Tuesday 10 March 2020


Group A : “Computer Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.              Answer the following questions.                              8
                 a) List out any four characteristics of fourth generation computer.
a.       Microprocessor was used as main components.
b.      They are more versatile and diligence.
c.       Processing speed is measured in picosecond.
d.      They were programmed in high level  language.

                 b) Write down any three differences between RAM and ROM.
It is a read-write memory.
It is read only memory.
It is a volatile memory.
It is a nonvolatile memory.
Data in RAM can be modified.
Data in ROM can not be modified.

                 c) What is open source software ? Mention its two charactistics.
                 The software that are free software that give users freedom to run program for any purpose.
                 Two charactistics are:
a.       it is a free software.
b.      A USER CAN   Freely distribute copy of it to other.
                 d) What is utility software ? List any three names of utility software.
                 ans: The software that is used to optimized the speed of computer is called utility software. Three names of utility software are: Scandisk, defragmentation , anti virus.
2.              a) Perfrom binary operations.                                              2
                        i) 10001 + 1011 - 1101            ii) 10010 ÷ 11
                 b) Convert as indicated.                                           2
                        i) 111012 = (?)10                       ii) 15410 = (?)2
3.              Write the full form of.                                                         2
4.              Write the appropriate technical terms.                                 2
                 a) A calculating machine invented by French mathematician Pascal.
                 b) A place to store data and program permanently.-Secondary Memory
                 c) System uing ICT through which the government provides information and services.-Egovernment
                 d) A device used to play computer games and control the cursor.-Joystick
5.              State true or false.                                                    2
                 a) The second geenration compters are bsed on vacuum tubes technology.- False
                 b) DVD can store more data than CD-ROM.-True
                 c) Laser printer is an example of non impact printer.-True
                 d) Interpreter is a programme that translates program write in High Level Language into Machine Level Language statement by statement.-True
6.              Match the following.                                                           2
                 Group ‘A’                Group ‘B’
                 Magnetic tape                      sequential storage device
                 Light pen                 softcopy output device
                 Monitor                  transform the images into ASCII codes
                 Scanner                                electro optical pointing device
                                                speech recognition device
                 Magnetic tape- sequential storage device
                 Light pen- electro optical pointing device
                 Monitor- softcopy output device
                 Scanner- transform the images into ASCII codes
Group B [Operating System-5 marks]
7.              Write down the function of given commands :                    2
                 a) C:\>RD D:\RAMA
                 used to remove rama directory from d drive
                 b) C:\>DIR A:/*.COM
                 used to show content of A drive with .com extension.
8.              Write down teh MS-DOS commands to do the following tasks. 2
                 a) To make a directory titled ‘NEPAL’ in drive E:
                 C:/> E:
                 E:/> md nepal
                 b) To display the volume label of C:
                 C:/> Vol
Group C [HTML-5 mark]
9.              Answer the given questions.                                     3
                 a) Mention the basic tags of HTML.
                 The basic tags of html are singular tag like <hr>,<br> and pair tags like <html><head> <title>
                 b) What is link ?
        The way of establishing relation between different parts of web page or pages of websites or between websites is called link.
                 c) Write down the functions of <A> tag and <IMG> tag
                 <a> used to create link
                 <img> used to insert images,
10.            State whether true or false.                                       2
                 a)  The extension of HTM documents is htm. -false
                 b) HTML is the scripting language.-false
                 c) HTML tags are case sensitive.-false
                 d) <BR> tag is used to line break the document in HTML.-true
Group D [QBASIC- 20-mark]
11.            Answer the following.                                                          2
                 a) What do you mean by string constant ?
                  All alphanumeric character  that are encoded with in double quotation is called string constant.
                 b) Why are RIGHT$ function and PRINT statements used ?
                 right$ is used to extract number of character from right side
                 print is used to display result in screen.
12.            Convert the following algorithm into a QBASIC program.
                 Step 1 : Read first number A
                 Step 2 : Read second number B
                 Step 3 : IS A > B
                 If Yes Print A otherwise Print B
                 Step 4 : Stop
                 INPUT “ENTER A NUMBER’;A
                 INPUT “ENTER SECOND NUMBER”;B
                 IF A>B
                 PRINT A
                 PRINT B
                 END IF
13.            a) Write down he output of the following program.            2
                        NUM = 1
                        SUM = 0
                        For C = 1 to 10
                        PRINT SUM
                        SUM = SUM + NUM
                        NUM= NUM + 1
                        NEXT C
                 b) Debug the following program. REM Program to count the number of vowels.                                                           2
                        INPUT “Enter a word”;WS
                        FOR CNT = LEN(W$) TO 1
                        B = LEFT$(W, CNT, 1)
                        IF W = “A” or W = “E” OR W = “T” or W = “O” or W = “U”
                        VOW = VOW + 2
                        NEXT CNT
                        PRINT “Number of Vowel”;VOW
                        INPUT “Enter a word”;WS
                        FOR CNT = LEN(W$) TO 1 STEP -1
                        B = MID$(W$, CNT, 1)
                        IF W = “A” or W = “E” OR W = “T” or W = “O” or W = “U”
                        VOW = VOW + 1
                        NEXT CNT
                        PRINT “Number of Vowel”;VOW

                 c) Read the following programs and answer the given questions. 2
                        INPUT “Enter two numbers:” a, b
                        FOR P = a to b
                        SUM = SUM + p
                        NEXT p
                        PRINT SUM
                 Questions :
i)                    What will be the outut of the progra if a = 11 and b = 7 ?
                 ii) Which are the variables used in the above program ? ANS : a,b,Sum,p
14.            a) Write a progra that accepts length and breadth of a rectangle and displays perimeter of the rectangle.

                 b) Write a program to generation the following pattern
                 N$= “NEPAL”
                 FOR I=1 TO LEN(N$)
                 PRINT LEFT$(N$,I)
                 NEXT I
15.            a) Write a program that reads a sentence and counts the total number of words in the sentence.
                        INPUT "Enter the sentence"; S$
                        PRINT "the number of words in sentence is"; count(S$)

  FOR i = 1 TO LEN(S$)
 M$ = MID$(S$, i, 1)
 IF M$ = " " THEN c = c + 1
    NEXT i
    count = c + 1
PRINT "the number of words in sentence is"; count

                 b) Write a program to input any three numbers and find the higher number.
                        INPUT “Enter any three numbers:”; A, B, C
                        IF A>B & A>C THEN           
                        PRINT “Greatest number is:”A
                        ELSEIF  B>C & B>A THEN
                        PRINT “Greatest number is”;B
                        PRINT “Greatest number is”;C

                 c) Write a program to input a number and check whether it is odd or even.
                 INPUT  “ENTER A NUMBER”;A
                 IF A MOD 2 = 0 THEN
                  “EVEN NO”
                 ELS E
                 PRINT “ODD NUMBER”
                 END IF

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MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint