Thursday 26 March 2020

Neema Set 2 Solution For Class 10

Model Questions (2)
Group 'A'
Computer Fundamental (22 Marks)
1.               Answer the following questions                           10
                  a) How does computer network reduces the cost of operation? Explain.
= Computer Networks can allow businesses to reduce expenses and improve efficiency by sharing data and common equipment, such as printers, among many different computers.

                  b) Write any four services provided by internet.
                  = Email, Chatroom, E-commerce and VoIP

                  c) What is the role of multimedia in education sector?
                  = Multimedia applications are used by teachers and lecturers to convey information such as lecture slides, assessment materials and others learning resources. It can also use by students to learn new skills and knowledge without lecturer's guidance.

                  d) How do you know that the computer is affected by the computer virus?
                  =When our computer gets infected with computer virus, computer starts responding slowly, show error messages, program loads slowly.

                  e) Explain the importance of antivirus in computer system?
                  = Importance of antivirus in computer system are:
                  I) It detects the computer virus
                  ii) It removes computer virus

2.               a) Convert as instructed.                                       2
                        i) (11101)2 into decimal
                  = 1x24 + 1x23 + 1x22 + 0x21 + 1x20
                  = 16+8+4+0+1
                  = 29

                        ii) (BE)16 into octal
                  = B: 1011      E: 1110 (into binary)
                  = 10111110
                  = 010:2   111:7   110:6 (into octal)
                  = (276)8
                  b) Perform binary calculation.                              2
                        i) 1101*111 + 101
                  1101*111 = 1011011
                  1011011 + 101 = 1100000

                        ii) Divide 110001 by 101
                  1001      remainder 100

3.               Match the following:                                2
                  Group 'A'                           Group 'B'
                  a) Web page                                  i) Bluetooth
                  b) Transmission media                 ii) A set of markup tags
                  c) Internet                         iii) Destructive program
                  d) Computer virus             iv) Network of network
                                                            v) Computer network
                  Web page – A set of markup tags
                  Transmission media – Bluetooth
                  Internet – Network of network
                  Computer Virus – Destructive program
4.               Select the correct answer.                                    2
                  a) Which is the type of guided media?
                        i) Fiber optic                ii) Server          iii) Bluetooth
                        iv) Wifi
                  = Fiber optic
                  b) Which device is used for networking?
                        i) Router      ii) LAN      iii) Internet      iv) Radio
                  = Router
                  c) Which software is needed for browsing?
                        i) Google Chrome        ii) IE     iii) ICT      iv) None
                  = Google Chrome

5.               Give the appropriate technical terms of the following.               2
                  a) A type of program which is used to detect and remove malicious program. Antivirus
                  b) Set of rules and procedures that govern transmission of message. Protocol
                  c) The law which protects intellectual properties and stop computer crime. Cyber law
                  d) A type of media which is used to transmitting data and information from one location to another without use of cable. Unguided Media / Wireless Media

6.               Write the full forms.         2
                  a) PSTN                  b) HTTP                       c) DNS            d) WiFi
                  PSTN – Public Switch Telephone Network
                  HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
                  DNS – Domain Name System/ Domain Name Server
                  Wifi – Wireless Fidelity

Group 'B'
Database management system (10 marks)
7.               Answer the followings questions in short.                       6
                  a) Mention the importance of database rather than files.
                      = A dbms is important because it manages data efficiently and                  allows users to perform multiple tasks with ease. A dbms                      system stores, organizes and manages large amount of                            information within a single software application

                  b) What is filtering Differentiate between sorting and filtering.
                  = Sorting means arrangement of data either in alphabetic or numeric order whereas filtering means selecting specific data from whole data.

                  c) What is the function of query. In how many ways can we create query in MS Access?
                  = A query is a request for data results, and for action on data. We can use a query to answer a simple question, to perform calculations, to combine data from different tables, or even to add, change, or delete table data.
                  - Update, Create, Select

8.               Select the correct answer.                        2
                  i) Data of SEE exam is an example ..............                    
                        a) DBMS          b) RDBMS        c) Database                 d) Data
                  ii) A field in a table in known as ......................
                        a) Field            b) Content       c) Tuple           d) Column
                  iii) ................ characters can be stored in memo field.
                        a) 50                b) 64000                      c) 255              d) 200
                  iv) The extension of S Access database is .............
                        a) MDB            b) DOCX          c) PDF              d) Access

9.               Match the following.                                2
                  Group 'A'               Group 'B'
                  i) Number              a) object
                  ii) Query                b) up to 255 characters
                  iii) Text                  c) data entry place
                  iv) Form                 d) data type
                                                e) object access

                  Number – data type
                  Query – object
                  Text – up to 255 characters
                  Form – data entry place

Group 'C'
Programming (18 marks)
10.             a) Differentiate between library function and User Defined function with example.                                               1         
Library functions
user-defined functions
Library functions are those functions which are accessed just by writing their name.
user-defined functions are those functions which must be defined by the user to get his job done.
L = a*b where, L is user defined funciton

                  b) Give any two advantages of C programming language.          1
                  1. Building block for many other programming languages.
                  2. Powerful and efficient language.
                  3. Portable language.
                  4. Built-in functions.
                  5. Quality to extend itself
                  6. Structured programming language.

                  c) Write down the function of following statements.      1
                        i) CLOSE                       ii) MKDIR

11.             Write the output of given program.         2
                  DECLARE SUB result ( )
                  CALL result
                  SUB result ()
                  A = 1
                  FOR I = 1 TO 5
                        PRINT A
                        NEXT I
                  END SUB

                  Output      1

12.             Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs.                2
                  REM To store name and age in sequential data file REC.DAT
                  OPEN "Employee.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS#1
                        INPUT " Enter employee's name:"N$
                        INPUT " Enter employee's age:";A1
                        INPUT "Enter gender:";G$
                        INPUT "Enter employee's salary:";S

                        WRITE#1A$,A1,G$, S
                        INPUT "Add more records (Y/N):"'A
                        LOOP WHILE UCASE (A$) = "Y"
                  CLOSE 1
                  END CLS
OPEN "Employee.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
    INPUT " Enter employee's name:"; N$
    INPUT " Enter employee's age:"; A1

    WRITE #1, N$, A1
    INPUT "Add more records (Y/N):"; A

13.             Supply the following program and answer the following questions.      2
                  DECLARE FUNCTION SUM (N)
                  INPUT "Enter any number: -"; NUM
                  PRINT "Sum of digits =*; S
                  FUNCTION SUM (N)
                  S = 0
                  WHILE N>O
                  WHILE N>O
                        R = N MOD 10
                        S = S + R
                        N = INT
                        DIGITSUM = S
                  END FUNCTION

                  a) How many actual and formal parameters are used in the program?
                  = formal parameter – N                  Actual parameter – NUM

                  b) Name the number of variables and function are set in the program.
                  = num, s, r n

14.             a) Write a program to find factorial number of non negative number using SUB procedure.          3
Declare sub fac(n,f)
F = 1
CALL fac(N, F)

SUB fac (n, f)
    FOR I = 1 TO n
        f = f * I
    NEXT I

                  b) Write a program to input any string and display the string in reverse order. [use FUNCTION..END FUNCTION.]

FOR I = LEN(S$) TO 1 STEP -1
B$ = MID$(S$, I, 1)
W$ = W$ + B$
REV$ = W$



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