Monday 19 October 2020



Q1. What is use of Word Processor?
Ans 1-  Word Processor is used to do work as-
a) It is used to save all our information in a document.
b) We can set various font styles and font types on text in document
c) We can make colourful documents
d) We can add pictures to documents
e) Word processor can check our grammar and spelling errors.

Q2.- What is Presentation software?
Ans 2-  Presentation software is used to display information to large group of people using images , audio , video and animation to make it effective and interesting.

Q 3- What is Powerpoint Presentation?
Ans 3- Powerpoint Presentation is collection of slides which have information on a topic. Generally presentations are used in business meetings,  Educational training and teaching etc. We will use presentation software to make presentations.

Q4- what is difference between Word processor and Presentation software?
Ans 4-
      Word Processor                                                     Presentation Software
i) This is text based software.                           i) It is used to make presentation
 It is used to create documents                        

ii)It is used to create letters, forms,              ii)  It is used to make presentations for          mailings and reports.                                               business meetings , seminars,                                                                                                        workshops or trainings etc.

iii). It uses more words                              iii).It uses less words and more pictures.

iv).It can make document more                   iv). In this animations , slide transitions            colourful and creative by using                       and sound are used to make font styles , font types and font colours.                                         presentation attractive.

Q5. – What is Slide?
Ans 5- Slide is one screen of presentation.
            One presentation is made up of many slides.

Q.6 – What is Animation?
Ans 6- Animation is a way of making a movie from many still images. The images are put together one after another, and then played at a fast speed to give the illusion of movement.

Q.7 – What is slide transition?
Ans 7 – A presentation is made up of many slides and we can move from one slide to other. This change of slide and effect of animation is known as slide transition. It is also used to add sound effect and control speed of change of slides.

Q 8- What are various types of Presentation Views?
Ans 8-  Various types of presentation views are-
a) Normal View
b) Slide Sorter view
c) Notes page view
d) Slide show view

Q.9 – What is Normal view of Presentation?
Ans 9 – Normal view is used for presentation design. In this view we can edit slides.

Q.10- What is Slide sorter view of Presentation?
Ans 10-  In slide sorter view all slides can be view together. In this we see miniature view of slides.

Q.11 – What is Notes Page view of Presentation?
Ans 11. – It is used to provide information about each slide in presentation. This view is for presentor.

Q12. – What is Slide show view of Presentation?
Ans 12-  Slide show view is used to view presentation on full screen. We can view this view by pressing F5 by Keyboard.

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MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint