Wednesday 25 March 2020

Class 8 Solution Computer 2076

Chapter-wise Questions Collection
Unit 1: Fundamental Knowledge & Skill Computer
Very Short Questions                                                [ 1 Mark Each ]
1.      What is meant by Computer?
A computer is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program.
2.      What is Computer Science?
Computer science is the study of processes that interact with data and that can be represented as data in the form of programs. 
3.      Define the term data.
Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner, which should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing, by human or electronic machine.
4.      What do you know about instruction?
An instruction is an order given to a computer processor by a computer program.
5.      Define information clearly.
Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for the receiver. Information is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.
6.      Define the term “computer literacy”.
Computer literacy is the ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving.
7.      What does GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) mean?
GIGO is a computer science acronym that implies bad input will result in bad output.
8.      Who is known as first programmer?
Lady Ada Lovelace
9.      What do you know about the program?
computer program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task. Most computer devices require programs to function properly.
10.  How many vacuum tubes were used in first electronic computer?
18,000 vacuum tubes
11.  Who is known as father of computer?
Charles Babbage
12.  Give any two examples of word processing package.
Microsoft Word, Google Docs
13.  Define the term software with any two examples.
Computer software is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work. E.g. Photoshop, MS-Word
14.  Define the term hardware with any two examples.
Computer hardware is the collection of all the parts you can physically touch. E.g. Mouse, Printer
15.  For what purpose presentation packaged is used?
To display information in the form of a slide show.
16.  For what purpose spreadsheet software is used?
Sort data, arrange data easily, and calculate numerical data.
17.  Give any two examples of operating system.
MS-DOS, Windows 10
18.  What is memory?
Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently.
19.  List the types of primary memory.
20.  For what purpose pen drive is used?
For storage, data back-up and transfer of computer files.
21.  Name the components of computer system.
Input Devices (keyboard, mouse etc)
Output Devices (monitor, speakers etc)
Secondary Storage Devices (hard disk drive, CD/DVD drive etc)
Processor and Primary Storage Devices (cpu, RAM)

22.  Differentiate between primary and secondary memory.
primary memory is the main memory of the computer which is used to store data or information temporarily, whereas secondary memory refers to external storage devices that are used to store data or information permanently.

23.  What does BIT stand for?
Binary Digits
24.  List the name of any four input devices.
Keyboard, Mouse, Light Pen, Scanner
25.  Name the components used fourth generation of computer.
26.  Mention any two advantages and disadvantages of computer respectively.
Any two advantages of computer are:
                                i.            It can perform a wide range of operations.
                              ii.            It can work continuously for long time without creating any errors.

Any two disadvantages of computer are:
                                i.            It is unable to correct wrong instructions.
                              ii.            It cannot take decisions on its own.

27.  What is an IPO Cycle? Explain with examples.
When the user gives an input value or action to the system through any of the input devices such as keyboard or mouse, the system does some internal process to produce the end result as output. The output is sent to the output unit like screen or the printer.

The entire process that involves input and output action is said to be IPO cycle.

For example, if you want to make a copy of an important paper, you first scan the paper (inputting the data), make adjustments if you want to (processing the data), and the print it (outputting the data).
Here, the scanner is the input unit through which you feed the data to the computer.
28.  Why computer is known as diligent machine? Explain.
Computer is known as diligent machine because if millions of calculations are to be performed, a computer will perform every calculation with the same accuracy. Computers can work continuously for a long time without creating any error and without getting tired or bored.

29.  Why computer is known as versatile device? Explain with examples.
Computer is known as versatile machine since wide range of operations can be done and its application area is not limited. It has a great capability to perform a variety of tasks at a time. We can use it to prepare examination results, electricity bills, documents, slides, etc.

30.  Explain any two features of computer as you know.
            Any two features of computer are:
                                i.            Accuracy:
                 Computers give 100% correct answers to the correct instructions provided. If any wrong instructions are provided for processing the data, it is sure that the results from the computer will be wrong. This property is also known as GIGO ( Garbage In Garbage Out ).
                              ii.            Automatic:
                   Computer is an automatic machine. Once the instruction provided to do any work is given to the computer, it does its work automatically by itself. It may execute the process without any intervention of the user once they are assigned to some work.

31.  Why Charles Babbage is known as “father of computer”? Explain
Charles Babbage is known as "father of computer" because he invented a machine named Analytical Engine which had five units: input, output, store, mill and control, which are similar to the units of today's modern computers.

32.  Differentiate between hardware and software with any two examples of each.

1. It is the physical components that makes up the entire computer system.
1. It is an organized collection of programs designed to perform specific task.
2. Examples are: Keyboard, Mouse,  etc.
2. Examples are: Data Compression, WinZip, etc.

33.  What is generation of computer? List the generation of computer with devices used.
Generation of computer refers to the development of the technology. There are 5 generations of computer. They are:

Generation of computers
Device used
1. First Generation of computer
Vacuum tubes
2. Second Generation of computer
3. Third Generation of computer
IC Chip
4. Fourth Generation of computer
5. Fifth Generation of computer
BIO Chip

34.  Write any four features of second generation of computer.
Any 4 features of second generation computers are:
                                i.            They used transistors as main electronic component.
                              ii.            They were much smaller and generate less heat than the previous computers.
                            iii.            They had more storage capacity.
                            iv.            Assembly and high level language could be used in second generation computers.

35.  Write down any four features of spreadsheet package?

a)      Spreadsheets have the ability to adjust column widths and row heights,hide rows and columns and freez panes.
b)      Have the ability to create , edit,save and retrieve worksheets.
c)      Spreadsheets have data formatting: both text and numeric data can be formatted using predefined formats e.g the decimal scientific, integer .
d)      Spreadsheets have data sorting and filtering capability.

36.  What are the advantages of word packaging package?

a.       It is faster and easier than writing by hand.

b.      You can store documents on your computer, which you cannot do on a typewriter. ...

c.       There are more formatting choices with a word processor (the spelling, grammar and language tools).

d.      You can print copies of your documents.

37.  Differentiate between digital and analog computer.
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
1. It is a special purpose computer that works on continuous signal.
1. It is a general purpose computer that works on digital data.
2. It is used in scientific equipment and engineering purposes.
2. It is mostly used in home, schools, offices, etc.
3. E.g. : Thermometer, Speedometer, etc.
3. E.g. : IBM 3081, IBM Compatible, etc.

38.  What are the features of supercomputer?
The features of supercomputer are:
                                i.            They are the largest and most expensive digital computers.
                              ii.            They are the most powerful and fastest computers.
                            iii.            They have a large memory capacity and very high processing speeds.
                            iv.            They are used for solving scientific and engineering problems.

39.  What are the application areas of micro computers?
The application areas of microcomputers are:
                                i.            Offices
                              ii.            Homes
                            iii.            Schools
                            iv.            Shops

40.  What are meant by IBM PC and IBM Compatible Computer?
IBM PC is the brand name of the first popular commercial PC developed by the IBM Corporation which was one of the fastest desktop computers of its time.

IBM Compatible is the computer similar to the original IBM PC, XT and AT computers able to use the same software and expansion cards.

41.  Classify the computer on the basis operation and explain any one of them briefly.
Computers on the basis of operations are:
                                i.            Analog Computer
                              ii.            Digital Computer
                            iii.            Hybrid Computer

Analog computer:
                             It is the special purpose computer that works on continuous signals which measures physical quantities like current, pressure, voltage, etc. and converts them to numeric values. Some of the examples include speedometer, thermometer, seismograph, etc.

42.  Differentiate between application and system software.

Application software
System software
1.It is a software designed to solve problems in specific time according to the instruction provided by the user.
1. It is the collection of programs that controls and manages all the internal operation of the computer.
2. E.g.: Word processors, Spreadsheets, database, etc.
2. E.g.: Linux, WinZip, Data Compression, etc.

43.  What do you know about GUI and CUI based OS? Explain.
GUI is a visual computer environment that uses graphics, icon and pointers to make the computer more user friendly. It allows the user to interact with the computer through the graphical symbols or icons. E.g. are Windows XP, Windows 10, LINUX, etc.

CUI is a text mode based user interface of the computer that provides an environment to the user to type a command to perform a particular task. E.g. are MS-DOS, UNIX, Novell Netware, etc.

44.  What are meant by System Software? Classify the types of system software with examples.
System software is the collection of programs that controls and manages all the internal operation of the computer. The types of system software are:

                                  i.            Operating System- Windows XP, MS-DOS, etc.
                               ii.            Device Driver- Graphics card driver, modem driver
                             iii.            Utility software-  Data Compression, WinZip, etc.
                              iv.            Language Translator-Assembler, Interpreter and Compiler

45.  Explain the features of Presentation Package.

a)      Slides that can contain any mixture of text, images, video, animations, links and sound.
b)      Animation effects that allow the various elements on each slide to appear after a certain amount of time or when a presenter presses a button.
c)      Slide master – this allows the style (font, font size, background etc) to be set once and then used throughout the presentation.
d)    Transitions – this is how the presentation software “moves” the display of one slide to another. Transitions usually include dissolving from one slide to the next or the current slide being moved in some way to show the next slide as though it was underneath.

46.  Define application software with examples.
Application software is a type of software designed to solve problems in specific time according to the instruction provided by the user. Some of the examples include Word processors, Spreadsheets, database, etc.

47.  What are main types of software? Explain with appropriate examples.
The main types of software are:
                                i.            System Software:
                             System software is the collection of programs that controls and manages all the internal operation of the computer. Some of the examples include Linux, WinZip, Data Compression, etc.

                              ii.            Application Software:
                                    Application software is a type of software designed to solve problems in specific time according to the instruction provided by the user. Some of the examples include Word processors, Spreadsheets, database, etc.

48.  What do you know about editing and formatting in word processing package?

Editing refers to making quick modification to a document using editing tools such as find and replace spelling and grammar checkers,copy and paste or undo redo features.

Formatting refers to changing the appearance of text in a document such as text formatting or page formatting or paragraph formatting.

49.  Explain the following terms:
a)      Workbook
workbook is a collection of one or more spreadsheets, also called worksheets, in a single file.                             
b)      Worksheet            
worksheet is a file made of rows and columns that help sort data, arrange data easily, and calculate numerical data.
c)      Cell
cell is the intersection between a row and a column on a spreadsheet that starts with cell A1.
d)      Cell address
A cell reference, or cell address, is an alphanumeric value used to identify a specific cell in a spreadsheet                  

50.  Explain the function with example of following commands:
a)      Average ()
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments. For example, if the range A1:A20 contains numbers, the formula =AVERAGE(A1:A20) returns the average of those numbers. 
b)      Sum (  )    
The SUM function in Excel adds the arguments you enter in a formula. For example, entering =SUM(10, 2) returns 12. This function subtracts when negative numbers are used in the arguments.
c)      Min (  )
The Excel MIN function returns the smallest value from a supplied set of numeric values.
The syntax of the function is:
MIN( number1[number2], ... )
where the number arguments are one or more numeric values (or arrays of numeric values), that you want to return the smallest value of.
d)      Max (  )
The Excel MIN function returns the largest value from a supplied set of numeric values.
The syntax of the function is:
MAX( number1[number2], ... )
where the number arguments are one or more numeric values (or arrays of numeric values), that you want to return the largest value of. 

51.  Explain the followings:
a)      Cut / Paste and Copy / Paste    
Cut Paste will remove the original content from the document and place it in a new location while Copy Paste inserts the content to a new location without removing the original content.
b)      Save and Save as 
Save helps to update the lastly preserved file with the latest content while Save As helps to store a new file or to store an existing file to a new location with the same name or a different name.
c)      Close and Exit
Close button is to shut the workbook window only w/out terminating the excel program while the exit button is used to terminate the entire excel programming for running.

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