Friday 5 June 2020

Computer Basics

Chapter -One 
Computer Basics 
1.   What is a computer? Write its major parts.
Answer: A computer is an electronic machine that accepts the data and instructions from the user, process the data and instructions from the given set of instructions, stores and gives the information.
The major parts of computer are: monitor, keyboard, mouse, CPU etc.

2.       Why is computer called Information Processing Machine?
Answer: Computer is an electronic machine which generates information by providing raw data according to the prescribed sequence of instructions. It can also store the data and information for future use. So, it is called information processing machine.

3.       Mention any four characteristics of computer.
Answer: Four characteristics of computer are as follows:
a.       High speed
b.      Accuracy
c.       Diligence
d.      Versatility

4.       Write the use of computer in the field of education.
Answer: The use of computer in the field of education are as follows:
a.       Teacher can teach effectively by using computer based presentation.
b.      CBT and WBT are the aid to teach the students in the classroom.
c.       Student can study different subjects and complete their assignments by using different software in computer.
d.      Different universities also provides online and distance learning education system.

5.       What is meant by versatility in terms of features of computer.
Answer: Versatility in term of features of computer means that it is flexible, multitalented or all-rounder. Computer is able to perform a number of different tasks efficiently and without slowing down in various fields.

6.       List any four application fields of a computer.
Answer: Four application fields of a computer are as follows:
a.       Education
b.      Health care
c.       Banking
d.      Entertainment

7.       What are the limitations of a computer? List in points.
Answer: The limitations of a computer are as follows:
a.       It has no intelligence of its own.
b.      It can’t change its processing steps itself.
c.       It has no feelings.
d.      It can’t learn from past experience.

8.       List the abilities that every computer performs.
Answer: The abilities that every computer performs are as follows:
a.       Accept the data and instructions from the user.
b.      Process the data according to the given set of instructions.
c.       Give the result of its processing for the user.
d.      Store the result permanently according to the requirement of the user.

9.       Explain the phrase "Garbage - In – Garbage - Out .
Answer: The result produced by a computer is totally dependent on the data given by the user. If input data is incorrect then the output will be incorrect or undesirably. In computer terminology, it is called “Garbage – In – Garbage – Out”.

10.   Why are computers called diligent and versatile machines?
Answer: Computer can perform repetitive task without feeling bored so it is a diligent machine. In the same way, the computer is able to perform a number of different tasks efficiently and without slowing down in various fields. So, it is called versatile machine.

11.   Represent the measuring unit of computer in terms of fraction of second.

Unit of Time


Milliseconds (ms)

One thousandth of a second

Microsecond (us)

One millionth of a second

Nanosecond (ns)

One billionth of a second

Picosecond (ps)

One trillionth of a second.

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