Tuesday 7 April 2020

SEE Solved Paper 2076

Group 'A'
Computer Fundamental (22 Marks)
1.               Answer the following questions                                       10
                  a) What is a server ? List the basic components of a computer network.
                  Ans: Server is a main computer in a network which Provide resources to the client. Which response request of client. Component of computer network are client, server, media, NIC, Protocols, resources, users.
                  b) What is FTP ? Why is it applied for ?
                  Ans: FTP(File transport protocol) in name of protocol. This protocol is use to transfer files from one computer to another computer in networks.
                  c) How do you introduce a multimedia computer system ? List its major components.
                  Ans: Multimedia is a technology combination of text, audio, video, animation and graphic. And multimedia computer is that computer which can process multimedia. It's major components are CD/DVD drive, graphic card, Powerful processor, RAM, Microphone, Scanner, Monitor etc.
                  d) What do you mean by defragmentation ? How is it different from scandisk ?
                  Ans: Defragmentation is the process of rewriting parts of a file to contiguous sector on a hard disk to increase the speed of access and retrieval. It different from scandisk because scandisk only detect and repair errors on disk it can't concern to increase speed of computer.
                  e) List any four characteristics of computer virus.
                  Ans: Characteristics of computer virus are:
i.                    Delets the files or programs from the system.
ii.                  Decrease the space in the memory.
iii.                Slows down the system performance.
iv.                Increase the size of executable files.
2.               a) Perform the binary operation as indicated.                              2
                        i) 101010 ÷ 101         
                        Ans: 1000 remainder :10
                        ii) 100010 – 10101
                        Ans: 1101
                  b) Convert the value as indicated.                                    2
                        i) (A2F)16 = (?)2
                                                Ans: (101000101111)2
                        ii) (247)8 = (?)16
3.               Write the full forms of the following.                                          2
                  a) STP                   b) ARPANET             c) PDF             d) ISDN
                  Ans: STP=                        Shielded twisted pair Cable
                  ARPANET=         Advanced Research Project Agency Network
                  PDF=                    Portable Digital file
                  ISDN=                  Integrated service digital network
4.               Fill in the blanks.                                                              2
                  a) Bandwidth is the range of frequency which is available for transmission of data through a transmission medium.
                  b) The technology which describes the integration of information existing in different froms such as audio, video, text, graph, image to make the product very attractive and interactive is known as Multimedia
                  c) Telnet is a protocol that enables an internet user to log on to and enter commands on a remote computer linked to the internet.
                  d) The misuse of computer by people either for pleasures or for making profit is termed as Cyber crime

                        a)Bandwith. is the range of frequency which is available for transmission of data through a transmission medium.
                  b) The technology which describes the integration of information existing in different forms such as audio, video, text, graph, image to make the product very attractive and interactive is known as Multimedia.
                  c) Telnet is a protocol that enables an internet user to log on to and enter comands on a remote computer linked to the internet.
                  d) The misuse of computer by people either for pleasures or for making profit is termed as cyber crime.

5.               Give the appropriate techincal terms of the following.                2
                  a) One of the genuine services of the internet which has made people to buy and sell their goods in reliable way.
                  Ans: Online shopping
                  b) A utility which helps people to safeguard their valuable data information placing them in a safe storage media as a copy.
                  Ans: Backup
                  c) The pattern of network formed by the connection of devices on a LAN.
                  Ans: Topology
                  d) A network device which amplifies the weak electronic signal while transmitting through a communication media in network so that the target nodes / machines can read it easily.
                  Ans: Repeater
6.               Choose the correct answer.                                                           2
                  a) A utility that scans a computer's memory and mass storage to identify. Isolate and eliminate threats and viruses.
                        i) scandisk                   ii) defragment
                        iii) antivirus                 iv) disk cleanup
                  Ans: Antivirus
                  b) A computer on a network that actually participation in communication job under the control and management in the main computer.                                 
i) dedicated server                  iii) non-dedicated server
                        ii) workstation                         iv) server
                  Ans:ii) Workstation
                  c) The theoretical concept behind the design of network among computers with the specific method of data transmision to perform.
                        i) topology                              ii) protocol
                        iii) network architecture          iv) wireless network
                        Ans: Network architecture
                  d) A program originality developed to allow users to view documents on the WWW.
                        i) telnet                        ii) website                  
iii) web browser          iv) web page
Ans:  iii) web browser
Group 'B' Database management system. 10
7.               Answer the following questions.                          6
                  a) What is a database ?mention any four different types of data supported by the database of MS-ACCESS.
                  Ans: Text, Auto number, number, OLE object etc data types supported by the database of MS-Access.
                  b) What is query? Mention different types of action queries.
                  Ans: Query is important object of Ms-Access which retrieves information from one or more tables based on a set of search conditions that you set up and then combine that information in a way that is easy for you to analyze. Action query of ms-access are update, append, delete and select query.
                  c) Show any two differences between the object FORM and REPORT of MS-ACCESS database.
Form use for data entry
Report use for present of processed data
It allow only one data entry at a time.
Report present all the record at once.

8.               Choose the correct answer.                                               2
                  a) To duplicate some records from a table into another table with or without the specification of criteria, we perform the query
                        i) update                      ii) append        iii) make table             iv) delete
                  Ans: append
                  b) Which is not a RDBMS ?
                        i) Ms-Excel                 ii) MS-Access             iii) Oracle        iv) Delphi
                  Ans: Ms-Excel
                  c) A field property that specifies what types of data with specific number and types of characters to input as data in a specific field
                        i) format                      ii) validation rule
                        iii) input mask             iv) index
                  Ans: format
                  d) To store a document file prepared by using another application as a data in a table, we need to define the specific field type as
                        i)  memo                      ii) hyperlink                 iii) OLE object
                        iv) Text
                  Ans: hyperlink
9.               Match the following.                                                        2
                  Group 'A'              Group 'B'
                  a) Information                   i) an object of MS-ACCESS databse
                  b) Input mask                    ii) a field type of MS-ACCESS table
                  c) Form                  iii) a field property that enhances data integrity
                  d) Boolean             iv) processed data
                                                v) data collected from field visits
                  Group 'A'              Group 'B'
                  a) Information      iv) Processed Data
                  b) Input mask       ii) a field property that enhances data integrity
                  c) Form                 iii) An object of MS-ACCESS database
                  d) Boolean                        iv) a field type of MS-ACCESS table
Group 'C' Programming. (18)
10.             Answer the following questions.
                  a) What is a parameter ? How is it different from an argument ?                        1
                  Ans: Parameters in the procedural programming are those variables or any valid identifier which receive the value which is sent for processing when a procedure is called from calling module.
                  Parameter are commonly referred to as arguments but both are very different. Parameter is a special kind of variable for which data provider is arguments. Means data of arguments called by parameters.
                  b) What type of language is C ?                                                               1
                  Ans: C is high level programming language but it has also low level language's feature so it is also called middle level language.
                  c) Show the difference between PRINT # and PRINT statement.           1
11.             Debug the given program.                                                2
                  REM to count total number of even values existing among n different
                  number input by a user.
                        DECLARE FUNCTION  evencount (a (), n)
                        FOR CNT = 0 TO n=1
                                    INPUT "Enter the number";a(n)
                        NEXT CNT
                        sotevenno = evencounta())
                        PRINT "Total number of even values existing,";totevenno
                        FUNCTION evencount()
                                    count = 0
                                    FOR CNT = 0 to n-1
                                    IF a (CNT) MOD 2=0 THEN count = count + 1
                        NEXT CNT
                        cont = evencount
                  end funciton
                        DECLARE FUNCTION  evencount (c, n)
                                    INPUT "Enter the number";n
                        c = evencounta(c,n)
                        PRINT "Total number of even values existing,";evencount
                        FUNCTION evencount()
                                    FOR i = 0 to n
                                    IF I MOD 2=0 THEN cn = cn + 1
                        NEXT i
                        C = cn
                  end funciton

12.             Find the output of the following program.                        2
                  DECLARE FUNCTION NUMPRO (A as integer, B as integer)
                        DIM N, M, S as integer
                        DATA 2, 5
                        READ M% N%
                        S = numpro (N%, M%)
                        PRINT "Sum of all the values is.";S
                        FUNCTION NUMPRO (A as integer, B as integer)
                                    S = 0
                                    FOR c = 1 TO A%
                                                PRINT c*b%
                                                s = s + c*B%
                        NEXT c
                                    NUMPRO = s
                        END FUNCTION
                  Answer: 2, 4,6,8,10
                  Sum of all the value is 30
13.             Give the answer of the following program with reference to the program
                  given below.                                                                     2
                  DECLARE SUB SUM (A, B, S)
                  DECLARE FUNCTION ADD (X, Y)
                  m = 5:n = 10
                  A = ADD (10, 20)
                  B = ADD (m, n)
                  CALL SUM (A, B, S)
                  PRINT "SUM=";S
                  SUB SUM (A, B, S)
                        S = a + b
                  END SUB
                  FUNCITON ADD (X, Y)
                        ADD = X + Y
                  END FUNCTION
 Here is not any program related Questions
14.             Write the following programs.
                  a.   To solve a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 on the basis of the coefficient values a, b and c given by a user through a BSIC SUB named quadeqn ().
                  Declare sub quadeqn()
                  Input "enter value of a";a
                  Input "Enter value of c";c
                  Input"Enter value of x";x
                  Input" Enter value of b";b
                  Call quadeqn()
                  Sub quadeqn()
                  Print t
                  End sub
b. To read two words nepathya and Gopal through main modele, passing them to a user -define function named titlecase (). The funciton should concatenate (link) first three characters of the first word with the last two charactes of second word and retun it to the main module converting the concatenate word into Title Cases. The output should be displayed through the main module.                           3
                        [Hints :Titlecase : Honesty is the best policy]
                  Declare Function titlecase(a$,b$)
                  Print x$
                  Function titlecase(a$,b$)
                  titlecase =C$
                  End Function
c.   "Score.dat" is a sequential data file which contains marks scored by students in a test. write a program to count and display all the students who could pass in all the subjects along with the calculation of their total marks. Assume field structure of data stored in the file in REGNO (Registration number), ENGLISH, NEPALI, SCIENCE, COMPULSORY MATHEMATICS.
                        [Hints Pass mark in each subject 32]
                  Open "score.dat" for input as#1
                  While not eof()
                  Input #1,rn,e,n,s,c,m
                  If e>=32 and n>=32 and s>=32 and c>=32 and m>=32 then t=t+1
                  Print rn,e,n,s,c,m
                  Print "total number of passed Students :";t

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MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint