Sunday 7 June 2020

Asia Publication Problems Solved!



      1.       Name the electronic device used in building the computer of each of these generations.


Generation                                          Electronic device            

First generation                                  Vacuum tubes

Second generation                               Transistors

Third generation                                 Integrated Circuit

Fourth generation                               Microprocessor

Fifth generation                                 Gallium Arsenide chips and biochips


      2.      What are the major features of first generation computers.

Ans: The major features of first generation computers are listed below:

a.    These computers were based on the vacuum tube technology.

b.    They were very large and occupied a very large space.

c.    The power consumption was very high and generated a large amount of heat.


      3.      What is a transistor? Name the inventors of transistors.

Ans: Transistor is a solid-state semiconductor device for amplifying, controlling and generating electrical signals. The three Bell Lab scientists', Walter Houser Brattain, John Bardeen and William Bradford Shockley, working for Bell Labs invented the transistors in 1947.


      4.      What is an Integrated Circuit? Who invented it?

Ans: Integrated Circuit (also called microchip) is a small electronic device made out of a semiconductor material. The first Integrated Circuit was developed in the year 1958 by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation.


      5.      What is a microprocessor? Name the first microprocessor developed by American Intel Corporation in 1971.

Ans: A microprocessor is an integrated circuit that contains the entire central processing unit of a computer on a single chip.

The first microprocessor called Intel 4004 was developed by American Intel Corporation in 1971.


      6.      What is meant by Artificial Intelligence?

Ans: Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with designing into computer systems that possess reasoning, learning and thinking capabilities resemowe those of a human being.


      7.      Define the following terms: Computer Aided Designing

outer technology for the process of de

Ans: Computer Aided Designing is the use of computer tec

and design-documentation


      8.      Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Ans: Computer Integrated Manufacturing is the manufacturing approach of using compute to control the entire production process.


      9.      How are computers used in education!

Ans: Computers are used in education for processing applications, maintaining academic records and transcripts, raising funds, e-mail correspondence, library cataloging, distance learning direct instruction via educational software, sharing of information amone academic researchers worldwide, and for word processing and research in computer centres.


     10.     What is the role of information technology in medicine?

Ans: Information technology has helped to improve the delivery of patient care in a number of different ways. It has reduced the barriers of distance and time via tele-medicine and on-line access to laboratory test results and medical research. It has improved the delivery of health care by making health care information more accessible to patients. It has also helped to contribute to the design of better health care programs. The use of computerized patient records have helped to reduce errors in prescriptions and diagnosis. Information technology is also helping to improve the training and education of medical staff and patients.


     11.     Explain the role of computer technology in the entertainment industry.

Ans: Information technology has now become an important part of the entertainment industry. They are widely used to create special effects in movies. They are used in editing movies and multimedia presentations. They help in composing, editing, recording and reproducing music and sound effects. They are used in sports to analyze the movements of sports persons and to find faults in the movements and optimize the movements su that maximum efficiency is achieved. They are used by sports professionals to analy their techniques to find their strengths and weaknesses. Computer animations widely used in multimedia and in generating computer games.


Problems Solved.

     12.     Define computer and list its capabilities.

Ans: Computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and automat manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. The capabilities of computers are listed below: a. Computers operate at a very high speed, in fact with the speed of light. b. Computers operate nearly 100% accurately. C. Computer stores large volume of data and information. d. Computer is capable of functioning automatically. e. Computer is a versatile device.


     13.     What is a computer program?

Ans: A computer program is a set of detailed, step-by-step instructions that tells a computer how to solve a problem or carry out a task.GOING


     14.     What is meant by GIGO?

Ans: GIGO stands for Garbage In Garbage Out - if poor data are used as input into an equation or model, the result will be erroneous.


     15.     What is data?

Ans: Data refers to a collection of numbers, characters, or images, that are unprocessed.


     16.     What is data processing cycle?

Ans: The data processing cycle is a series of steps carried out to extract information from raw data.


     17.     What is cloud computing? What are the things that you can do with cloud computing?

Ans: Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services-servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and more-over the Internet ("the cloud").

Here are a few of the things you can do with the cloud:

a.    Create new apps and services

b.    Store, back up and recover data

c.    Host websites and blogs


Problems Solved! -

     18.     What is an abacus? Explain the features of abacus in short.

Ans: Abacus is the first manual calculating device developed by the Chinese in 3000 B.C.

It consists of a rectangular frame having a series of vertical rods on which a number of wooden beads are allowed to slide freely. A horizontal beam or mid-bar separates the frame into two sections, known as the upper deck and the lower deck. On the upper deck of each rod are two beads and on the lower deck five beads. Each bead in the upper deck has a value of five; each bead in the lower deck has a value of one.


     19.     What is Napier's bone? Who invented it?

Ans: Napier's bone is a set of graduated rods made up of wood, metal or heavy cardboard.

A set consists of 9 rods corresponding to digits 1 to 9. These bones helped a lot in multiplication and division involving large numbers. John Napier, a Scottish mathematician, invented Napier's Bones in 1617.


    20.    Who is regarded as the father of computer? List his inventions with the year of inventions.

Ans: Charles Babbage is regarded as the father of computer as a result of his contributions to the basic design of the computer. He invented Difference Engine in 1822 and Analytical Engine in 1833.


     21.     Why is analytical engine often called the pioneer computer?

Ans: Analytical engine was the first design to introduce the basic architecture of modern computer, i.e. Central Processing Unit, storage area, memory and input-output devices. Thus, it is called the pioneer computer.


    22.    Write the inventors for the following devices:

Stepped Reckoner

Analytical Engine


Universal Automatic Computer-||


Gottfried Wilhem Von Leibniz

Charles Babbage

John William Mauchly and  Presper Eckert

Jr. John William Mauchly and  Presper Eckert Jr.



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