Friday 28 May 2021

PABSON SEE PRE BOARD EXAM Computer Science Set 1 - 2076

 PABSON SEE PRE BOARD EXAM Computer Science Set 1   - 2076 

Attempt all questions.

Group ‘A’

[Fundamentals - 22 marks]

1. Answer the following question:                               (5×2=10)

a)   What do you mean by communication media? Give any two examples of guided media.

b)   What is an Internet? Write any three services of Internet.

c)   What is a backup? Why is backup vital to computer security system?

d)   How does virus spread form one computer to another?

e)   What do you mean by multimedia? Name any four media used in multimedia technology.


2.   a)   Perform the following Binary calculation:      (2×1=2)

            i) (100100) + (11011) – (11101)            ii) 101110÷111

      b)   Perform as indicated:                                      (2×1=2)

            i) (608)10 into Binary                ii) (765)8 into Hexadecimal


3. Select the correct answer:                                       (4×0.5=2)

a) Computer virus has its infection to ----------------- .

      i) Monitor  ii) Mouse    iii) Keyboard    iv) Hard disk

b)   In which communication media do data travels in the form of light signal?

      i) Telephone wire         ii) Fiber optics  iii) Coaxial cable

      iv) Twisted pair

c)   Which one is the example of software used in multimedia?

      i) CD-ROM      ii) Sound Card  iii) Sound Forge  iv) All

d) Cyberspace means?

      i) Computer space        ii) WWW         iii) Cyber Café

      iv) None

4. Write the full form of the following:                        (4×0.5=2)

      a) PAT         b) CDMA        c) NITC            d) VOIP

5.   Match the following:                                             (4×0.5=2)

            Group A                       Group B

a) Web Browser                 (i)   Power protection device.

b) Cyber ethics                   (ii) To share hardware and software resources

c) UPS                                (iii) Google Chrome

d) Network                         (iv) Bridge

                                          (v)  Moral Principles

6. Give the appropriate technical terms of the following: (4×0.5=2)

a)   A device that forwards signals between networks in network traffic.

b)   A physical layout of network through which network devices are connected.

c) The moving graphic images.

d) Website used to search information on the Internet.


Group ‘B’

[Database Management - 10 Marks]

7.   Answer the following question:                             (3×2=6)

a) State the major importance of managing computer database.

b) Define DBA? List major roles of DBA in managing database.

c) What is indexing in database?


8.Choose the correct answer [Choose all that apply]:  (4×0.5=2)

a) Which object can be stored in memo field?

      i) Hyperlink     ii) Data             iii) Picture        iv) Word

b) What is extension of access database?

      i) DBF              ii) MDB           iii) MBD          iv) None

c)   The name of caption can be declared up to ----------------- characters.

      i) 1024             ii) 2024             iii) 2048           iv) 2005

d) The frame work for storing records in database is ----------------- .

      i) Query           ii) Form            iii) Report        iv) Table

9. Match the following:                                               (4×0.5=2)

Group A                                         Group B

a) Show final information               (i) Sort

b) Data entry                                  (ii) Design view

c) Change the table structure           (iii) Field

d) Each column in a table                (iv) Form

                                                      (v) Report


Group ‘C’

[Programming - 18 Marks]

10. a)   What do you understand by User-defined function?        (1)

      b)   Differentiate between int and float data type in C language.                                                                                            (1)

11. Write down the function of the following statements: (2×0.5=1)

a) NAME               b) CONST

12. Write the output of the following program.          (2)

      DECLARE SUB show (n)


FOR I = 1 TO 10

        READ n

        CALL show(n)


DATA 7,15,6,10,15,32,8,22,25,5



SUB show (x)

IF x MOD 5 <> 0 THEN

        PRINT x;



13. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs.      (2)

      REM to check Armstrong or not



INPUT "Any number "; n

IF check (n) = 0 THEN

        PRINT "Armstrong"


        PRINT "Not Armstrong"




FUNCTION check (n)


WHILE n < 0

        r = n MOD 10

        s = s + r * 3

        n = n \ 10


IF a = s THEN

        check = 1


        check = 0



14. Study the following program and answer the given questions.


DECLARE SUB test (a, b)


x = 7: y = 5

CALL test(x, y)

PRINT x, y



SUB test (a, b)

FOR i = a TO b STEP -1

      a = a + b

      b = b + a




a)   If the value of x and y are exchanged then what will be the output of the program?

b)   What will be the output of the program if CALL test(x,y) is written below PRINT x,y?

15. a)   Write a program to display the below output using a SUB procedure.                                                                  (3)






b)   Write a program that asks length and breadth of a triangle and calculates its area using a FUNCTION procedure. [Area of triangle = ]                                                       (3)

c)   Write a program that asks students’ name, roll and class and stores into “class.dat” only those records who are studying in class 10. User can supply the records as per his/her need.      (3)


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