Tuesday 12 January 2021

Class 12 - XII NEB HSEB Model Question Computer Science


Model Question

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any FOUR Questions.                                            1×10=40

1.         What is Entry-Relationship Data Model ? Give an ER-diagram for a database showing fatherhood, motherhood and spouse relationship among men and women.                                      4+6

2.         The rate of interest offered by a bank on fixed deposit :

            i) Period < 6 month 5%

            ii) Period 6 to 12 month 6%

            iii) Above 1 year 10%

            Write a flowchart and program using C language to calculate monthly interest of customer.                                                  3+7

3.         Write a program that reads several different names and addreses into the computer, rearrange the names into alphabetical order. Make use of structure variables.                                                                   10

4.         Write a program that will read successive records from the new data file and display each record on the screen in an appropriately formatted

            form.                                                                           10

5.         Write a program with function and input menu frm keyboard and activate these functions:                                                  10

            i.          print a cricle ()

            ii.         reverse string ()


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any SEVEN Questions.                               7×5=35

6.         What is feasibility study ? Why feasibility study is important in system analysis phase ? Explain.                                                2+3

7.         What are the different types of LAN topology ? Write merits and demerits of Star Topology.                                     2+3

8.         Write short notes on (any two) :

            a) Coaxial cable

            b) Fiber-Optic Cable

            c) Switch

9.         Differentiate between array and structure with suitable examples. 2.5+2.5

10.       What do you mean by parameter ‘Passing by value’ and ‘Passing by reference’ in C ? Explain with suitable example.                  2.5+2.5

11.       Explain teh terms Polymorphism and inheritance.            2.5+2.5

12.       Describe the limitations of using getchar() and putchar() functions for reading strings.                                                                     2.5+2.5

13.       What do you understand by AI ? How it many affect the society ? 3+2

14.       Write short notes on any two) :

            a) Cyber Law

            b) Normaliation

            c) Context Diagram





Exam Question

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any two questions.                                     2×20=40

1.a)      What is an operator ? Explain different types of operators used in programming with examples.                                                            1+4

   b)      Define ‘Nested Loop’. Write a program to calculate and display the multiplication table using nested loop.                                       2+3

    c)     Write a program to find out factorial of any number.                   5

    d)     What do you mean by “local”, “global” and “static” variables ? Explain with examples.                                                                        5

2.  a)    What is an array ? Write down the similarities and differences of array with pointer.                                                                          2+3+5

     b)    Writee a program to read salaries of 300 employees and count teh number of employees getting salary from 10,000 to 15,000.

3.  a)    Write program to sort an array of ‘n’ elements in descending order.  10

     b)    Write a program to enter “name’, “roll-no” and “marks” of 10 students and store them in file. Read and display the same from teh file.        10


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any five Questions.                                     7×5=35

4.         What do you understand by the term data integrity ? Why it is important in designing a database ?                                               2+5

5.         What is feasibility stdy ? Explain different levels of feasibility study. 2+5

6.         Why polymorphism and inheritance are important concepts of OOP ? Explain.                                                                        7

7.         Define program logic. Explain different types of program logic tools.                                                                                         2+5

8.         What is system analysis ? What are the major objectives of system analysis ? Explain.                                                                        2+5

9.         Explain teh benefits of centralized database.                     2+5

10.       What are the types of LAN topology ? Explain with diagram. 2+5

11.       What do you understand by AI ? How it affects the modern society ?                                                                                         3.5+3.5

12.       Write short notes on :                                                           3.5

            a) Data dictionary

            b) Cyber law





HSEB Exam-2069

Exam Question

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any two questions.                                     4×10=40

1.         What is loopting ? Describe “for”, “while” and “do-while” loops with appropriate examples.                                                  1+9

2.         What is contrl statement ? Write a program which selects and prints largest among 3 numbers using “if-else” statement with fow charts. 2+8

3.         What is string ? Explain any four string handling funtions with example.                                                                                              2+8

4.         Write a program to add two matrices by supplying elements of matrices by the user.                                                             10

5.         Write a program which reads name, department and age from a file name “employee.dat” and display the on the monitor.  10


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             5×5=35

6.         Explain different stages of syste development life cycle with clear figure.                                                                                                         5

7.         What are the types of LAN topologies ? Explain with diagrams. 5

8.         Write is database ? List the major uses of database application software.                                                                                              1+4


            Differentiate between array and structure.

9.         What is E-R diagram ? Explain the advantages of E-R diagram in system design.                                                                                  1+5

10.       Explain the database model with suitable examples.        5

11.       What are the key challenges of implementing e-governanace in developing countries ?                                                                      5


            What AI ? Describe the application of AI.

12.       What is multimedia ? What are the components of multimedia ? List out.                                                                                 1+4

13.       Define computer crime and its various forms.                   5

14.       Write the advantages and disadvantage and disadvantages of OOP.  5

15.       Write short notes on :                                                           2.5+2.5

            a) Coaxial Cable

            b) Satellite





HSEB Exam-2070, Set C


Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.

1.         What is nested loo ? Write a program to display the multiplication table of nth terms of given numbers.                                                        2+8

2.         Describe any five “string handling functions” with example.        10

3.         Describe array, strucure and pointer with examples.                   10

4.         Write a program which reads salary of 25 employees and count the number of employees who are getting salary 30,000 to 40,000.      10

5.         Describe fprintf and fscanf file handling functions. Write a program which writes “welcome to Nepal” in a file.


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         What is feasibility study ? Explain diffeent levels of feasibility study.                                                                                         1+4

7.         What is Hierarchical database model ? List out the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical databse model.                      1+4

8.         What is networking ? List out the advantages adn disadvantage of Networking.                                                                       1+4

9.         Explain the centralized and distributed database models. 2.5+2.5

10.       Explain any two transmission media with appropriate diagram. 2.5+2.5

11.       Differentiate between “While” and “Do-While” loop with flowchart.                                                                                           2.5+2.5

12.       What is procedural oriented programming ? Explain.      5

13.       What AI ? Explain the application areas of AI.                    1+4

14.       What are the components of multimedia ? Explain.          5

15.       Write short notes on :                                                           2.5+2.5

            a) E-learing

            b) Data dictionary




HSEB Exam-2071, Set C


Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1.         What is function ? Write a program to generate factorial of a given number using recursive function.                                                         2+8

2.         Describe any five ‘file handling function’ with examples. 10

3.         What is looping ? Describe ‘for loop’, ‘while loop’ and ‘do-while loop’ with appropriate examples.                                                            1+9

4.         Write a program which asks 100 numbers and sort them in aascending order.                                                                                    10

5.         Write a progra to find greatest number among four numbers.    10


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         What is system analysis and design ? Describe briefly.                 5

7.         What is database ? List out the advantages of Database Management System.                                                                          1+4

8.         What is Network topology ? Describe any two network topologies with clear diagram.                                                                                   1+4

9.         Describe the centralized and distributed database systems.        5

10.       Describe the ‘Coaxal cable’ and ‘Satellite’ with examples. 5

11.       Describe the different data types whch are used in C-programming. 5

12.       What is OOP ? List the advantages of OOP.                         5

13.       Describe the applicaiton areas of AI.                                               5

14.       Describe the advantages of multimedia.                                         5

15.       Write short notes on :                                                                       5

            a) E-commerce

            b) Normalization





HSEB Exam-2072, Set C

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1.         What a program which finds the sum, difference and product of 2 numbers using switch case statement                               10

2. a)     Differentiate between while and Do-while loopwith appropriate example.                                                                                           2.5+2.5

    b)     Write a program to display the following:              5


                        1          2

                        1          2          3

                        1          2          3          4

                        1          2          3          4          5

3.         Write a program which asks nth terms of numbers and sort them in ascending order.                                                             10

4. a)     What is function ? List out the advantages of functions.   1+4

    b)     Write a program to find the factorial of a given number.  5

5. a)     Describe fscanf and fprintf function.                                               5

    b)     Write a program which asks name, age, roll_number of student and write it in a file stuent.dat.                                                            5

Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         Describe SDLC with diagram.                                                           5

7.         Define DBMS. List out the objectives of DBMS.                  5

8.         What is Relational database model ? List the advantages and disadvantages of Relational database model.                                     5

9.         Describe the terms ‘SQL’ and ‘DML’                                    5

10.       DEfine comute rnetwork and explain its uses.                               2+3

11.       Describe ‘simplex’, ‘half duplex’, and ‘full duplex’ with example. 1+2+2

12.       Differentiate between array and structure with example.            5

13.       What is E-governanance ? List out the objectives of E-governmence.                                                                                                     1+4

14.       Describe any five application of multimedia.                                  5

15.       Write short notes on :                                                                       5

            a) Computer crime

            ii Social impact of the ICT.                                        2.5+2.5




HSEB Exam-2073, Set C

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1. a)     Describe the switch statement with example.                    5

    b)     What are the difference between while and do while loop ? Explain with syntax.                                                                                 3+2

2. a)     Describe the string manipulation function in C, Explain strcpy and strcmp with example.                                                      2+3

    b)     Write a program to demonstrate the value of variable and address of variable using pointer in C.                                                5

3.         Write a program to real five positive number using array and find out the smalest among them.                                                10

4.         Describe the funciton in C. Write a program to find the sum of ‘n’ integer number using function in C.                                         4+6

5.         Differentiate between structure and union. Write a program to input the employee name and post of five employees and display the records in proper format using structure.                                        3+7


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         What are the major activities in SDLC with based on waterfall model?                                                                                                  5

7.         What is DBMS ? Explain data integrity with suitable example. 2+3

8.         Define DML and DDL with example.                                                3+2

9.         Describe the Bus and Star topology with suitable dagram.                                                                                                           2.5+2.5

10.       Differentiate between guided and unguided networking media. 5

11.       What is variables in programming ? List out the different data types in C program.                                                                             2+3

12.       Discribe the different mode of file handling concept in C. 5

13.       Describe the cyber crime in Nepal. What are protection method to the cybercrime?                                                                            2+3

14.       What is multimedia ? List out the component of multimedia.       2+3

15.       Write short notes on :                                                                       2×2.5

            a) DBMS

            b) Network protocols.





HSEB Exam-2073, Set D

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1. a)     What is loop ? Differentiate between while and do-while loop. Describe with example.                                                                       1+4

    b)     Write a program to display first ten even nos.                   5

2.         What is string ? Explain any four string handling functions with example.                                                                                2+8

3.         What is array ? Write a program to sort twenty integer nos. in ascending order.                                                                                              2+8

4. a)     Write a program to add two integer nos. using funciton.  5

    b)     Define simple and compound statements. Describe logical operator with example.                                                                             5

5. a)     What is pointer ? Write its advantages.                                          5

    b)     Write a program to enter naem, post and salary of a employee and write it in a file “employee.dat”


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         Who is sysem analyst ? Explain the roles of system analyst.        1+4

7.         Write the importance and necessity of SDLC.                                5

8.         What is DBMS ? Differentiate between centralize and distributed dtabase.                                                                                                       2+3

9.         Explain Relaitonal database model.                                    5

10.       Explain Bus and Star topology with advantae and disadvantages.                                                                                              2.5+2.5

11.       Explain class and object.                                           2+3

12.       What is A ? Explain cyber law.                                             5

13.       Explain the components of multimedia.                  5

14.       Define the terms e-learning and virtual reality.                 2×2.5

15.       Write short notes on:                                                            2.5

            a) WiFi

            b) Normalizaiton.





HSEB Exam-2074, Set A

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1. a)     What are the conditional statements in C ? Describe switch statement.                                                                                                2+3

    b)     List the different types of loop in C. Explain for loop with example.                                                                                            2+3

2.         Write a program to find addition of any two matrix of size 2*2 using array.                                                                              10

3. a)     Write a program to compare any two string by using string function in C.                                                                                 5

    b)     What is pointer in C ? Explain.                                             5

4.         Describeb the function in C. Write a program to find the sum of n integer number using funcitons.                                    4+6

5.         Write a program to input the 5 employee’s name and salary using structure and display the seconds in proper format.                10


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         Describe the waterfal model to explain the SDLC.             5

7.         Explain teh data integrity with example.                            5

8.         Descrie the normalization in database.                                           5

9.         Describe the Star topology with suitable diagram.                        5

10.       What is optical fiber cable in networking system.             5

11.       List out the different operators in C program. Explain arithmetic operator with example.                                                                  2+3

12.       Describe the different mode of tile handling concept of C.            5

13.       List out the cybercrime. Give suggestion to protect from identify

            theft.                                                                                       3+2

14.       What is multimedia ? List out the component of multimedia. 2+3

15.       Write short notes on :                                                           2.5+2.5

            a) ER diagram

            b) TCP / IP


HSEB Exam-2074, Set B

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1. a)     What is swtich statement in C program ?Explain with exaple.     5

    b)     Explain FOR loop in C with example.                                               5

2.         Describe the syntax of array. Write a program to sort ten integer numbers in ascending order.                                                                        2+8

3.         What are the methods of funciton declaration and call in C? Write a program to find out given number is odd or even using functin. 4+6

4.         What is string ? Explain any four string funciton with example.  2+8

5.         What is structure in C ? Write a program to enter the 20 employee’s name, age and salary using structure and print them.                 2+8


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         What are teh software development process phases in SDLC ? Explain any one phase.                                                                                    2+3

7.         What are the roles of DBA ? Explain.                                               5

8.         What are INF and 2NF normalizaiton prnciple in Database ? Explain. 5

9.         Differentiate between LAN and WAN.                                             5

10.       Differntiate between LAN and WAN.                                               5

11.       Explain teh file handling concept on C.                                           5

12.       List out the different operator in C. Describe logical operator with example.                                                                                        2+3

13.       What are advantage and disadvantage of social media ? List out.  5

14.       What is cybercrime ? How do you affected from cybercrime in your daily life ?                                                                        2+3

15.       Write short notes on :                                                           2.5+2.5

            a) Data security        

            b) Bluetooth



HSEB Exam-2075, Set A

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1. a)     What is loop ? Differentiate whie and do while loop         2+30

    b)     Define the terms clas and object.                             2.5+2.5

2.         Write a program to input 10 integer numbers into an array and display the sum of the numbers.                                                10

3.         What is function ? Explain any four string functions with example. 2+8

4.         Write a program to input name, roll and regno. of 10 student’s using structure and display in proper format.                                   10

5.         What is normalization ? Expain firt, second and third normal form with example.                                                                   2+8



Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         Who is system analyst ? Explain the role of system analyst.         1+4

7.         Define the terms DFD and E-R diagram.                 2.5+2.5

8.         Defferentiate between centralized and distributed dataabse.      5

9.         Differentiate between peer-to-peer and client/server network. 1+4

10.       What is transmission media ? Write advantages of optical fiber cable. 5

11.       What are the importance of OOP ?                          2.5+2.5

12.       DEfine the terms e-business and e-learning.                      1+4

13.       Explain the social impact of ICT.                              1+4

14.       What is multimedia ? List the components of multimedia.   2.5+2.5

15.       Write short notes on :

            a) AI

            b) WiFi





HSEB Exam-2075, Set B

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1. a)     Why is operator ? Explain logical and relational operator with example.                                                                                               1+4

    b)     Wrie a program to find out whether entered number is positive or negative numer.                                                               5

2. a)     Write the importance of OOP.                                              5

    b)     Write a program to enter 4 integer numbers into an array and display. 5

3.         What is function ? Wrie a program to read the principle, time an rate. Find the ismple interest using function.                                   4+6

4.         Write a program to store 50 records to students using fields, std. no., name and mark. Display the name of student and mark.   10

5.         What are the importance of normalization ? Explain second and third normal form with example.                                                4+6


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         List out different stages of system development life cycle and explain any two stages of them.                                           1+2+2

7.         Describe the major role and responsibility of system analyst in SDLC phase.                                                                            5

8.         Explain the advantages of Database Management System.           5

9.         What is E-R diagram ? Write the meaning of graphical symbols used in E-R diagram.                                                              5

10.       What is transmission media ? Explain any two diferent types of transmission media.                                                              1+2+2

11.       Explain the benefits of decentralized database models.                5

12.       Distinguish between “for” and “while” loop.                                  5

13.       Define the components of multimedia.                                           5

14.       What is E-Commerce ? Point out the advantages of E-Commerce.                                                                                                           1+4

15.       Write short notes on :

            a) Inheritance

            b) Application of AI.




HSEB Exam-2076, (2019)

Group A (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any four questions.                                    4×10=40

1.         What is user defined function ? Write a program to input length and breadth of a pond and find its area by using user defined function. 4+6

2.         What is ‘while’ loop statement ? Write an algorithm and a C program to input a number and reverse it.                                           4+6

3.         Define array. Write a program to input any 10 numbers in an array and display it. Find the biggest number among the input numbers.                                                                                                 2+4+4

5. a)     What is the importance of file pointer in file handling ? Explain with an example.                                                                                5

    b)     Explain any two-string functions with examples.              5


Group B (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt any seven questions.                                             7×5=35

6.         Define SDLC. Describe the feasibility analysis methods.   2+3

7.         Explain the different types of data integrity in DBMS.                  5

8.         What is SQL ? Describe the DML with an example.                        2+3

9.         Define network topology. Explain the Ring Topology.                  2+3

10.       Describe the wireless network system. List out devices and equipments necessary for Wi-Fi network.                                                         3+2

11.       Describe the different operator types in C program.                     5

12.       Describe the different mode of the file handling concept in C. 2.5+2.5

13.       Define cyber bullying. Suggest the possible solutions to remain safe from cybercrime.                                                                                   5

14.       What are the roles of AI in our real life ? List out AI related systems in our society.                                                                             1+4

15.       Write short notes on:                                                            2.5+2.5

            a) Primary Key

            b) IP address






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