Tuesday 10 March 2020

Set 9 Solution Grade Nine

Model Question Set 9
Group A :
“Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                             5×2=10
                  a) List the main component used in each geenraiton of computer.
                  The main components used in each generation of computer are:
i)        First generation computers - Vacuum tubes
ii)      Second generation computers - Transistors
iii)   Third generation computers - IC chips
iv)    Fourth generation computers - Microprocessors
v)      Fifth generation computers - Bio chips

                  b) Mention the features of the second generation computers.
                  The features of second generation of computers are:
i)        They used transistors as main electronic component.
ii)      They had more storage capacity.

                  c) Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory.
                  The differences between primary and secondary memory are:
Primary Memory
Secondary Memory
1. It is a semiconductor memory.
1. It is magnetic and optical memory.
2. It is high speed and expensive.
2. It is low speed and cheaper.
3. It has less storage capacity.
3. It has high storage capacity.

                  d) Define intput and output devices with suitable examples.
                  Input device is the device that allows a user to enter a data and instruction into the computer. Examples are mouse, keyboard, joystick, etc.
                  Output device is a physical part of computer that displays the data or information either in visual or audio format. Examples are monitor, printer, plotter, etc.

                  e) What are the limitations of computer ?
                  The limitations of computer are:
i)        Computers cannot take decisions on its own.
ii)      Computers are unable to correct wrong intructions.
iii)   Computers have no feelings.

2.               a) Convert the following number.                          2
                        i) (178)10 into Octal                 ii) (1045)8 into Binary
                  b) Perform binary operation.                                              2
                        i) 11011001 + 101010             ii) 11011 × 110
3.               Match the following pairs:                                     2
                  a)64 KB                             b)Soft copy output
                  b)Monitor              c)A-D, 1620
                  c)Slide Rule                        a)65, 535  Bytes
                  d)BIT                                bmp
                                                            d)Binary Digit
4.               Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                2
                  a) IC was patented by Jack Kilby in 1958 A.D.
                  b) First electronic computer was ..............
                  c) CU is the componet of processing unit.
                  d) Word processing software is a packaged software.

5.               Give the appropriate technical term:                                  2
                  a) Any type of mistake caused by missing comma, mismatching semicolon, etc.
                  - Grammatical mistake/error
                  b) A device which uses thermal conductivity, electrostatic, laswer beam for producing text or images.
                  - Laser printer
                  c) Removing the bug.
                  - Debugging
                  d) A specific software.
                  - Application software
6.               Give the full form:                                                 2
                  i) CPU - Central Processing Unit             
                  ii) MDA     - Monochrome Display Adapter
                  iii) ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator      
                  d) LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) What is the purpose of Recycle Bin ?                                         1
                  The purpose of recycle bin is to store the items that we delete from the windows.

                  b) What is a system message ?                                                        1
                  c) List examples of any four Os.                                         1
                  Any 4 examples of os are:
i)        Windows XP
ii)      Windows Vista
iii)   LINUX
iv)    UNIX

                  d) Write down the funcitons carried out by the following DOS commands:
                        i) C:\MYDOCS>VOL D:
                        ii) C:\>DIR A: \BACKUP\*.BAS
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               a) List the name of any four comercial websites name.                   1
                  Any 4 commercial websites are:
i)        Amazon.com
ii)      eBay.com
iii)   Hamrobazaar.com
iv)    Daraz.com

                  b) What are comments ? How can you add comments to yor HTML code ?                                                                           1
                  Comments are the programmer-readable explanations or notations in the source code of a computer program.
                  We can add comments to our HTML code by usind comment tags.

                  c) Write down the use of followign HTML tags with an example:  3
                        i) <BR> -          It is used for inserting a line break.      
                        ii) <OL> - It is used to list the items in various sequential format.      
                        iii) <IMG> - It is used to display an image inside our web page.
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                                         2
                  a) Differentiate between LEFT$ and RIGHT$ functions.  1
                  The difference between LEFT$ and RIGHT$ are:
1. It returns specified number of character(s) from the left side of supplied string and returns the value.
1. It returns specified number of character(s) from the right side of supplied string and returns the value.

                  b) Differentiate between SUB procedure ad FUNCTION procedure.                                                                                                 1
                  c) Write down the use of followign statements.                              1
                        i) INPUT - It is used for accepting the value from the user in a                                         variable through the keyboard during the program                                          execution.              
                        ii) PRINT - It is used to display output on the screen in the                                        desired alignment with some spacing in limited way.
10.             Draw a flowchart to display 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, .............., 100 2
11.             a) Write down the output of the following program                      2
                  LET A = 30
                  LET B = 40
                  LET D = AREA (A,  B)
                  PRINT D
                  FUNCITON AREA (A, B)
                  PRINT A, B
                  AREA = A*B
                  END FUNCTION
                  b) Re-write the given programming correcting the bugs :   2
                  DECLARE SUB Series ()
                  EXECUTE Series
                  SUB Series ()
                  REM program to generate 3, 6, 9, 12 ............ up to 20th terms.
                  FOR ctr=10 TO 1
                  DISPLAY A:
                  NEXT ctr
                  END series ()
12.             Read the following program and answer the following questions.   4
                        PRINT “Input any number*;
                        INPUT N$
                        R$ = “ “
                        FOR X = L TO 1 STEP -1
                        R$ = R$ + MID $(N$, X, 1)
                        NEXT X
                        PRINT “The reverse order is”; R$
                  a) Mention the function of LEN, MID function.
                  LEN - It is used to return the number of characters in a string.
                  MID$ - It is used to return the specified number of characters from                                  the specified location of a string.

                  b) In this program, the value of N$ is used as a number of string. List it.
13.             a) Write a program in QBASIC to find the area of four wals of a room. [Hint A = 2h(l + b)]                                                  2
                  INPUT "Enter length"; L
                  INPUT "Enter breadth"; B
                  INPUT "Enter height"; H
                  A = 2 * H * (L + B)
                  PRINT "Area of 4 walls = "; A

                  b) Write a program that asks your name and displays its reverse. 3
                  INPUT "Enter your name"; A$
                  FOR I = LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP -1
                  B$ = MID$ (A$, I, 1)
                  C$ = C$ + B$
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Reverse name is"; C$

                  c) Wrie a progra to display the first 100 natural numbers.    3
                  FOR I = 1 TO 100
                  PRINT I
                  NEXT I

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