Monday 19 October 2020



Q.1 What is word Processor?
Ans. 1- Word Processor is a software which is used to create document , save and print our document or file. We can make attractive and colourful file/document by adding pictures and colours.

Q 2. - What is use of Word Processor?
Ans 2-  Word Processor is used to do work as-
a) It is used to save all our information in a document.
b) We can set various font styles and font types on text in document
c) We can make colourful documents
d) We can add pictures to documents
e) Word processor can check our grammar and spelling errors.

Q.3 – What are various parts of word document?
Ans- Parts of word document are-
a) Title Bar
b) Menu Bar – it has nine menus – file , home , insert, design , Page layout , References , Mailings , Review and View.
c) Save Button
d) Minimize, Restore and close button
e) Rulers
f) Status bar

Q4.- What  are various shortcut keys used in Word processor?
Ans 4– Shortcut Keys for some basic Commands
Command                                                  Shortcut Key
Cut                                                          CTRL+X
Copy  CTRL+C
Paste CTRL+V
Print Document CTRL+P
To Save Changes CTRL+S
Select All CTRL+ A
Open CTRL+ O
Left Alignment CTRL+ L
Right Alignment CTRL+ R
Center Alignment CTRL+ E
Bold CTRL+ B
Italic CTRL+ I
Underline CTRL+U
Quickly create a bullet point Ctrl+Shift+L
Change the font Ctrl+Shift+F
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document Ctrl+Home
Moves the cursor to the end of the document Ctrl+End
Display the print preview                          Ctrl+F2
Insert the current date                  Shift+Alt+D
Insert the current time                 Shift+Alt+T
Increases the selected text size by one font size Ctrl+Shift+>
Decreases the selected text size by one font size Ctrl+Shift+<
Q5. How to add pictures in document in word processor?
Ans 5 -  To add picture in document we have to click on insert tab and select the desired picture from file or from online. After selecting the picture which you want to insert click on ok and the picture will be inserted.

Q.6 – What are various formatting options available for pictures in word processor?
Ans 6 – Some formatting options are-
a) Resizing the picture
b) Crop the picture
c) Text wrapping settings
d) Caption option
e) Cross reference and hyperlinks

Q.7 – What is Header in a document?
Ans 7- The header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin. Headers  contains information such as the page number, date, writer name  and document name etc.

Q.8 What is footer in a document?
Ans 8 - The footer is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin. Footer generally contains page number or any other information .

Q.9 What is PDF?
Ans 9 – PDF – Portable Document Format.

Q.10 – What are benefits of file in PDF format?
Ans 10- Some benefits of File in PDF format are-
a) PDF file can be viewed in any operating system , any smart phone etc.
b) PDF file format keep text , fonts, graphics of a file same as saved.
c) PDF documents can easily uploaded and downloaded from internet.
d) PDF documents can be protected using passwords and can not be edited.

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MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint