Monday 6 April 2020

Grade Nine Model Set Solution 7

Class Nine [Computer Solution]

Group A : “Computer Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.              Answer the following questions.                                          4×2=8
                 a) What is E-Commerce and E-government ?
ans: E-government (short for electronic government) is the use of technological communications devices, such as computers and the Internet to provide public services to citizens and other persons in a country or region.
                 Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions.
                 b) Mention any four strategies of IT policy of Nepal.
Ans:          1. The government will act as a promoter, facilitator, and regulator
                 2. Carry on research, develop and expand information technology with high priority to participation of the private sector.
                 3. Prepare capable manpower with the involvement of both public and private sector for sustainable development and expansion of information technology.
                 4.Encourage native and foreign investment for the development information technology and infrastructure pertaining to information technology.
                 5. Place Nepal on the global map through information technology.
                 c) What is computer crime ? Define it.
Ans:          The crime that is committed using computer and internet is called computer crime.Ex. Hacking,cracking etc.
                 d) Write down the positive impacts of computer in the society.
Ans;          It facilitates business process and other activities.
                 It makes the work simple and less time consuming.
                 We can store so many information on computer which makes easy to handle the information for business applications.
                 We can perform multitasking and multiprocessing capabilities of data.
2.              Mention True or False.                                                                    2
                 a) IT policy of Nepal was introduced in 2057 BS.true
                 b) BASIC and LISP programming language use interpreters.true
                 c) The secondary memory is a long term memory used to store program and data for the future reference.true
                 d) Terabyte (TB) is a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 MB false
3.              Write down the full form for the following.                        2
                 a) IBM PC/AT=International business machine personal computer/Advanced technology              b) USB=universal serial bus                 c) CAD=computer aided desgin           d) NITDC= Northern Indiana Tourism Development Commission
4.              Choose the correct answer from the given options.              2
                 a) First Integrated circuit was developed by:
                        i) Jack Kilby                ii) Dr. Marcian Edward
                        iii) Pascal                      iv) William Shockley
                 b) Which of the following is volatile memory.
                        i) Hard Disk                ii) Floppy Disk             iii) Ram
                        iv) ROM
                 c) The binary number 1100 1001 has ........ bytes.
                        i) One              ii) Two            iii) Three          iv) Four
                 d) A port used to support high-speed graphics and other video input. 2
                        i) Serial port     ii) Parallel port     iii) AGP       iv) ARP
5.              Write down the single technical term for the followings:     2
                 a) A long narrow socket on the motherboard into which we can plug an expansion card.CIS Flashcard
                 b) A computer program that allows other programs to interact with computer hardware. Operating system
                 c) The combination of multiple media such as text, image, video, animation and audio.multimedia
                 d) The main information processor in a digital computer capable of executing a program.
6.              a) Convert the following as indicated:                                              2
                        i) (FAB)16 into Octal              ii) (445)8 into hexadecimal
                 b) Perform the following binary calculation.                                    2
                        i) (101100)2 × (11001)2 + (111111)2
                        ii) (1010101)2 + (110101)2 - (1010)2
Group B: “Operating System” 5 marks
7.              What are root directory and current directory.         1
Ans:          the root directory is the first or top-most directory in a hierarchy.
                 The current directory is the directory in which a user is working at a given time.
8.              Write the functions carried out by the following MS-DOS commands:2
                 a) C:\>DISKCOMP A:A:    b) C:’>MYDOCS>VOL D:
9.              Answer the given questions:                                                 2
                 a) What is a dialog box ? What is the function of My document folder?
Ans:          The dialog box is a graphical control element in the form of a small window that communicates information to the user and prompts them for a response
                 My Documents and Documents are Microsoft Windows folders that store computer documents and other files associated with programs on your computer.
                 b) How to restore deleted files from teh recycle bin ? Write with steps.
Ans;          STEP 1; GO TO RECYCLE BIN
                 STEP 3; RIGHT CLICK MOUSE
                 STEP 4; CLICK RESTORE
Group C : “HTML” 5 marks
10.            Answer the given questions :                                                            3
                 a) What is the differences between linked graphics and inline graphics ?
ans:           Inline graphics on the Web are actually HTML pages with links to graphics files stored on the Web server. The browser displays the text and images as if they were physically on the same page.
                 Linked artwork is connected to, but remains independent of, the document, resulting in a smaller document. 
                 b) Which tag of the table element used to specify the table heading ?
ans:       <th> tag of the table element used to specify the table heading
                 c) What are then essential document structure elements ?
11.            State True or False.                                                              2
                 a) HTML allows linking to other HTML documents as well as images.true
                 b) HTML is a high level programming language.false
                 c) Internet Explorer is an example of web browser.true
                 d) <P> tag used to draw a horizontal line across the page.false
Group D: “Programming” [20 Marks]
12.            a) What is branching and looping ?
Ans:          branching is the way of controlling the flow of program.
                 Looping is the repetition of statement until condition is satisfied.
                 b) What is statement and keyword ?
ans:           statement is a syntactic unit of an imperative programming language that expresses some action to be carried out.
                 Keywords are reversed words whose function are already defined in programming.
                 c) What is use of SELECT CAE statement?
Ans:Select Case statement allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values. 
13.            a) Draw a flowchart to input an integer and find whether it is an even or an odd.                                                                       2
                 b) Re-write the following program using DO.......LOOP statement.  2
                        FOR K = 1 TO 5
                        PRINT M;
                        NEXT M
                        NEXT K
                        PRINT M;
                        NEXT M
                        Until k<=5

14.            a) Write down the output of the following program:
                 FOR I = 1 TO 3
                 LET J = 1
                 WHILE J < = 4
                 LET B = I * J
                 PRINT B;
                 LET J = J + 1
                 NEXT I
1 2 3 4
2 4 6 8
3 6 9 12
                 b) Debug the following program.
                 INPUT “Enter a word”. W$
                 L = LEN (W$)
                 FOR P = L to 1 STEP -1
                 R$ = RIGTH$(W$, P)
                 M$ = M$ + R$
                 NEXT P
                 IF W$=M$ THEN
                 PRINT “It is Palindrome”
                 PRINT “It is not Palindrome”
                 END IF
                 INPUT “Enter a word”, W$
                 L = LEN (W$)
                 FOR P = L to 1 STEP -1
                 R$ = mid$(w$,P,1)
                 M$ = M$ + R$
                 NEXT P
                 IF W$=M$ THEN
                 PRINT “It is Palindrome”
                 PRINT “It is not Palindrome”
                 END IF

15.            a) Write a program to find the HCF of any two given numbers.
Ans:          CLS
INPUT "enter any two numbers:", A, B
C = A
D = B
A = B
B = T
                 b) Write a program using DEEF FN statement to calculate simple interest for a given principle, time rate of interest.
                 c) Write a program to find the greatest number from given data by using DIM method.
Ans:          CLS
INPUT "entehr length of aray"; x
DIM num(x)
FOR i = 1 TO 5
    INPUT "enter number"; num(i)
num(0) = grt
FOR j = 1 TO 5
    IF num(j) > grt THEN
        grt = num(j)
    END IF
PRINT "ggrt num is"; grt


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