Sunday 12 April 2020

Solved Model Set 9 For Grade 8 (BLE/DLE Solution)

                                       Model Question Set 9
Students are required to answer in their own words as per as practicable.
All questions are compulsory.
Group ‘A’ 
Very short  questions:                                                                   10

1. What is HTML?
Ans: HTML refers to Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a high level language used for creating web pages.
2. What is an IPO cycle?
Ans: IPO cycle refers to Input, Process and Output. It is the principle on which computer works.
3. What do you know about primary memory?
Ans: Primary memory is the fastest memory directly attached to the motherboard. It is expensive than secondary memory and has less storage capacity.
4. What does digital computer mean?
Ans: Digital computer means the computer that works by reading binary digits 0 and 1. It is very fast. It gives accurate result.
5. What is removable storage media?
Ans: Removal storage media refers to the storage device that can be connected to the computer when required. It is also known as portable storage device.
6. Name any two OS used in smart phones.
Ans: Android and Black Berry are the two examples of OS used in smart phones.
(some other examples are Bada[Samsung], MeeGo OS[Nokia & Intel], Symbian[Nokia])

7. What is translator?
Ans: Translator is a program that translates the source code into object code.
8.      How many bytes are in 1GB?
Ans: 125829120 bytes are in 1GB.
9.      Write the full forms of the followings:
a)      KbpS         =Kilo bits per second
b)      MODEM   =MODulator DEModulator
c)      CPU          =Central Processing Unit
d)      URL          =Uniform Resource Locator
Group ‘B’
Short questions:                                          7*4=28
1. What are the uses of multimedia?
Ans: Then uses of multimedia are given below:
i. It can be used to educate mass of the people easily.
ii. It can be used to entertain the people.
iii. It can be used to advertise.
iv. It can be used for medicine.
2.      Write any two advantages and disadvantages of email respectively.
Ans: The advantages or E-mail are given below:
·         Emails are delivered extremely fast when compared to traditional post.
·         Emails can be sent 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
·         Webmail means emails can be sent and received from any computer, anywhere in the world, that has an internet connection.
·         Emails can be sent to one person or several people.
·         Emails do not use paper. They are environment friendly and save a lot of trees from being cut down.
·         Emails can also have pictures in them. You can send birthday cards or newsletters as emails.
 Some disadvantages of E-mail are given below:
·         E-mail may contain viruses.
·         E-mail requires internet to be read and sent.
·         E-mail sender and receiver must have E-mail ID for communication.
·         E-mail can’t be sent offline.
3.      List any four safety measures to protect computer.
Ans: The four safety measures to protect computer are given below:
i. Lock the computer with password.
ii. Install and update the antivirus regularly.
iii. Scan the software or E-mail attachments before installing them.
iv. Do not use pirated or infected disk.
4. Differentiate between single user and multi user OS.
Ans: Differentiate between single and multi-user OS are given below:
Single User
Multi User
i. Only one person can work at a time.
ii. It can be used in standalone systems.
iii. It is expensive.
iv.  Eg. Windows Xp, Windows-7, etc.
i. Many persons can work at a time.
ii. It can be used with server systems.
iii. It is cheap.
iv. Eg.= Server2000, Server2003, etc.

5. Define MS Excel. Explain any three features of spreadsheet package.
Ans: Ms-Excel is a spreadsheet software designed by Mirco-Soft corporation of USA. Its extension is .xls or .xlsx.
The features of spreadsheet package are explained below:
a. Pivot Tables
Pivot Tables summaries large amounts of Excel data from a database that is formatted where the first row contains headings and the other rows contain categories or values. The way the data is summarized is flexible but usually the Pivot Table will contain values summed over some or all of the categories.

b. Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting, as its name suggests, changes the format of a cell dependent on the content of the cell, or a range of cells, or another cell or cells in the workbook. Conditional formatting helps users to quickly focus on important aspects of a spreadsheet or to highlight errors and to identify important patterns in data. Conditional formats can apply basic font and cell formatting such as number format, font colour and other font attributes, cell borders and cell fill colour. In addition, there is a range of graphical conditional formats that helps with visualizing data by using icon sets, colour scales, or data bars.

c. Sorting and Filtering
Excel spreadsheets help us make sense of large amounts of data. To make it easier to find what you need, you can reorder the data or pick out just the data you need, based on parameters you set within Excel. Sorting and filtering your data will save you time and make your spreadsheet more effective. Suppose you have a list of hundreds of records including dates, ages, names, cities, and more. You can quickly organize the data to best suit your needs using Excel’s sort and filter features.

6.      Write the short notes on:
a) Hybrid computer
Hybrid computer has the features of both hybrid and analog computers. It is very important computer for the scientists, doctors and researchers. Most of the hospitals uses hybrid computers to keep the records of heartbeat, pulse rate, etc of the patients. Researchers’ uses it know the activities that are being beyond the earth. They use it for getting information of weather.

b) Computer animation
Computer animation, the branch of computer-generated imagery (CGI) dealing with generating moving digital images, is more in-demand than ever. Special effects are an everyday part of modern entertainment, including television shows, movies, and video games. These media images require the specialized skills of computer animators. This article offers international students an overview of the field of computer animation, as well as the academic and professional options available within the field.

Group ‘C’
Long questions:                                                            2*6=12
a. Write a Qbasic program to find temperature in centigrade.
      b. Explain the functions of the following statements:
PRINT : This is one of the basic statement used in QBASIC. It is used for displaying the result or any thing given in double quote with this function.
LEN : This is the statement of string function. It is used to count the total number of strings present in the given string.
INPUT:  The INPUT command is used to gather input from the user. This section will attempt to teach you how to gather input upon request from the user.
2.      Explain all the electronic computer in chorological order.
Ans: Some of the electronic computers are explained below:
i. Mark-I
The Harvard Mark I was an electromechanical computer developed by Howard Aiken at Harvard University and built by IBM in 1944. The computer was 55 feet long, eight feet high and weighed five tons. It provided vital calculations for the U.S.
ii. ABC
The full form of ABC is Atanasoff Berry Computer. It was developed by J.V. Atanasoff, a professor of physics and mathematics ans his student Clifford Berry at Iowa State University, attempts to build the first computer without gears, cams, belts or shafts.

iii. ENIAC
The full form of ENIAC is Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, the ENIAC was the first electronic computer used for general purposes, such as solving numerical problems. It was invented by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946 to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory.
The full form of EDSAC is Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator Developed by Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge University in England and completed in 1949, it was one of the first stored program computers and one of the first to use binary digits. Its memory was 512 36-bit words of liquid mercury delay lines, and its input and output were provided by paper tape. The EDSAC could do about 700 additions per second and 200 multiplications per second. It was in routine use at the university until 1958.
The Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) was one of the earliest large mainframe computers to be built in the 1940s. It was the first mainframe computer that represented binary systems rather than decimal systems. EDVAC was a binary serial computer with automatic addition, subtraction, multiplication, programmed division and automatic checking with an ultrasonic serial memory capacity of 1,000 34-bit words.

"The End"

MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint