Tuesday 10 March 2020

MODEL SET 25 (Class Nine)

Group A : “Computer Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.              Answer the following questions.                              2×5=10
                 a) List any four features of fourth generation of computer.
a.       Microprocessor was used as main components.
b.      They are more versatile and diligence.
c.       Processing speed is measured in picosecond.
d.      They were programmed in high level  language.

                 The four feature of fourth generation
                 b) What is cache memory ? Write it function.        
                 The fast memory that is built into A cpu is called cache memory.it stores data & instructions which are repeatedly required to run program in order to improve overall speed of computer.
                 c) What is software ? List any two package software.
                 the collection of program is called software.
Two package software are: General Purpose and Tailored software.
                 d) How do comuter affect yunger generation ?
                 Describe  in your way.
                 e) What is E-Government ?
                 The government that implement ICT to delivery services to citizen is called E-goevrement.
2.              a) Perfrom the following binary calculations.                       2
                        i) 111001 + 11001 - 10110                  i) 100011 ÷ 101
                 b) Convert the following number system as indicated.         2
                        i) (1101101)2 = (?)16                 ii) (251)8 = (?)10
3.              State true or false.                                                    2
                 a) Input is the derivation of the final result as meaningful information for the user.-FALSE
                 ii) All digital computers are special purpose computers.- FALSE
                 iii) Computer technology helps to boots up the life style of people.- TRUE
                 iv) E-Shopping allows us to make deposits, withdrawals and pay bills all with the click of a mouse.-FALSE
4.              Write the technical terms of the following statements.         2
                 a) Collection of 1024 MB.- 1GB
                 b) A pointing device which is just like an upside down mouse.- TOUCH PAD
                 c) A kind of system software designed to help anlyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer.-ULITIY SOFTWARE
                 d) A computer that features the best characteristics of analog and digital computer.- HYBRID COMPUTER
5.              Write the full forms:                                                            2
                 a) CBT-COMPUTER BASED TRAINING                      b) GIGO- GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT        c) USB-UNVIERSAL SERIAL BUS               d) GHz-GIGA HERTZ
6.              Choose the appropriate option :                              2
                 a) The government of Nepal introduced the IT policy in .........
                        i) 2055 B.S.                 ii) 2056 B.S.                iii) 2057 B.S.
                        iv) None of the above
                 b) A ................. printer is a popular type of personal comuter prnter that uses a non-impact photocopier technology.
                        i) Dot matrix                ii) Laser           iii) Drum
                        iv) Ink jet
                 c) The speed of the CPU is measured in .................
                         i) Megaheartz              ii) bits              iii) Microsecond
                        iv) All of the above
                 d) ................ is a type of education in which the student learns by executing special training program on a computer.
                        i) CAD                         ii) CBT           iii) CAM
                        iv) All of the above
Group B [Operating System-5 marks]
7.              a) What is desktop ?
                 The first screen that appears after opening the computer is called desktop.
                 b) Write the funciton of following DOS commands :                     2
                        i) C:\>CoPY    C:\CAFE/*.TXT   D:\
                        - copy all file inside Café directory of C drive with .txt file extension to D drive.
                        ii) C:\>DEL    CHINA.TXT
                        - Delete the china.txt file
                 c) Write down MS-DOS commands to do following tasks: 2
                        i) To display the contents of drive C:
                        C:\> Dir
                        ii) To display the content of SCHOOL.TXT file of SCHOOL                            directory of drive C:.
                        C:\>Type School.txt
Group C [HTML-5 mark]
8.              Answer the given questions.                                     3
                 i) Write down the parts of tag ?
                 There are three parts in each tags as :
                 Left angle bracket (<)
                 Tag name
                 Right Angel Brackets (>)
                 ii) List any two popular web browswers.
                        Firebox, Opera
i)                    Write down the function of <CENTER> and <TABLE> tag?
        <center> is used to make center align.
        <table> is used to create table/
9.              Select the best alternatives for the following.                       2
                 a) A tag used to define row of a table is ...........
                        i) <TD>           ii) <TR>          iii) <TH>
                        iv) None of the above
                 b) To insert a hyperlink in an HTML document, you use .......... tag.
                        i) <Anchor> tag            ii) <A> tag       iii) <LINK> tag
                        iv) All of the above
                 c) The <HN> tag allows you to set different levels of heading from ....
                        i) 1 to 6                       ii) 1 to 5           iii) 1 to 7
                        iv) 1 to 4
                 d) The BEHAVIOR attribute of <MARQUEE> tag accepts......... value.                i) Alternate               ii) Down          iii) Up      iv) Left
Group D [Programming- 18-mark]
10.            Answer the questions in short in short.                                3
                 a) What is modular programming ?
                 ans: The way of breaking program into sub module is called modular programing.
                 b) List numeric variables along with their type declaration symbols.
                 Integer: $
                 Long Integer: &
                 Single Precision: !
                 Double Precision: #

                 c) Write down the function of ASC function and READ....DATA statement.
                 ASC= used to get ascii value of string.
                 Read…data: used to read data and assigns value
11.            a) Write down the output of the following program.           2
                        DO WHILE N<>0
                        PRINT B
                 b) Rewrite the following program correcting the bugs.        2
                 REM display result of two students as pass of failed.
                 REM Assume pass mark for each subject is 40.
                 DATA “Sohan”, 40,  65,  78
                 DATA Gita, 31,  89,  95
                 FOR N = 1 TO 4
                                IF COMPUTER > 40 AND MATH > 40 AND SCIENCE > 40 THEN
                        RESULT T$ = “PASS”
                        ELSE IF
                        RESULT$ = “FAILED”         
                        PRINT “STUDENT NAME:”; NAAM$
                        PRINT “RESULT:”; RESULT$
                        NEXT P                     
                 DATA “Sohan”, 40,  65,  78
                 DATA “Gita”, 31,  89,  95
                 FOR N = 1 TO 4
                    READ NAAM$, COMPUTER, MATH, SCIENCE
                                IF COMPUTER > 40 AND MATH > 40 AND SCIENCE > 40 THEN
                        RESULT$ = “PASS”
                        RESULT$ = “FAILED”         
                        END IF
                        PRINT “STUDENT NAME:”; NAAM$
                        PRINT “RESULT:”; RESULT$
                        NEXT N                    

12.            Read the following program and answer the questions.        2
                 INPUT “Enter two integer number:”; A, B
                 FOR P = a TO 1 STEP - 1
                 R1 = A MOD P
                 IF R1 = 0 AND R2 = 0 THEN
                        H = P
                        EXIT FOR
                        END IF
                        NEXT P
                        PRINT H
a)       What is the use of EXIT FOR statement in the program?
b)      What will be the outut of the program if A = 4 and B = 8 ?
13.            a) A person has deposited Rs. 45,000 in Rastriya Banijya Bank for 5 years. Write a program to calculated and display simple interest if the interest rate is 12.5%
                 PRINT “SIMPLE INTEREST IS”;SI
c)       Write a program to generate the numric series as : 2, 8, 18, 32.......... up to 10th terms.
FOR i = 1 TO 10
    PRINT i ^ 2 * 2;
d)      Write a program that accepts a word and counts vowels and consonants in it. The program displays number of vowels and number of consonants.

INPUT "Enter the string "; S$
    S$ = LCASE$(S$)
    FOR i = 1 TO LEN(S$)
        v$ = MID$(S$, i, 1)
        IF v$ = "a" OR v$ = "e" OR v$ = "i" OR v$ = "o" OR v$ = "u" THEN
            vl = vl + 1
        ELSE IF v$ = "a" OR v$ = "e" OR v$ = "i" OR v$ = "o" OR v$ = "u" THEN
    NEXT i
PRINT " the number of vowel is  ", vol
PRINT " the number of CONSTANT is  ", C


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