Tuesday 10 March 2020

Set 2 Solution Grade Nine

Model question Set 2
Group A
Computer Fundamental [22 Marks]
1) Define the term system software and mention its type?
-System software is the collection of program that control and manages all the internal operations of computer .Its types are-
a)      Operating Software
b)      Device Driver
c)      Utility Software
d)      Language Translator
2) What is IT Policy? Write the importance of IT Policy in our country Nepal?
-The rules and regulation related to information technology to handle or use technology of computer systematically to fulfill the given objectives is known as IT Policy.
The importance of IT Policy in Nepal are-
a)      There will be a significant difference between the economic condition of countries with develop information technology.
b)      The use of technology will make the economic condition strong, proportional distribution of economic resources and enhancement of public awareness, raising leaving standard as well as significant contribution to remove poverty.
3) Explain the role of control unit of computer operations?
-The role of control unit in computer operations are-
a)      It decide to set the order of instruction to be carried out.
b)      It works out what needs to be done to carry the instruction out.
4) Mention any 4 features of micro-computer?
-Any 4 features of micro-computer are-
a)      It works with micro processor.
b)      It is designed as a single user machine.
c)      They are used in offices, homes, schools etc.
d)      They perform different data processing job.
5) Difference between volatile and non-volatile memory?
-Differences between them are-
                        Volatile memory
                Non-Volatile memory
1.      It holds currently running data and programs.
It is a data storage device that holds fixed content in manufactured time.
2.      It allows both read and write operations.
It allows only read operations.
3.      Example: RAM
Example: ROM
2.               i) Solve the followig binary calculations:             2
                        a) (1011011) + (100100) - (11111)
= 1011011+ 100100 – 11111
= 01111111 – 11111
= 1100000
                        b) (100101001)/(1001)

                  ii) Convert the following:                                     2
                        a) (55)10 = (?)2                       b) (456)8 = (?)1

1)      Match the following:                   
            Group A                                                   Group B
i)                   System Sotware                                   Operating System
ii)                 RAM                                                       Volatile
iii)               MS-Access                                            Application software
iv)               EEPROM                                                Non-Volatile

2)      State True or False

i)                   Computer follow GIGI rule. False
ii)                 Microprocessor  was developed on 3rd generation of computer. False
iii)               Cyber law is used to stop cyber crime. True
iv)               Memory is an essential components of computer system. True

3)      Write the technical term for the following:

i)                   Non-Volatile memory of computer.    ROM
ii)                 The device that provides output in hardcopy.  Printer
iii)               The process of buying and selling the products over the internet.
iv)                 A block of CPU that is used to do logical operations.  ALU
Full Forms:
i)                   ICT: Information and communication Technology
ii)                 BASIC: Beginner’s All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
iii)               NITC: National Information Technology Centre
iv)               ASCII: American Standard code for Information Interchange
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) Mention any two features of MS DOS.
Any two features of MS DOS are:
a.       It is a 16-bit OS.
b.      The mouse cannot be used to operate, i.e. Input is through basic system commands.
                  b) Define the terms folder and sub folder.
folder (also called directory, or catalog) is a way to organize computer files. A folder is a storage space where many files can be placed into groups and organize the computer.
Subfolder is an organizational folder on a computer that is located within another folder.
                  c) Write the functions of the following DOS commands.
                        i) RD : Its function is to rename the directory or a folder.
                        ii) D:\>DIR*.TXT : Its function is to display the directory having any character of name and .txt extension.
                        iii) CHKDSK : Its function is to check the disk error.
                        iv) DATE: Its function is to show date and prompt for change in date.
                  v) XCOPY: Its function is to copy one or more files or folders from one location to another location.
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               a) Differentiate between container tag and empty tag with examples.
The difference between container tag and empty tag are:
Container tag
Empty tag
Those tags which have both closing and opening is known as container tag
Those tag which have a opening but doesn’t have a closing tag is known as empty tag
Its examples are: <html>….</html>, <body>….</body> etc.
Its examples are: <br>, <img> etc.

  b) What do you know about hyperlink ?
Hyperlinks are the tags used for linking two or more than two Web pages.
                  c) Write the use of following HTML tags :
                        i) <P>: This tag is used for making a paragraph.
                        ii) <TITLE>: This tag is used for titling the document.
                        iii) <HTML>: this tag is used for representing that it is a HTML webpage.
                        iv) <B>: this tag makes any text bold.
                        v) <IMG>: this tag inserts image in a webpage.

Group D :
Qbasic Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                                      2
                  a) Define variable and constant with examples.
Variables are those elements in programming which are used to store some data into it.
Constants are those which doesn’t changes during the execution of the program.
Example: 1,5,6 etc.
                  b) Write down the syntax of the following statements:
                        i) MID$(): MID$(variable_name, Position, length of string)
                        ii) LEN(): LEN(variable_name)
10.             Write an algorithm to find the greater number among any two different numbers.
Step 1: start
Step 2: Read any two numbers and store it in variable a and b respectively.
Step 3: Compare a and b; Is a greater than b?
           { Yes: Display a is greatest
             No: Display b is greatest.}
Step 4: stop                                                                            2
11.             a) Write the output of the following program:                              2
                        FOR I = 1 TO NUM
                        NEXT I
                                    PRINT A
                  b) Debug the following program:                                     2
                        REM to calculate average.”
                       DIM A = 4
                        LET B = 6
                        LET C = 9
                        FOR K = 3 TO I
                        NEXT K
                        PRINT “AVERAGE OF GIVEN NUMBERS IS”, AVG
                        REM to calculate average.”
LET A = 4
                        LET B = 6
                        LET C = 9
                        PRINT “AVERAGE OF GIVEN NUMBERS IS”, AVG

12.             Read the following program and answer the given questions:     2
                        LET W = 34
                        P = W MOD 2
                        IF P = 0 THEN
                                    PRINT “THE NUMBER IS POSITIVE”
                                    PRINT “THE NUMBER IS NEGATIVE”
                        END IF
A.    List out the variables used in the above program with their types.
The variables used in the above program are:
W [numeric variable]
P [numeric variable]
B.     List out the operators used in the program along with their types.
The operators used in the program are:
MOD [Arithmetic operator]
= [Relational operator]
13.             a) Write a program to calculate simple interest.               2
                        where SI = (PTR)/100.           
`                 CLS
                  INPUT “ENTER PRINCIPLE”;P
                  INPUT “ENTER TIME”;T
                  INPUT “ENTER RATE”;R
                  SI= (P*T*R)/ 100
                  PRINT “Simple Interest=”; SI
                  b) Write a program to input three different names and print the longest name.                           3
                  INPUT “ ENTER A NAME”;N1$
                  INPUT “ENTER SECOND NAME”;N2$
                  INPUT “ENTER THIRD NAME”;N3$
                  IF LEN(N1$) > LEN(N2$) AND LEN(N1$) > LEN(N3$) THEN
                  PRINT “THE LONGEST NAME IS”; N1$
                  ESLEIF LEN(N2$) > LEN(N1$) AND LEN(N2$)>LEN(N3$) THEN
                  PRINT “THE LONGEST NAME IS”; N2$
                  PRINT “THE LONGEST NAME IS”; N3$
                  c) Write a program to input ten different numbers then find and print the greatest number using array variable.                 3
                        DIM N(10)
FOR I = 1 TO 10
                        INPUT "ENTER THE NUMBERS"; N(I)
G = N(1)
FOR I = 2 TO 10
IF N(I) > G THEN G = N(I)

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