Monday 6 April 2020

Grade Nine Model Set Solution 8

Class Nine [Computer Solution]

Group A : “Computer Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.              Answer the following questions.                                          4×2=8
                 a) What is then advantage of primary memor over secondary memory?
Ans:          Accessing data from primary memory is faster because it is an internal memory of the computer is the main advantage of primary memory over secondary memrory.
                 b) Mention any two differences between SRAM and DRAM.
SRAM has lower access time, which is faster compared to DRAM.
DRAM has a higher access time. It is slower than SRAM.
SRAM is costlier than DRAM.
DRAM cost is lesser compared to SRAM.


            c) What is the main purpose of IT policy in Nepal ?
ans:           Main purpose  of IT policy is to make information technology accessible to general public and increase employment through this means, to build knowledge based society and to establish knowledge based industries.
                 d)  What is a microprocessor ? List the different parts of microprocessor?
Ans:          microprocessor is an electronic component that is used by a computer to do its work.
Each microprocessor will have the following basic components:
·         Memory: Storage of data. ...
·         Registers: small, fast memories. General purpose: store arbitrary data. ...
·         Instruction decoder: Translates current program instruction into a set of control signals.
·         Arithmetic logical unit: ...
·         Control Unit: ...
·         System Bus:

2.              Mention True or False.                                                                    2
                 a) Floppy disk is a large storage device.false
                 b) Compiler and interpreter are the examples of language translator.true
                 c) BASIC is a low level programming language.false
                 d) The base of octal number system is 16.false
3.              Write down the full form for the following.                        2
                 a) HTML=hypertext markup language        b) URL=uniform resource locator        c) WWW=world wide web     d) SMPS=switched mode power supply
4.              Match the following.                                                                       2
                 Pen drive                 ABC
                 Monitor                  Soft copy output
                 John V. Atanasoff    Hard copy output
                 Bit                           Storage device

Pen drive          Storage device
                 Monitor                  Soft copy output
                 John V. Atanasoff    ABC
                 Bit               binary digit     

5.              Write down the single technical term for the following.      2
                 a) The proces of remove the bug from the computer program.        debug
                 b) A collection of
                 d) A peripheral device for producing text, images on paper for present and future use.printer
6.              a) Convert the following is indicated :                                             2
                        i) (6A7D)16 into octal               ii) (7045)16 into binary
                 b) Perform the following binary calculation.                                    2
                        i) (11100)2 × (1111)2 + (111)2
                        ii) (11101)2 ÷ (110)2
Group B: “Operating System” 5 marks
7.              Mention any two differences between DOS and Windows. 1
Dos is command user interface operating system.
Window is graphical user interface operating system.
Dos is not much user friendly OS.
Window  is user friendly OS.

8.              Write down the commands to accoplish the following tasks.           2
                 a) To copy all the files of drive A: including all subdirectories into drive B:
                 b) Copies all the files that have extension BAS from BASIC directory of drive B and its lower sub-directories into PROG directory of drive A: staying at drive C.
9.              Answer the given questions:                                                 2
                 a) What is the difference between copy paste and cut paste ?
ans:           Copy is the way of creating duplication of file or folder in different location.
                 Cut is the way of moving of file or folder in different location.
                 b) What is the advantage of creating shorcut on the desktop ?
ans: The advantages of creating shortcut on desktop is the fast access of the file and folder.
Group C : “HTML” 5 marks
10.            Answer the given questions :                                                            3
                 a) Why is <FONT> tag used ?
ans:           To add different font effect to text.
                 b) What do you know about BODY section ?
ans:           The section that holds all the content of page.
                 c) How do you add images on the HTML document ?
ans;           Using <img> tag we can add image
11.            State True or False.                                                              2
                 a) <IMG> tag will have start and end tag.false
                 b) We can move the text after using <MARQUEE> tag.true
                 c) We can develop application programs by using HTML code.false
                 d) After creating web pages it can keep on web server.true
Group D: “Programming” [20 Marks]
12.            a) What is constant ? List the various types of constant.
Ans:          Constant are the values whose values remain same during the execution of program
                 Types are: Numeric constant and String Constant
                 b) Define logical operator with some examples.
Ans:          The operator that combines two or more than two relational expression and returns either true or false value is called logical operator.. Examplees are: AND,OR & NOT
                 c) What is declaration statement ? Write with example.
Ans;          Declaration statement is the statement that is used to declare procedure  in QBASIC. Example:
                 Declare function ram(S$)
13.            a) Draw a flochart to calculate area of a circle for a given radius(R). 2
                 b) Write down the output of the following program.                             2
                 DIM A(10)
                 FOR C = 1 TO 12
                 READ Ac
                 NEXT C
                 DATA 23, 45, 23, 67, 4, 5, 6, 2, 9, 57, 3
                 FOR Y = 10 - X
                 IF A(Y) = 10 - X
                 IF A(Y)<A(Y+1) THEN
                        SWAP A(Y), A(Y+1)
                        NEXT Y
                        NEXT X
                        FOR J = 1 TO 10
                        PRINT A(J);
                        NEXT J
14.            Read the following program and answer the given questions:          4
                        DIM A(3, 4)
                        FOR I = 1 TO 3
                        S = 0
                        FOR J = 1 TO 4
                        READ A(I, J)
                        S = S + a(I, J)
                        PRINT A(I, J);
                        NEXT J
                        PRINT “=” ; S
                        NEXT J
a)      Write down the output of the above program.
10,  20,  30,  40=100
                   20,  30,  40,  50=140
                   30,  40,  50,  60=180

b)      Count the number of variable declared in teh above program.
c)      What is the meaning of DIM A(3, 4) ?
Two dimensional array with name A nd dimension 3*4
d)      What is the purpose of READ.......DATA statement ?
Ans: READ statements assign variables to DATA statement values on a one-to-one basis
15.            a) Write a program to find the ages less then or equal to 12 and above 12 as user enters the age from teh keyboard.                             3
DIM num(10)
DIM ageless(10)
DIM ageequal(10)
DIM ageabove(10)

FOR i = 1 TO 10
    INPUT "THE age"; num(i)
FOR i = 0 TO 10

    IF num(i) < 12 THEN
        ageless(i) = num(i)
    ELSEIF num(i) < 12 THEN
        ageabove(i) = num(i)
        ageequal(i) = num(i)
    END IF

FOR i = 1 TO 10
    PRINT "less age is"; ageless(i)
    PRINT "grat age is:"; ageabove(i)
    PRINT "eal age is"; ageequal(i)

                 b) Write a program to comuter surface area of sphere of radius from 5-15 by usign FOR........NEXT statement.                            3
FOR r = 5 TO 15
    area = 4 * (22 / 7) * r ^ 2
    PRINT "Area of sphere with radius", r; "is", area
                 c) Given these numbers 45, 25, 44, 12, 63 36, 8, 15, 50, 27 write a program to find sum the numbers greater than 50. The program should store given number in the array.
DIM num(10)

FOR i = 1 TO 10
    READ num(i)
sum = 0
FOR i = 1 TO 10

    IF num(i) > 50 THEN
        sum = sum + num(i)
    END IF
PRINT "sum is:"; sum
DATA 45,25,44,12,63,36,8,15,50,27


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