Friday 23 October 2020

Ch - Two ( Class 8)


1.       Answer the following question:

a.       What do you mean by generation of computers? List the generation of computer.

b.       Define first generation of computers and write its two types.

c.       List any four major features of the first generation of computer.

d.       Explain second generation of computer.

e.       Write some differences between second and third generation of computers.

f.        Mention the feature of fourth generation computer.

g.       Define fifth generation of computers.

2.       Write the full form of :

a.       AI

b.       LSIC

c.       ULSIC

d.       VLSIC

3.       Choose the best answer.

a.       Charles Babbage invented

(i)                  UNIVAC

(ii)                Mark-i

(iii)               ABC

(iv)               Stepped reckoner

b.       Mark-I was made operational only in ………………

(i)                  1937 A.D.

(ii)                1942 A.D.

(iii)               1944 A.D.

(iv)               1984 A.D.

c.       …………… was the first general purpose electronic computer.

(i)                  ENIAC

(ii)                EDVAC

(iii)               EDSAC

(iv)               UNIVAC

d.       Transistor technology was used in ……….. generation.

(i)                  First

(ii)                Second

(iii)               Third

(iv)               Fourth

e.       Technology used in fourth generation computer is …………………

(i)                  Vacuum Tube

(ii)                IC chip

(iii)               Microprocessor

(iv)               BIO chip 

f.        ………………. Generation computer will have the ability.

(i)                  Second

(ii)                Third

(iii)               Forth

(iv)               Fifth

4.       Write either true or false.

a.       First generation computers were big in size and occupied large space.

b.       Transistor was first developed by Lee De Forest in 1908 A.D.

c.       IBM 650 is an example of first generation computer.

d.       Technology used in second generation commuters was integrated circuit chip.

e.        The operating speed of fourth generation computers is measured in picoseconds.

f.        The fourth generations computers are based on microprocessor.

g.       Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence.



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