Wednesday 26 May 2021

Computer Science - SEE Model Question (Set-III)


Computer Science - SEE Model Question (Set-III)

Time: 1:30 hours                                                                             F.M.: 75

Group A

Group A : Fundamental [22 marks]

1. Answer the following questions:                                                                        [5x2=10]

a. What do you mean by communication media? Write any two examples of guided media.

b. Define e-mail. List out any two importance of e-mail.

c. What is cyber law? Why is it important?

d. What is computer virus? Give any two symptoms of computer virus.

e. What is data backup? Write the importance of data backup system.

2. a. Convert as instructed:                                                                                        [2x1=2]

        i) (450)10 into Binary                               ii) (111101)2 into Octal

 b. Perform binary calculations:                                                                           [2x1=2]

        i) 10111 × 110                                          ii) 101101÷101

3. Match the following pairs:                                                                                  [4x0.5=2]

      a)  Cyber ethics                           i) graphics, text, sound

      b)  Virus                                        ii) main computer

      c)  Server                                      iii) moral principle

      d)  Multimedia                            iv) damage data

                                                              v) Internet

4. State whether the following statements are True or False:                       [4x0.5=2]

a) MAN connects two or more LAN together.

b) Dialup connection is the easiest way to connect a computer to the internet.

c) Cyberspace is a virtual space used in Computer.

d) Trojan is a kind of antivirus used in Computer.


5. Give the suitable technical terms of the followings:                                    [4x0.5=2]

a) Doing business through online.

b) The secret word, phrase that gives user access to a particular program.

c) The computer that acts the central authority in a network.

d) Intentionally, gaining unauthorized access to an information system.


6. Give the full form of the followings: |4x0.5=2|

 a) FTP              b) Wi-Fi                c) UPS                   d) ISP


Group B: Database Management System (10 marks)

7. Answer the following questions:                                                                          [3x2=6]

a) What is a database? Give two examples.

b) What is a table? Write its importance in database creation.

c) What is a primary key? Write the use of primary key.


8. State whether the following statements are True or False:                       [4x0.5=2]

a) The extension of MS-Access is .dbf.

b) In query calculation also can be done.

c) We cannot insert picture in database.

d) With the help of the wizard also we can create a form.


9.Match the following groups:                                                                               [4x0.5=2]

        Group A                                     Group B

        i.   Currency                                a ) 1 GB

        ii.  YES/No field                        b ) 255 characters

        iii.  OLE field                             c ) 1 bit

        iv.  Text field                              d) 1 MB

                                                              e ) 8 bytes


Group C: QBASIC Programming (18 marks)

10. a) Define FUNCTION and SUB procedure.                                                                 [1]

      b) Why is C called middle level language?                                                                  [1]

      c) Write down the function of INPUT and PRINT statements.                                 [1]

11. Debug the following program.                                                                                     [2]

            DECLARE FACT(N)



            CALL FACT(N)


            SUB FACT(N)

            FOR K=1 TO N

            IF N MOD K = 1 THEN

            PRINT K

            IF END


            END FUNCTION

12. Write the output of the given program.                                                                    [2]





        SUB SERIES

        A = 3

        FOR I = 1 TO 5

        PRINT A;

        IF A MOD 2 = 0 THEN

        A = A \ 2


        A = A * 3 + 1

        END IF

        NEXT I

        END SUB

13. Read the following program and answer the following questions.                    [2]




CALL res(a$)



SUB res(a$)

L = LEN(a$)

FOR x = L to 1 STEP -2

PRINT MID$(a$, x, 1);



a. What will be the value of L if a$ = "I live in Nepal."?

b. What happen if we remove the statement line "CALL res(a$)" ?

14. a. Write a program to check whether an entered number is perfect square or not using SUB…… END SUB statement.         [3]

b. Using FUNCTION …… END FUNCTION. Write a program to convert given Nepali currency into US dollar. [Hints 1 US$ = 110 NC]                                                                                                                      [3]

c. A sequential data file named "STUDENT.DAT" contains name, class, roll no and address of the students. Write a program to display all the students' records.                                                                                [3]



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