Tuesday 10 March 2020

Set 5 Solution Grade Nine

Model Question Set 5
Group A :
“Fundamentals” [22 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                             5×2=10
                  a) What are the disadvantages of computer ?
                  The disadvantages of computer are:
1.      It has increased unemployment.
2.      It upgrades frequently.

                  b) Differntiate between analog and digital computer.
                  The differences between analog and digital computer are:
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
1. It is a special purpose computer that works on continuous signals.
1. It is the most popular general purpose computer that works on digital data.
2. E.g. are: Speedometer, Thermometer, etc.
2. E.g. are: CRAY-XMP, CYBER 205, etc.

                  c) Why is CPU called ‘brain’ of computer ? Explain.
                  CPU is called 'brain' of computer because this is the main part of the computer which is resposible for processing and controlling the entire operations of computer system.

                  d) Differentiate between packaged and tailored software.
                  The differences between packaged and tailored software are:
Packaged software
Tailored software
1. It allows the computer to perform specific task for different users.
1. It is designed to meet the specific requirements of an individual.
2. It is a type of generalized set of application software.
2. It is a type of specialized set of application software.

                  e) Why computer is called versatile machine ? Explain.     
                  Computer is called versatile machine because in this machine wide range of operations can be done and its application area is not limited.

2.               a) Convert the following numbers.                         2
                        i) (6AD)16 = (?)2                       ii) (4A7)8 = (?)2
                  b) Perform the following calculation:                                 2
                        i) 1010 × 100 ÷ 10                   ii) 100101 + 1001 - 110
3.               Match the following pairs:                                     2
                  a)Rom                                c)Fourth Generation
                  b)Monitor              a)Primary Memory
                  c)VLSI                               b)Output device
                  d)Photoshop                      DBMS
4.               Select the correct answer:                                       2
                  a) The computer wich works on binary number.
                        i) Analog computer                  ii) Digital computer
                        iii) Hybrid computer                iv) Super computer
                  b) First electronic computer is
                        i)ENIAC          ii) EDVAC       iii) EDSAC      iv) All
                  c) The memory placed in between CPU and main memory.
                        i) Main memory          ii) Auxiliary memory
                        iii) Cache memory       iv) None
                  d) CPU is also known as
                        i) Brain of computer                ii) Heart of computer
                        iii) Nerve centre                       iv) None
5.               Give the appropriate technical term:                                  2
                  a) A subject in which stuents study about computer hardware and software.
                  - Computer science
                  b) To control all the units of the computer.
                  - Control Unit
                  c) To supply regulated power to the computer even at the time of power cut.
                  - Generator
                  d) To print engineering drawing.
6.               Give the full form:                                                 2
                  i) ALGOL -                      
                  b) RPG      -
                  c) PROLOG -       
                  d) LISP -
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) What is the purpose of OS?                                           1
                  The purpose of OS is to provide easy interaction between the user and computer.

                  b) What is meant by ICON ?                                             1
                  ICON is the small bitmap picture or symbol used in GUI based operating system environment.

                  c) Write the functions carried out by following DOS commands. 3
                        i) B:\>ATTRIB + H ABC.DAT           ii) C:\>CoPY*.*D:
                        iii) A:\>DEL TREE D:
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               Answer the following questions.                               2
                  a) What are the tools that you need to write HTML document ?
                  The tools needed to write HTML document are:
1.      Notepad/Wordpad
2.      Web Browser

                  b) Mention the purpose of start and end tag of HTML.
                  c) Fill in the blanks.                                                             3
                        i) Unordered lists items are prepared by the <LI> tag.
                        ii) The TYPE attribute is used with <OL> tag to change the                numering style i lists.
                        iii) The <A> tag is used to creat links in HTmL document.
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                                         2
                  a) Define the term stateemnt. List the different tye of statement.
                  Statements are special keywords oe reserved words which may not be used for any other purpose in a QBasic Program.

                  b) Write down the syntax and use to READ......DATA statement.
                                    READ Variable List
                                    DATA Constant

10.             a) Draw a flowhart to check whether the entered number is prime or not.                                                       2
11.             a) Write the output of the program.                                   2
                  PRINT A;
                        PRINT B;
                        WHILE C<=10
                                    Z = A + B
                                    PRINT Z
                                    A = B
                                    B = Z

                  b) Debug the following program.                           2
                        REM program for find maximum value
                        READ x MX = X
                        For i = 2 to 5
                        Read X
                        Next J
                        Print “The maximum is”;MX
                        Data 20, 3, 27, 98, 70, 54, 1, 60, 34, 90
12.             Read the following program and answer the questions.                  2
                  DIMA(10, 10), B(10, 10)
                  REM INPTU MATRIX A
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  FOR J = 1 TO 10
                  INPT A (I, J)
                  NEXT J: NEXT I
                  REM INPUT MATRIX B
                  FOR K = 1 TO 10
                  FOR L = 1 TO 10
                  INPUT B(K, L)
                  NEXT L = NEXT K
                  REM ADD A WITH B TO FORM MARIX C
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  FOR J = 1 TO 10
                  C(I, J) = A(I, J) + B(I, J)
                  PRINT C(I, J)
                  NEXT J : NET I
                  a) What is the purpose of the program ?
                  The purpose of the program is to display the output in tabular form using multi-dimensional array.

                  b) Count the number of varable used in the program.
                  The numbers of variable used in program are 7.

13.             a) write program to find sum of following series S = 12 + 22 + 32 + ..........+102                                                             1.5
                  b) Write a progra to display the following series: 2,4 , 8, 16,......., 10th terms.                                                              1.5
                  A = 2
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  PRINT A
                  A = A * 2
                  NEXT I

                  c) Write a program to find sum of digits of any number. [Example: 125=1 + 2 + 5 = 8]                                              2

                  INPUT "Enter any number"; N
                  S = 0
                  WHILE N <> 0
                  R = N MOD 10
                  S = S+ R
                  N = N\10
                  PRINT "Sum of digits="; S

                  d) Write a program to print the word given by user in reverse order.
                  INPUT "Enter any word"; A$
                  FOR I = LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP - 1
                  B$ = MID$ (A$, I, 1)
                  C$ = C$ + B$
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Reverse Word is"; C$


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