  Fastest
Ø  Supports pictures, graphics, images
Ø  Single mail can be sent to different mail addresses.
                        [Assign 0.5 for each correct point]
c)         UPS is a power protection device that stores electricity and provides backup power automatically to the computer when required so that data files can be saved.
            Spikeguard is used to prevent computer from sudden high voltage(spikes) because of lightning in rainy season and control such high voltage.
[Assign 2 for correct or satisfactory answer]
i)                   User is passive receiver of contents.
i)                   User can interact.
ii)                 Cannot modify the contents.
Ø  Movies
ii)                 Can modify the content.
Ø  Hypermedia
[Assign 2 for correct or satisfactory differences]
e)         An illegal malicious program that destroys data, software and makes devices not usable.
Ø  Creates bad sector in the disk.
Ø  Damage executable files.
[Assign 2 marks for correct and satisfactory answer]
2.      a)         i)          (235)8= (157)10                                   [Assign 1 marks]
ii)         (BA5)16= (101110100101)2    [Assign 1 marks]
            b)         i)          10010                          [Assign 1 marks]
                        ii)         Quotient = 110            [Assign 0.5 marks]
                                    Remainder = 11          [Assign 0.5 marks]
3.      a)         Power DVD player     - Multimedia software
b)         - website
c)         USENET                     - Internet service
d)         Intranet                       - Offline service
[Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]

4.      a)         iv)        ALL
b)         ii)         Storing files into the smallest number of contiguous regions.
c)         i)          MS-DOS
d)         ii)         WinZip           
[Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]
5.      a)         Server              c)         Animation
b)         ISP                  d)         General purpose application Infector
[Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]
6.      a)         PDF – Portable Document Format
b)         MAC – Media Access Control/ Message Authentication Code
c)         IMEI – International Mobile Equipment Identity
d)         MPEG-Motion Pictures Experts Group
[Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]

7.      a)         i)          Allows storing large volume of data in a small device.
ii)         Allows searching specific data quickly.
[Assign 2 marks for each correct answer]
            b)         Teacher’s name – Text
                        Address – Memo
                        Salary – Currency
                        Date of birth – Date and Time.
                        [Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]
c)         A report is an effective way of presenting final database in a printed format as hard copy.
            – It is created to compare, summarize and subtotal large set of data.
            [Assign 2 marks for correct answer]
8.      a)         True                 c)         True
b)         False                d)         True
[Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]
9.      a)         Currency                     – 8 bytes
b)         YES/NO                     – 1 BIT
c)         OLE                            – 1 GB
d)         Text                             – 255 characters
[Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]
Group- C (Programming)
10.  a)  - Each modules can be tested and debugged independently.
     -Complex programs can be divided into smaller blocks.
[Assign 1 marks for correct answer]

b)     - C is a middle level programming language with close to both high level and low level       language.    
        - It has variety of data types to represent different kind of data.
[Assign 0.5 for each correct answer]

c)   DIM SHARED      - It is a declaration statement which makes the variable global to an entire module of modular programming.
      FILES                   – Used to display a list of files from the specified directory.
Calculated value= 61
[Assign 2 marks for correct output]
12.  Debugged program:
            INPUT “Enter any number”; A
            PRINT CHK$(A)
            FUNCTION CHK$(A)
                        WHILE A>O
                                    R= A   MOD   10
                                    S= S+R^3
                                    A= INT (A/10)
                        IF S=M THEN
                                    CHK$= “Not Armstrong”
           END FUNCTION
[Assign 0.5 for each correction]
13.  a)         The result will be:
Sum = 6
   [Assign 1 for correct answer]
b)         The statement within the WHILE........WEND
            will not be executed if it is changed to WHILE N=O
            [Assign 1 for correct answer]

14.  a)         DECLARE FUNCTION Vowel (a$)
            INPUT “Enter any string”; a$
            PRINT Vowel (a$)
            FUNCTION   Vowel (a$)
            FOR    X=1 TO LEN (a$)
            M$= MID$ (a$,X,1)
            N$= UCASE$ (M$)
            SELECT CASE          N$
            CASE  “A”, “E”, “I”, “O”, “U”
            V= V+1
            END SELECT
Vowel= V
                                    END FUNCTION
                        [Assign 3 marks for correct answer and 1-5 for partially correct answer]
b)         DECLARE SUB CHK (N)
                        INPUT “Enter any number”;N
                        CALL CHK (N)
                        SUB    CHK (N)
                                    WHILE N< >O
                                                 R=N   MOD   10
                                                ULTA= (ULTA*10) + R
                                                N=INT (N/10)
                                    IF ULTA=B THEN
                                                PRINT “Palindrome”
                                                PRINT “Not Palindrome”
                        END SUB

c)         CLS
                                    INPUT “Enter name to search records”;N$
                                    OPEN “SEARCH.INF” FOR INPUT AS #1
                                    WHILE NOT  EOF (1)
                                                INPUT #1, NA$, A, A$, PH
                                                IF N$= NA$   THEN
                                                            PRINT   N$, A, A$, PH
                                                END IF
                                                CLOSE #1
                        [Assign 3 for correct and 1.5 for partially correct answer]
                                                                        The End!!       


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