Tuesday 10 March 2020

Set 3 Solution Grade Nine

Model question Set 3
Group A
Computer Fundamental [22 Marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                          5×2=10

                  a) Why is memory needed in computer system ? Explain.
    Ans: Memory is needed in computer system because it is used to store data and information either temporarily or permanently.

                  b) What is a modern ? Where it is mostly used ?
    Ans: A device used for transmitting digital signal to analog signal and vice- versa is called MODEM. It is mostly used in Internet.

                  c) What is a complier ? List its two features.
    Ans: Compiler is a type of language translator that translates program written in high level language into machine language in a single operation.
                  Its two features are:
                                    i.            The translating process is incredibly faster.
                                  ii.            It displays the errors after compiling the complete program.
                  d) Define the term micro computer with its application area.
    Ans: Micro computer is the digital computer that works with microprocessor.
                  Its application areas are:
                                i.            Homes
                              ii.            Schools
                            iii.            Offices

                  e) Mention any two features of second geenration fo computer.
    Ans: Any two features are:
                                i.            They used transistors as the main electronic component.
                              ii.            They had more storage capacity.

2.               a) Convert the following umbers.                         2
                        i) (4A5)16 = (?)8         ii( (6507)8 = (?)10
                        b) Perform the binary calculation.                  2
                        i) 110 ÷ 10 + 1011                  ii) (1010)2 × (101)2
3.               Match the following pairs:                                                2
                  a)CRT                               b)Volatile
                  b)RAM                              a)Output
                  c)BASIC                           d)C
                  d)HLL                               c)Multipurpose Language
4.               Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                 2
                  a) Magnetic tape is the most commonly used sequential seondary storage medium.
                  b) The example of had copy output is printer.
                  c) ROM is a type of non-volatile memory.
                  d) Bio-chips will be used in fifth generation of computer.
5.               Give the appropriate technical terms to the following. 2
                  a) A software used for displaying markup language.
                  - Web Browser
                  b) Machine understandable language.
                  - Low Level Language
                  c) A device used for transmitting digital signal to analog and vice- versa.
                  - MODEM
                  d) A sensitive pen used as pointing device.
                  - Light Pen

6.               Write the full forms of the following:                  2
                  a) VDU     - Visual Display Unit
                  b) LED      - Light Emitting Diode
                  c) DRAM  - Dynamic Random Access Memory
                  d) MHz - Mega Hertz

Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               Answer the following questions.                          2
                  a) What is an active desktop ?
Active Desktop is a feature of Windows that began in Windows 98 that allows the user to store Web content on the desktop.
     Ans: The visible area on the screen, which users get immediately after operating system is loaded is called active desktop.

                  b) Give the meaning of click and double click.
    Ans: Click refers to the action of pressing down the left mouse button and releasing it.
                  Double click refers to the action placing the mouse pointer over a particular icon or item and pressing the left mouse button twice rapidly.

                  c) Write down the commands to accomplish the following tasks.                       i) To copy the file CONFIG.SYS from Drive C: to tEMP
                            directory of A: drive
                        ii) To remove the directory PROGRAMS of A: drive without                           emptying it.
                        iii) To display all the files and fodler page-wise.
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               Answer the following questions.                          3
                  a) Name the tag with attributes used for adding background image in HTML document.
     Ans: The tag used is:
                  <body background = "file name">.......</body>

                  b) What is hyperlink ? Explain with example.
     Ans: The process of linking one HTML document to other documents for communication is called hyperlink.
                  E.g. :
                  <A HREF = "URL" > Describing text for link </A>

                  c) What do you know about URL ? Explain.
     Ans: URL is an address that identifies the location of a web page on the Internet.

                  d) State true or false.
                        a) The <BGSOUND> tag can be used only in internet explorer. True
                        b) HTML allows us to create different kinds of lists. True
                        c) HTML is a markup language. True
                        d) Every row of a table is defined by <TD> tag. False
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                          2
                  a) What is a constant ? List the different types of constant.
     Ans: A constant is the value that do not change during the execution of the program.
                  The different types of constant are:
                                            i.            Numeric constant
                                          ii.            String constant

                  b) What is logical operator ? Explain.
     Ans: Logical operator is the symbol that perform on the results of the combinations of two or more relational expression and return a single value. E.g. AND, OR & NOT.
10.             Draw a flowchart to read name, class and marks for five different subjects. Find the average. If the average is greater or equal to 40. Print “PASS”, else Print “FAIL”.

11.             a) Write the output of the following program:                  2
                        FOR I = 1 TO 8 step 2
                        PRINT MID$(A$, I, 1)
                        NEXT I
                  Output:     L

b) Debug the following program :                              2
                        REM to display 1st ten natural number
                        FOR I = 3 TO 10 step 2
                        S = S + A
                        PRINT SUM
                        NEXT I
                  - CLS
                        REM   to display 1st ten natural number
                        FOR I = 1 TO 10
                        PRINT I
                        NEXT I
12.             Read the following program and answer the following questions. 2
                        READ   U, V, W, X, Y, Z
                        PRINT  U, V, W
                        READ  A, B, C, D, E, F
                        PRINT  D, E, F
                        DATA  10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
a)      What is the use of restore statement in the program?
Ans: Once the data element is read, it cannot be read again until the program resets it. The restore statement is used to reset the data in the program.
b)      What will happen if the data are insufficient?
Ans: It displays error message “out of data”.

13.             a) Write a program to enter elements of any two matrices and final sum of them.                           3

                  DIM a(2, 2), b(2, 2), s(2, 2)
FOR i = 1 TO 2
    FOR j = 1 TO 2
        INPUT "enter element for first matrix"; a(i, j)
    NEXT j
FOR i = 1 TO 2
    FOR j = 1 TO 2
        INPUT "enter element for second matrix"; b(i, j)
    NEXT j
PRINT "sum of two matrices=";
FOR i = 1 TO 2
    FOR j = 1 TO 2
        s(i, j) = a(i, j) + b(i, j)
        PRINT s(i, j);
    NEXT j

                  b) Write a program to convert IC (Indian Currency) into NC (Nepali Currency) and vice-versa.      2
                  INPUT "Enter Indian Currency"; IC
                  NC = IC / 1.6
                  PRINT "Nepalese Currency="; NC
                  INPUT "Enter Nepalese Currency"; N
                  I = N * 1.6
                  PRINT "Indian Currency="; I

                  c) Write a program for 5 students :                       3
                        i) Input name of student & marks obtained out of 100 in 4 subjects &
                        ii) Print student name & percentage.

DIM n$(5), m(5, 4)
FOR i = 1 TO 5
    INPUT "enter name"; n$(i)
    s = 0
    FOR j = 1 TO 4
        INPUT "enter marks in 4 subject"; m(i, j)
        s = s + m(i, j)
    NEXT j
PRINT "Name", "Percentage"
FOR i = 1 TO 5
    PRINT n$(i),
    PRINT s / 4,

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