Friday 13 March 2020

Solution of Computer Nine [JOINT EXAMINATION COMMITTEE (2074)]

Group “A” (Computer Fundamental)
1.       Answer the following questions:
a.       Write down the names of switching device of all generation of computer.
Ans: The switching devices of all generation are as follows
Vaccume tube (First Generation)
Transistor (Second Generation)
Integrated Circuit Third Generation)
Micro processor (Fourth Generation)
Biochip (Fifth Generation)

b.       List any two advantages of hard disk over floppy disk.
Ans: 1. Hard disk storage capacity is high than floppy disk.
         2. Hard disk is more relaibale than floppy disk.
c.       Differentiate between impact and non-impact printer.
Ans: 1. Impact printers are noisy printers but non impact printers are not noisy.
2. Impact printer's print quality is poor than non impact printers.
d.       What is CPU? What are the sections of CPU?
Ans: The Central Processing Unit is the main part of the computer where all the types of calculatins processing is performed. It controls the all the activties of the computer that's why it called the brain of the computer.
There are three sections of CPU
1. CU  (Control Unit)
2. ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit)
3. MU (Memory Unit)
a.       Convert the following as directed:
a)       (45)10 into Binary                      b) (101101)2 into Decimal
b.       Perform the following binary calculations:
a)       Divide (1010101) by (110)        b) 101010- 11011
3.       Write full forms of the following:
GPS-Global Positining System
CBT-Computer Based Teachig
NITC-National Information Technology Center
4.       State True / False for the following:
a)       A device that converts analog signal to digital and vice versa.-MODEM
b)      The area of ICT is limited to our society.T
c)       Computer technology is used for information processing.T
d)      Computer processes Binary language.T
5.       Write the technical terms for the following:
a)       Program that reads a statement of the source program and translates into machine codes. Translator
b)      The set of instructions.Program
c)       Codes before the compilation of a program.Source program
d)      Networks of networks.Internet
Group B
(OS + HTML – 12Marks)
6.       Answer these questions:
a)       Define Multi User OS. Give any two examples.
Ans: Multiuser Operating system is the operating system where two or more than two user can use the operating system simultenously. eg. UNIX, Windows NT
b)      What is GUI?
Ans: The Graphical User Interface is the environment where picture , icons and images, menus, buttons are used which make more user friendly to operate the computer.
c)       What is Website? Name some popular websites.
Ans A website is a collection of web pages. Popular websites are
7.       Write the attribute for the following tags:
a.       <marquee>
This tag is used to give the movement effect to the text in html
b.       <p>
This tag is used to create a paragraph in html

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