Sunday 4 April 2021

(X) Ans of Ch-1 Exercise


(X) Ans of Ch-1 Exercise

  1. Select the best answer for the following:

  1. Which is not a network protocol? LAN

  2. Which is not a network operating system? MSDOS 

  3. Which is the component of a network? Hub

  4. Which is the connector of coaxial cable? BNC

  5. An example of guided media Fiber Optics

  6. Which one is an appropriate network within a building? LAN

  7. The device used for connecting computer to a telephone is called Modem

  8. Which one is used to connect the dissimilar networks? Gateway

  9. An example of unguided communication media Both of them

  10. TV broadcasting is an example for data transmitting Simplex Mode

  1. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Telecommunication is a system  of transmission of sounds, images, texts or data in the form of electronic signals.

  2. Modes for transmitting data from one device to another are Simplex, Half duplex and Full duplex.

  3. Bandwidth is measured in bps (bits per second).

  4. Cat 5 cable is used with RJ45 connector.

  5. Microwave is a wireless technology that can be used to transmit data between two different computers.

  6. MODEM is short form of modulator - demodulator.

  7. Linux is an example of network operating system.

  8. Peer to peer network is group of computers, which acts as server and workstation.

  1. State whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. Protocols are not required to exchange data between two different computers. FALSE

  2. Full duplex mode allows simultaneous transmission of data in both directions. TRUE

  3. Wire communication is suitable for local area network. TRUE

  4. The router filters and forwards information among different networks. TRUE

  5. In a computer network the data is passed from one computer to another by means by cables or satellites. TRUE

  6. A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network of computers between two different cities. TRUE

  7. The computer in a network system share only software packages. FALSE

  8. Connecting computers between two different countries is an example of WAN. TRUE

  1. Give the full forms of the following:

  • WAN = Wide Area Network

  • MAN = Metropolitan Area Network

  • UTP = Unshielded Twisted pair

  • STP = Shielded Twisted Pair

  • POP = Post Office Protocol

  • NIC = Network Interface Card

  • HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol

  • MODEM = Modulator Demodulator

  • SMA = Screw Mounted Adaptors

  • BNC = British Naval Connector

  1. Match the following:

Group A

Group B

i. Protocol

  • Rules to exchange data

ii. LAN

  • Network within a building

iii. MAN

  • Network within a city

iv. Coaxial

  • BNC

v. Cat 5

  • RJ 45 

vi. Hub

  • Central device for star topology

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Define data communication. What are the components of data communication?


The collection of hardware, software and other devices that allows to exchange data, information and voice between two or more devices through a wire or radio waves is called data communication.

The Components of data communication are as follows:

  • Data

  • Sender

  • Medium

  • Receiver

  • Protocol

  1. Differentiate between simplex  and half-duplex modes in communication.


Simplex mode

Half - duplex mode

i) In this mode, transmission can take place in only one direction.

i) In this mode, data can be transmitted to both directions, but only to one direction at a time.

ii) Example: TV Broadcasting, Radio Transmission etc.

ii) Example: Wireless handsets , Walky- talky etc.

  1. Differentiate between bridge and router.




i) It connects two or more similar types of networks.

i) It connects two or more different types of networks.

ii) It has no ability to determine the best route for a destination.

ii) It has ability to determine the best route for a destination.

  1. Define a computer network. Write any three advantages of it.


Two or more computers connected to each other to share data, hardware, software and other resources is called computer network.

Any three advantages of computer network are as follows:

  • Communication made by a computer network is much cheaper.

  • It makes communication very fast because information can be exchanged rapidly in computer network.

  • Data in a network environment can be updated from any computer. Updated data can be accessed by all the computers of the network.

  1. What are the three models of the network? Write about the client/server model of a network.


Three models of the network are as follows:

  1. Centralized Computing Network

  2. Client - Server Network

  3. Peer - to -  Peer Network

Client - Server Network

The client - server network consists of at least one server and one or more clients or workstations, where users do their work. The server is the main computer, which gives services to the workstations. It stores and protects user files and the security of the entire network. In this network, the user needs to be logged into the server to enjoy the rights and access the resources of the network according to the rights provided by the administrator.

  1. What is a protocol? Write the names of common protocols of a network.


Sets of rules that the computers on the network must follow to communicate and to exchange data with each other is called protocol.

Common protocols of a network are :


  1. What is a NIC? Write its role in the computer network.


A hardware device that acts as an interface through which a computer is connected to a network is called Network Interface Card (NIC) . Each NIC is assigned a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address by the manufacturer.

The role of NIC in a computer network is to convert data into electrical signals and transfer them through cables and vice - versa.

  1. Define topology. Write about the star topology.


The arrangement or connections patterns of computers or nodes and other devices of the network is called topology. Speed and performance of the computer network depends upon the topology used.

Star Topology

In star topology, all computers or networks devices are connected through a central device called a hub or switch. The computers are connected to the hub or switch using unshielded twisted pair, shielded twisted pair or fiber optic cable. This is the most popular network topology used to connect computers and other devices in a network. In this topology , the central point device (hub or switch) may regenerate the signal, which helps to transfer data to a longer distance.

  1. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of bus topology.


Advantages of Bus Topology:

  • It is easy to set up computers and other devices in bus topology, because all the devices are connected through a single wire.

  • It requires fewer cable media, so it is cheaper than other topologies.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology:

  • The whole network system  collapses if the cable or backbone is damaged.

  • It is difficult to detect the errors in this network.

  1. Define LAN, MAN and WAN.


LAN (Local Area Network)

A network of computers that are relatively near to each other and are connected in a way that enables them to communicate by cable and a small wireless device is called LAN (Local Area Network).

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

A network of computers which is spread over a metropolitan area such as within a city and connects two or more LAN together is called MAN(Metropolitan Area Network).

WAN(Wide Area Network) 

A network system of connecting two or more computers generally across a wide geographical area such as cities, districts, and countries is called WAN(Wide Area Network). 

  1. Differentiate between LAN and WAN.




i) It is controlled or owned by a single organization.

i) It is controlled or owned by multiple organizations.

ii) The diameter is not more than a few kilometers.

ii) It covers a larger geographical area.

iii) Example: Network within a Room

iii) Example: Internet

  1. Write the advantages and disadvantages of star topology.


Advantages of Star Topology:

  • It is easy to set up and configure.

  • Failures of a single computer or cable does not affect the entire network.

Disadvantages of Star Topology:

  • It requires more cable in comparison to bus topology. So , it is costlier.

  • Failures of the central device (switch or hub) break down the whole system.

n) Differentiate between peer to peer and client server network.


Peer to Peer 

Client Server

(i) Clients and server are not distinguished; each node acts as client and server.

(i) There is a specific server and specific clients connected to the server.

(ii) The data is stored in a centralized server.

(ii) Each peer has its own data.

  1. Write short notes on the following:

  1. MODEM


MODEM is the short form of Modulator-Demodulator. This is a device used to transfer the data of one computer to another using telephone lines. During the modulation phase , it is used to translate digital signals of a computer to analog signals, which are then transmitted across the standard telephone lines. The reverse takes place during its demodulation phase, as the MODEM receives analog signals from a phone line and converts them into digital signals for the computer. Two common types of MODEM are Internal and External MODEM.

  1. Repeater


The signals transmitted become weak due to some problems in the transmission mediums or the distance between the two locations. A repeater is a device that amplifies the incoming signals, creates a new copy of it and transmits the signals on the network. Repeaters are required in the network where computers are a part of each other.

  1. Hub


A hub is a device with multiple points or ports. It acts as a central point from where different computers and other devices are connected. It also amplifies the signals and sends them to all connected devices. The hub is mostly used in the physical star topology.

  1. Bus Topology


In bus topology, computers and other devices are arranged in a linear format. It uses a common backbone or wire to connect all the computers and devices. The backbone is also called Bus. It works as a communication medium and each workstation is connected with the coaxial cable and ‘T’ connector. Data is transmitted on the network through the backbone using the computer destination address. If the address matches with the workstation’s address, it receives the data . If the address does not match, the data passes to the next workstations and so on.

  1. Ring Topology


In ring topology computers are connected in the shape of a circle without any end point. Each workstation contains two neighbours for communication or an input and an output connection. The input connection of the workstation receives data which are transmitted to the next workstation through the output connection. So, in this topology , the signal travels in a circle passing through each computer on the network because there are no terminated ends to the cables. It supports coaxial , twisted pair and fiber optics cable.

  1. Write the technical terms for the following:

  1. Sending or receiving information between two or more persons. 

  • Communication

  1. A system of transmission of sounds, images, texts, or data in the form of electronic signals. 

  • Telecommunication

  1. The path through which the sender makes communication to the receiver. 

  • Medium

  1. Data can be transmitted in both directions but only one direction at a time

  • Half - duplex mode

  1. Mode of transmission that transmits the data simultaneously in both directions

  • Full - duplex mode

  1. Terms used to describe the data handling capacity of a communication system

  • Bandwidth

  1. Cable lines through which data flows in a specified path

  • Guided or Bounded Media

  1. The data or signals transmitted through the air in the communication

  • Unguided or Unbounded or Wireless Media

  1. Two or more computers connected with each other to share data and other resources

  • Computer Network

  1. The arrangement or connections patterns of computers or nodes and other devices of the network

  • Network Topology

  1. Interface between the NIC of the computer and the cable that passes data from one computer to another computer

  • Connectors

  1. A device that amplifies the incoming signals, created a new copy of it and transmits the signals on the network

  • Repeater

  1. An intelligent device that connects two different networks

  • Router

  1. An intelligent device used to transfer the data of one computer to another using a telephone line

  • Modem

  1. Set of rules that the computers on the network must follow to communicate and to exchange data with each other

  • Protocols

  1. A device which connects two dissimilar networks

  • Gateway

***** END OF CHAPTER - 1 *****

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