Friday 5 June 2020

SET 3 Computer Operator Question & Solution For Lok Sewa

SET - 3
लोकसेवा आयोग राजपत्र अनंकित प्रथम श्रेणी (विविध) कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परिक्षा २०६१

      1.      In network system, common information is stored in

a.    Client

b.   Server

c.    Workstation

d.   None

Answer :  B

      2.      WWW stands for ...

a.    World Wide Word

b.   World Wide Web

c.    World Wide Wage

d.   None

Answer :  B

      3.      Which of the following is a Network operating system?

a.    Windows NT

b.   Windows 95

c.    Windows 98

d.   All

Answer :  D

      4.      Which of the following is not required in Local Area Network?

a.    RJ-45

b.   PC

c.    HUB

d.   PageMaker

Answer :  D

      5.      Which of the following software is used for E-mail?

a.    Word

b.   Outlook

c.    Excel

Answer :  B

      6.      The capacity of 3.5" floppy is ...

a.    1.44KB

b.   1.44MB

c.    1.44GB

d.   1.44 Byte

Answer :  B

      7.      Computer is an ...... machine.

a.    Electrician

b.   Mechanical

c.    Engineering

d.   Electronic

Answer :  D

      8.      Keyboard is ...... of computer.

a.    output device

b.   software device

c.    hardware device

d.   all of above

Answer :  C

      9.      PROM stands for .....

a.    Programming ready on memory

b.   Programmable read only memory

c.    Package read only memory

d.   Programmable ready on memory

Answer :  B

    10.    10.The sound pictures and video clips are known as ....

a.    media clips

b.   animation

c.    transition

d.   all of the above

Answer :  A

     11.     Auto-correct is .

a.    check spell

b.   find the synonyms

c.    type automatically

d.   correct automatically

Answer :  D

    12.    Slide layout ...... to the prepared slide.

a.    could be applied

b.   could not be applied

c.    could be copied

d.   could not be copied

Answer :  A

    13.    Master slide is to ......

a.    correct all the slides to the different formats

b.   create all the slides to the same format

c.    copy all the slides to the same format

d.   paste all the slides to the different format

Answer :  B

    14.    Media clips is used for ...

a.    best colour match

b.   best slide shape

c.    wake up the audience

d.   none

Answer :  C

    15.    Multimedia includes ......

a.    text, audio, video, sound, object

b.   audio & video

c.    audio, video & game

d.   none of above

Answer :  A

    16.    To change the selected text from lowercase to uppercase, the shortcut key is used ...

a.    Shift+F1

b.   Shift+F2

c.    Shift+F3

d.   Shift+F4

Answer :  C

    17.    Drag and drop method is best process of repositioning

a.    Text & page

b.   Object & page

c.    Object only d

d.   Object & text

Answer :  C

    18.    Bookmark is used to ......

a.    mark text or location in the document

b.   mark text and document

c.    mark text and page of document

d.   all of above

 Answer :  A

    19.    Which of the following item is not printed with document unless you specify?

a.    Footnote

b.   Header & Footer

c.    Endnote

d.   Comment

Answer :  D

    20.    Managing attached data source file with text of message of main document window is simply called ......

a.    Data merging

b.   Document merging

c.    File merging

d.   Mail merging

Answer :  D

    21.    If you have to divide one column/row into two or more than two columns or rows is called ......

a.    split table

b.   split cell

c.    merge cells

d.   none

Answer :  B

    22.    Distance between left margin and paragraph text is simply called ......

a.    tab

b.   gutter

c.    indent

d.   none

Answer :  C

    23.    Macro is used to record ......

a.    Sequential key strokes

b.   Document information

c.    Summary information

d.   None

Answer :  A

    24.    The shortcut key Shift+Ctrl+End is used to ...

a.    select text from the insertion point to the end of document

b.   select whole document

c.    select single paragraph text

d.   none

Answer :  A

    25.    Oracle and MS Access are ......

a.    Spreadsheet

b.   RDBMS

c.    Operating system

d.   Utility

Answer :  B

    26.    The main output object of MS Access is ....

a.    Table

b.   Macro

c.     Report

d.   Module

Answer :  C

    27.    The extension of dBase data file is ......

a.    .exe

b.   mdb

c.    .dbf

d.   .ndx

Answer :  C

    28.    The extension of MS access data file is ......

a.    .mdx

b.   .mdb

c.    .dbf

d.   .ndx

Answer :  B

    29.    Browse means to ......

a.    display continuously

b.   update continuously

c.    delete

d.   input

Answer :  A

    30.    We can select single column by pressing ......

a.    Ctrl + Spacebar

b.   Shift + Spacebar

c.    Alt + Spacebar

d.   None

Answer :  A

    31.    Which of the following key is editing key in Excel?

a.    F1

b.   F2  

c.    F3

d.   F4

Answer :  B

    32.    A special marker that appears at the upper right corner of the active cell is called

a.    text

b.   formula

c.    formula

d.   comment

Answer :  D

    33.    A graphical form of a worksheet data is called ......

a.    Object

b.   Comment

c.    Formula

d.   Chart

Answer :  D

    34.    Vertical alignment is used to adjust the text and numbers with the ......

a.    current row height

b.   current column width

c.    both a & b

d.   none

Answer : A

    35.    Windows explorer is to ......

a.    operate the computer

b.   manage all hardware & software

c.    mange files and folders

d.   all of above

Answer :  C

    36.    What is paint brush?

a.    It is used to create text

b.   It is used to create, edit and view pictures

c.    It is graphic and chart making software.

d.   All of above

Answer :  B

    37.    What is scandisk?

a.    It is used to write program

b.   It is used to play game

c.    It is used to destroy disk

d.   It is used to fix logical errors

Answer :  D

    38.    What is Modem?

a.    An error message

b.   A network tool

c.    A personal computer

d.   A communication device

Answer :  D

    39.    In windows operating system, the size of file extension is ......

a.    8

b.   64

c.    3

d.   none of above

Answer :  C

    40.    If you copy files or folders, how many times can you paste the files and folders?

a.    many times

b.   as long as power is on

c.    until you copy other files

d.   all of above

Answer :  D

    41.    What is cut and paste command?

a.    move

b.   delete

c.    copy

d.   paste

Answer :  A

    42.    BCC stands for ......

a.    Black carbon copy

b.   Blank carbon copy

c.    Balance carbon copy

d.   None

Answer :  B

    43.    13. Which of the following is not an operating system?

a.    DOS

b.   Windows

c.    Linux

d.   Office

Answer :  D

    44.    Which of the following is not a type of ROM?

a.    PROM

b.   Flash memory

c.    EPROM

d.   Virtual memory

Answer :  D

    45.    Which of the following is not a mass storage device?

a.    CDROM

b.   RAM

c.    Hard disk

d.   Tape

Answer :  B

    46.    The data in memory survives as long as power is supplied.

a.    Non volatile memory

b.   Volatile memory

c.    Read only memory

d.   Shared memory

Answer :  B

    47.    Machine readable code is in the form of ......

a.    l's and O's

b.   O's, l's and 2's

c.    a to z, 0 to 9

d.   none

Answer :  A

    48.    Which of the following software is not used for database design?

a.    MS access

b.   Oracle

c.    SQL server

d.   Web server

Answer :  D

    49.    ...... is used to transfer address of data in the computer.

a.    CPU

b.   Memory

c.    Bus

d.   External memory

Answer :  C

    50.    A half byte is known as ......

a.    Bug

b.   Nibble.

c.    Bus

d.    Byte

Answer : B

    51.    The arranging data in a logical sequence is called ......

a.    Classifying

b.   Sorting

c.    Summarizing

d.   Reproducing

Answer :  B

    52.    A single binary integer consists of 1's and O's is called a bit, how many bits are combined to form a byte?

a.    4

b.   8

c.    12

d.   16

Answer :  B

    53.    What is the name given to the 8-bits unit used for data coding?

a.    Data set

b.   Byte

c.    Word

d.   KB

Answer :  B

    54.    All modern computers operate on ......

a.    Diskette

b.   Information

c.    Data

d.   Words

Answer :  C

    55.    An error in computer data is called ......

a.    chip

b.   Byte

c.    Bug

d.   Debug

Answer :  C

    56.    In a computer, all calculation are performed and all comparisons are made in ...... unit.

a.    Control

b.   Memory

c.    Arithmetic-Logic

d.   Register

Answer :  C

    57.    The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from

a.    Primary memory

b.   Control unit

c.    Register unit

d.   Cache memory

Answer :  B

    58.    Presently, the most expensive component in a computer system is ......

a.    hardware

b.   peripheral

c.    software

d.   external storage

Answer :  C

    59.    A smart intelligence device is so called because it contains with in a ......

a.    Computer

b.   Microprocessor

c.    Programmable CPU

d.   Sensor

Answer :  C

    60.    What is the sum of -3 and -3 ?

a.    6

b.   0

c.    3

d.   -6

Answer :  D


“The End”

Thanks for Reading

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