Tuesday 10 March 2020

St 7 Solution Grade Nine

                                                     Model Question Set 7
Group A :
“Fundamentals” [22 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                             5×2=10
                  a) What is computer ? Write any tow characteristics of computer.
                  Computer is an electronic device that processes the input data according to the given set of intructions to give meaningful output.

                  b) Defien the term memory. List the types of memory in tree structure.
                  Memory is the part of computer system that stores data and information for fraction of a second or permanently.

                  c) List any four features of super computer.
                  Any 4 features of super computer are:
1.      They are the largest and most expensive digital computers.
2.      They have a large memory capacity.
3.      They have very high processing speeds.
4.      They are mostly used in forecasting weather, biomedical research, etc.

                  d) Mention any four advantages of internet.
                  Any 4 advantages of Internet are:
1.      It allows the people to communicate with each other in real time.
2.      It has made buying and selling of goods more easier and faster.
3.      It allows the user to use resources of a far distance computer.
4.      It provides a variety of information on different subject matters.

                  e) Write the name of any four antivirus software.
                  Any 4 anti-virus software are:
1.      Norton Anti-virus
2.      Kaspersky
3.      NOD 32
4.      Panda
2.               a) Convert as instructed:                                         2
                        i) (76)8=(?)16                 ii) (65)10=(?)2
                  b) Perform binary operation.                                              2
                        i) 1111 + 1110 - 1011              ii) Divide 11010110 by 111
3.               Match the following pairs:                                     2
                  a)Digital Camera                            b)Antivirus software
                  b)Kaspersky                                                a)Input device
                  c)Dot Matrix printer                                  d)Storage media
                  d)Compact disk                                         c)Output device
                                                                                    Online media
4.               State true or false.                                                   2
                  a) Cyber law is the law which used to stop computer crime. True
                  b) CD has more storage capacity than DVD. False
                  c) Tailored package is a software used for general purpose.
                  d) Digital computer usnderstands only two digits, i, e, 0 and 1. True
5.               Give the appropriate technical term:                                  2
                  a) The program stored in th form of ROM is called.
                  b) A type of memory that sotres data, programs softwares, etc permanently even if the disk crashes.
                  - Secondary memory
                  c) A computer which has lower storage capacity, funcitons and used by geenral people.
                  d) A device used to transfer files from one computer to another.
                  - USB
6.               Give the full form:                                                 2
                  i) ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange 
                  ii) KBPS    -
                  iii) VSAT   -
                  iv) ICT - Information and Commnications Technology
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) What is meant by file ?                                       1
                  A file is a collection of related data stored on a disk.

                  b) What does “C:\dir/w” mean ?                            1
                  c) Mention any four features of windows.              1
                  Any 4 features of Windows are:
1.      It is GUI based operating syatem.
2.      It supports a long file name.
3.      It supports communication through the Internet.
4.      It helps to run multiple programs at a time.

                  d) Fill in the blanks:                                                           2
                        i) Delete command is used to delete files.
                        ii) ............. command is automatically loaded when computer                             is started.
                        iii) ............. operating system occupies more memory in the                     computer.
                        iv) .............. is used to open the program.
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               a) What will happen if we do not close the paired tag ?                  1
                  If we do not close the paired tag either the effect will not be activated or the effect will not be off.

                  b) <FONT SIZE = 4> ..................</FONT>                                1
                  Name the tag, attribute and value fro the given above tag.
                  Tag - <FONT>
                  Attribute - SIZE
                  Value - 4
                  c) In how many ways hyperlink can be created?
                  Hyperlinks can be created in two ways.

                  d) State either True or False.
                        i) HTML is a text file.
                        ii) Paired tag must have end tag. True
                        iii) <BG SOUND> tag is used for background music. True
                        iv) htm is an extension of HTML. False
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                                         2
                  a) What is an array ?
                  An array is a set of similar data elements, which are stored in consecutive memory locations under a common variable name.

                  b) Write down the syntax of the following statements.
                        i) DIM - DIM variable (subscripts) [as type]               
                        ii) MID$ - MID$ [string expression, start position, length]

10.             Draw a flow chart to display the even numbers from 2 to 100.      2
11.             a) Write the output of the following program.                               2
                        DATA Laxmi, Roshni, Roman, Samar
                        NEXT A
                        FOR  A = 1 TO 5
                                    READ N $
                                    C$=C$ + MID$(N$, A, 1)
                        NEXT A
                        PRINT “Result=*;C$
                  b) Debug the following program.                           2
                        REM to display the reverse of the number.
                        INPUT “Enter any number”;N$
                        DO WHILE N$<> 0
                                    B=10 MOD N$
                                    R = B * 10 + R
                                    N$ = N$/!)
                        PRINT “Reverse numberis”;R
                  - Debugged program
                  REM to display the reverse of the number.
                        INPUT “Enter any number”;N$
                        S = 0
                        WHILE N <> 0
                                    B = N MOD 10
                                    R = R * 10 + B
                                    N = N\10
                        PRINT “Reverse number is”;R

12.             Read the followign program and answer the quesitons.                  2
                  OPTION BASE 1
                  DIM (5) AS INTEGER
                  FOR P = 1 TO 5
                      READ N (P)
                     IF N(P) MOD 3 = 0 AND N(P) MOD 4 = 0 THEN S = S + N(P)
                  NEXT P
                  DATA 12, 30, 60, 50, 24
                  PRME “Result=”;S
                  a) What is the output of the above rogram ?                                  2
                  b) List the variables used in the program.                           3
13.             a) To accept length and breadth of a rectangle and display its area and perimeter.                                                                    2
                  INPUT "Enter length"; l
                  INPUT "Enter breadth"; b
                  A = l * b
                  P = 2 * (l + b)
                  PRINT "Area of rectangle="; A
                  PRINT "Perimeter of rectangle="; P

                  b) To accept any ten numbers from a user and display the sum of odd number among them using an Arrary.                                3
                  DIM N(10)
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  INPUT "Enter the numbers"; N(I)
                  IF N(I) MOD 2 = 1 THEN S = S + N(I)
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Sum of odd numbers is"; S

                  c) To accept a number from a user and display its factorial.           3
                  INPUT "Enter any number"; N
                  F = 1
                  FOR I = 1 TO N
                  F = F * I
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Factorial="; F


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