Saturday 26 September 2020


Multiple Choice Questions Set A

There are four alternate answers of each of the following questions. One or more of them is/are correct. Tick (Ö) the best answer.

1)                  Pascal is a unit of

a)      power

b)      pressure

c)      force

d)      velocity

2)                  Joule is a unit of

a)      work

b)      energy

c)      both (a) and (b)

d)      none

3)                  Unit of weight is

a)      kilogram

b)      kilometer

c)      kilowatt

d)      Newton

4)                  Unit of power is

a)      Watt

b)      kilowatt

c)      Horse power

d)      All of the above

5)                  SI unit of temperature is

a)      Degree Farhenheight

b)      Degree Celcius

c)      Kelvin

d)      Rumer

6)                  The property of a body, due to which a body remains or tends to remain in it’s initial state of rest or uniform motion in straight line, is called

a)      Inertia

b)      inertia of rest

c)      inertia of motion

d)      All of the above

7)                  A body is moving with a velocity of 25 m/s. Unless external and imbalanced force acts upon it, it’s velocity does not change. It is Newton’s

a)      1st law of motion

b)      2nd law of motion

c)      3rd law of motion

d)      All of the above

8)                  A force of 60 N is applied to a body of 15 kg, which produces an acceleration (in SI unit)

a)      900

b)      90

c)      4

d)      40

9)                  A body of mass 2 kg is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 25 m/s (from the earth surface). When does the body returns to the thrower’s hand?

a)      2.5 s

b)      5 s

c)      10 s

d)      15 s

10)              A force applied on a body can change it’s

a)      shape

b)      state of rest

c)      state of uniform motion

d)      All of the above

11)              ‘A’ starts from rest and gains a velocity of 40 m/s in 5 seconds. It’s acceleration is

a)      0 m/s2

b)      4 m/s2

c)      8 m/s2

d)      10 m/s2

12)              A body, on the earth surface, is thrown vertically upward. After certain interval of time it reaches maximum height. where

a)      it’s velocity is zero

b)      it’s acceleration is 10 m/s2

c)      both (a) and (b)

d)      none of the above

13)              A body, moving in a circular path, may have

a)      constant speed

b)      constant velocity

c)      constant acceleration

d)      none of the above

14)              When a bullet is fired, from a gun, the gun recoils. It explains Newton’s

a)      1st law of motion

b)      2nd law of motion

c)      3rd law of motion

d)      gravitational law

15)              A vehicle, whose velocity and acceleration are 20 m/s and -5 m/s2 respectively, comes in rest after

a)      1 s

b)      2 s

c)      3 s

d)      4 s

16)              A body, moving with uniform velocity, has acceleration equal to

a)      9.8 m/s2

b)      10 m/s2

c)      0 m/s2

d)      None of the above

17)              Velocity ratio in pulley system is given by



c)      both of the above

d)      none  of the above

18)              Velocity ratio of a lever is always less than one. Which type of lever is that?

a)      1st class

b)      2nd class

c)      3rd class

d)      all of the above

19)              Which one is not affected by friction of a machine?

a)      effort distance

b)      load distance

c)      velocity ratio

d)      all of the above

20)              Efficiency of a machine is always less than 100 % due to

a)      MA is affected by friction

b)      VR is affected by friction

c)      both of the above

d)      none of the above

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