Wednesday 26 February 2020

Set Book Solution for Class 9

Model question Set 3
Group A
Computer Fundamental [22 Marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                          5×2=10

                  a) Why is memory needed in computer system ? Explain.
    Ans: Memory is needed in computer system because it is used to store data and information either temporarily or permanently.

                  b) What is a modern ? Where it is mostly used ?
    Ans: A device used for transmitting digital signal to analog signal and vice- versa is called MODEM. It is mostly used in Internet.

                  c) What is a complier ? List its two features.
    Ans: Compiler is a type of language translator that translates program written in high level language into machine language in a single operation.
                  Its two features are:
                                    i.            The translating process is incredibly faster.
                                  ii.            It displays the errors after compiling the complete program.
                  d) Define the term micro computer with its application area.
    Ans: Micro computer is the digital computer that works with microprocessor.
                  Its application areas are:
                                i.            Homes
                              ii.            Schools
                            iii.            Offices

                  e) Mention any two features of second geenration fo computer.
    Ans: Any two features are:
                                i.            They used transistors as the main electronic component.
                              ii.            They had more storage capacity.

2.               a) Convert the following umbers.                         2
                        i) (4A5)16 = (?)8         ii( (6507)8 = (?)10
                        b) Perform the binary calculation.                  2
                        i) 110 ÷ 10 + 1011                  ii) (1010)2 × (101)2
3.               Match the following pairs:                                                2
                  a)CRT                               b)Volatile
                  b)RAM                              a)Output
                  c)BASIC                           d)C
                  d)HLL                               c)Multipurpose Language
4.               Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                 2
                  a) Magnetic tape is the most commonly used sequential seondary storage medium.
                  b) The example of had copy output is printer.
                  c) ROM is a type of non-volatile memory.
                  d) Bio-chips will be used in fifth generation of computer.
5.               Give the appropriate technical terms to the following. 2
                  a) A software used for displaying markup language.
                  - Web Browser
                  b) Machine understandable language.
                  - Low Level Language
                  c) A device used for transmitting digital signal to analog and vice- versa.
                  - MODEM
                  d) A sensitive pen used as pointing device.
                  - Light Pen

6.               Write the full forms of the following:                  2
                  a) VDU     - Visual Display Unit
                  b) LED      - Light Emitting Diode
                  c) DRAM  - Dynamic Random Access Memory
                  d) MHz - Mega Hertz

Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               Answer the following questions.                          2
                  a) What is an active desktop ?
Active Desktop is a feature of Windows that began in Windows 98 that allows the user to store Web content on the desktop.
     Ans: The visible area on the screen, which users get immediately after operating system is loaded is called active desktop.

                  b) Give the meaning of click and double click.
    Ans: Click refers to the action of pressing down the left mouse button and releasing it.
                  Double click refers to the action placing the mouse pointer over a particular icon or item and pressing the left mouse button twice rapidly.

                  c) Write down the commands to accomplish the following tasks.                       i) To copy the file CONFIG.SYS from Drive C: to tEMP
                            directory of A: drive
                        ii) To remove the directory PROGRAMS of A: drive without                           emptying it.
                        iii) To display all the files and fodler page-wise.
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               Answer the following questions.                          3
                  a) Name the tag with attributes used for adding background image in HTML document.
     Ans: The tag used is:
                  <body background = "file name">.......</body>

                  b) What is hyperlink ? Explain with example.
     Ans: The process of linking one HTML document to other documents for communication is called hyperlink.
                  E.g. :
                  <A HREF = "URL" > Describing text for link </A>

                  c) What do you know about URL ? Explain.
     Ans: URL is an address that identifies the location of a web page on the Internet.

                  d) State true or false.
                        a) The <BGSOUND> tag can be used only in internet explorer. True
                        b) HTML allows us to create different kinds of lists. True
                        c) HTML is a markup language. True
                        d) Every row of a table is defined by <TD> tag. False
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                          2
                  a) What is a constant ? List the different types of constant.
     Ans: A constant is the value that do not change during the execution of the program.
                  The different types of constant are:
                                            i.            Numeric constant
                                          ii.            String constant

                  b) What is logical operator ? Explain.
     Ans: Logical operator is the symbol that perform on the results of the combinations of two or more relational expression and return a single value. E.g. AND, OR & NOT.
10.             Draw a flowchart to read name, class and marks for five different subjects. Find the average. If the average is greater or equal to 40. Print “PASS”, else Print “FAIL”.

11.             a) Write the output of the following program:                  2
                        FOR I = 1 TO 8 step 2
                        PRINT MID$(A$, I, 1)
                        NEXT I
                  Output:     L

b) Debug the following program :                              2
                        REM to display 1st ten natural number
                        FOR I = 3 TO 10 step 2
                        S = S + A
                        PRINT SUM
                        NEXT I
                  - CLS
                        REM   to display 1st ten natural number
                        FOR I = 1 TO 10
                        PRINT I
                        NEXT I
12.             Read the following program and answer the following questions. 2
                        READ   U, V, W, X, Y, Z
                        PRINT  U, V, W
                        READ  A, B, C, D, E, F
                        PRINT  D, E, F
                        DATA  10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
a)      What is the use of restore statement in the program?
Ans: Once the data element is read, it cannot be read again until the program resets it. The restore statement is used to reset the data in the program.
b)      What will happen if the data are insufficient?
Ans: It displays error message “out of data”.

13.             a) Write a program to enter elements of any two matrices and final sum of them.                           3

                  DIM a(2, 2), b(2, 2), s(2, 2)
FOR i = 1 TO 2
    FOR j = 1 TO 2
        INPUT "enter element for first matrix"; a(i, j)
    NEXT j
FOR i = 1 TO 2
    FOR j = 1 TO 2
        INPUT "enter element for second matrix"; b(i, j)
    NEXT j
PRINT "sum of two matrices=";
FOR i = 1 TO 2
    FOR j = 1 TO 2
        s(i, j) = a(i, j) + b(i, j)
        PRINT s(i, j);
    NEXT j

                  b) Write a program to convert IC (Indian Currency) into NC (Nepali Currency) and vice-versa.      2
-                 CLS
                  INPUT "Enter Indian Currency"; IC
                  NC = IC / 1.6
                  PRINT "Nepalese Currency="; NC
                  INPUT "Enter Nepalese Currency"; N
                  I = N * 1.6
                  PRINT "Indian Currency="; I

                  c) Write a program for 5 students :                       3
                        i) Input name of student & marks obtained out of 100 in 4 subjects &
                        ii) Print student name & percentage.

DIM n$(5), m(5, 4)
FOR i = 1 TO 5
    INPUT "enter name"; n$(i)
    s = 0
    FOR j = 1 TO 4
        INPUT "enter marks in 4 subject"; m(i, j)
        s = s + m(i, j)
    NEXT j
PRINT "Name", "Percentage"
FOR i = 1 TO 5
    PRINT n$(i),
    PRINT s / 4,
Model Question Set  7
1.               Answer the following questions.                          5×2=10
                  a) Define computer. List any two characteristics of computer.
                  A computer is an electronic machine that accepts the data and instructions from the user, process the data and instructions from the given set of instructions, stores and gives the information.
                              Any two characteristics of computer
High speed

                  b) Why do computer need primary memory ?
                        computer need primary memory to store data that the CPU needs imminently so that it does not have to wait for it to be delivered
                  c) What is system software ? Write its types.
                        System software is a set of programs that manages and supports the computer resources and operations of a computer system.
                  Its Types are: Operating System, Language Processor, Utility Software
                  d) List any four positive impacts of computer in our society.
                  Any four positive impacts of computer in our society are:
1.      It creates new and interesting fields of employments.
2.      It helps to do work in very less time.
3.      It provides faster communication.
4.    It provides greater access to resources.

                  e) Computers are used on entertainment, Justify your answer.
                  Yes, computers are used on entertainment. Computers use multimedia technology to entertain the user. It provides variety of multimedia products to the several developers. It too facilitates graphics, sound and animation to make audio and video effective.

2.               a) Convert as instructed :                                      2
                        i) (450)8 into Binary   ii) (10111)2 into Hexadecimal
                  b) Perform binary calculations:                                         2
                        i) (111 + 11) × 101      ii) 10101 divided by 11
3.               Match the following.                                                        2
                  Group ‘A’                         Group ‘B’
a.       Data                            c) Error due to the wrong input
b.      Information                 -)Storage device
c.       GIGO                          d) Error in the program
d.      Bug                             a) Raw facts or symbol
                                                            b) Processed data
4.               Choose the correct answers:                                             2
                  a) Vaccum tube was developed by ...............
                        i) Lee de Forest          ii) Jack Killby            
iii) Pascal                    iv) Dr. Marcian
                  b) Source program is written in ...............language.
                        i) English                     ii) Machine     
iii) High level             iv) Symbolic
                  c) Cyber law was introduced in Nepal in .............BS.
                        i) 206               ii) 2061            iii) 2057          iv) 2059
                  d) Which of the following is volatile memory ?
                        i) Hard disk                 ii) Floppy disk           
iii) RAM                     iv) ROM
5.               Give the appropriate technical of the following:  2
                  a) A block of CPU that is used to do logical operations. ALU
                  b) The basic program stored in ROM chip. Firmware
                  c) An input device which converts text or images into digital form. Scanner
                  d) The physical components of computer system. Hardware
6.               Write full form of :                                                           2
                  i) IT – Information Technology
                  ii) VLSI – Very large Scale Integrated Circuit
                  iii) GIS - Geographic Information System                      
iv) OCR – Optical Character Reader
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               Answer the following questions.                          5
                  a) List any two icons available on desktop.
                  Any two icons available on desktop are:
1.      My Computer
2.      My Documents
                  b) Write down the steps to create a new folder.
                  The steps to create new folder are:
Ø  Right click on the empty area. A shortcut menu will appear.
Ø  Select New and then Folder. A new folder icon will appear with the text New Folder highlighted, which indicates that it can be changed.
Ø  Type a new name for the folder and press  Enter key.
                  c) Write the difference between copying and moving.
The main difference between copying and moving is that the copying makes a duplicate of a file or directory in another location without affecting the original content while moving transfers the original file or directory to another location.
Group C :
Programming [23 marks]
8.               Answer the following questions.                                      3
                  a) What is Library function ?
                  Library function  is pre-defined program which is provided by QBASIC to perform some task easily.

                  b) What is looping ?
                  Looping is the process of repeating the execution of a statement or a block of statements guided by a condition.

                  c) Write the function of the following statement.
                        a) LEN : It returns the number of characters in a string.        
                        b) SGN: It returns the sign of a number.

9.               Re-write the following program with correcting the bus:            2
                  REM to generate series 1, 9, 25............upt to 10th term.
                  a= 1
                  x = 1
                  DO WHILE x > - 10
                  PRINT a2;
                  a = a+ 1
                  x = x + 1
                  Debugged Program
REM to generate series 1, 9, 25............upt to 10th term.
a = 1
x = 1
DO WHILE x <= 10
    PRINT a ^ 2;
    a = a + 2
    x = x + 1

10.             Write the output of the following program :                                2
                  n$ = “SARBAJANIK”
                  FOR i = LEN (N$) TO 1 STEP - 1
                  b$=RIGHT$(N$, I)
                  PRINT b$
                  NEXT i

11.             Re-write the following program using WHILE..........WEND loop: 2
                  FOR x = 1 TO 10 STEP 2
                  PRINT x
                  s = s + x
                  NEXT x
                  PRINT “Sum =”;S
WHILE X<= 10
                  PRINT X
                  S = S + X
                  PRINT “Sum =”;S
12.             Study the following program and answer the questions:  2
                  INPUT “Enter any string=”;n$
                  FOR x = 1 TO LEN (n$)
                  m$=MID$(v$, X 1)
                  IF m$=”a” OR m$ = “e” OR m$ = “i” OR m$ = “o” OR m$=”u”
                  v = v + 1
                  c = c + 1
                  END IF
                  NEXT x
                  PRINT “Total no of Vowel letters=”;V
                  PRINT “Total no of consonant letters=”;c
a)      List the library function used in the above program ?
Ans: LEN( ), LCASE$( ), MID$( )
b)      What will be the value of V if we input n$ = “submission”?
Ans: 4
13.             Write a program:                                                   4×3=12
                  a) To calculate area of four walls of room.
                        REM PROGRAM TO DISPLAY AREA OF 4 WALLS
A = 2 * H * (L + B)

                  b) To input any number test whether input number is perfect square or not.

S = SQR(N)
c)      To input any number and display the multiplication table of that number.

FOR I = 1 TO 10
PRINT N; "X"; I; "="; N * I

                  d) To print the letters ne in uppercase and next in lowercase.
                        [Hints = MiCrOtEk]

FOR I = 1 TO LEN(S$)
B$ = MID$(S$, I, 1)
W$ = W$ + UCASE$(B$)
W$ = W$ + LCASE$(B$)

Model Question Set 7
Group A :
“Fundamentals” [22 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                             5×2=10
                  a) What is computer ? Write any tow characteristics of computer.
                  Computer is an electronic device that processes the input data according to the given set of intructions to give meaningful output.

                  b) Defien the term memory. List the types of memory in tree structure.
                  Memory is the part of computer system that stores data and information for fraction of a second or permanently.

                  c) List any four features of super computer.
                  Any 4 features of super computer are:
1.      They are the largest and most expensive digital computers.
2.      They have a large memory capacity.
3.      They have very high processing speeds.
4.      They are mostly used in forecasting weather, biomedical research, etc.

                  d) Mention any four advantages of internet.
                  Any 4 advantages of Internet are:
1.      It allows the people to communicate with each other in real time.
2.      It has made buying and selling of goods more easier and faster.
3.      It allows the user to use resources of a far distance computer.
4.      It provides a variety of information on different subject matters.

                  e) Write the name of any four antivirus software.
                  Any 4 anti-virus software are:
1.      Norton Anti-virus
2.      Kaspersky
3.      NOD 32
4.      Panda
2.               a) Convert as instructed:                                         2
                        i) (76)8=(?)16                 ii) (65)10=(?)2
                  b) Perform binary operation.                                              2
                        i) 1111 + 1110 - 1011              ii) Divide 11010110 by 111
3.               Match the following pairs:                                     2
                  a)Digital Camera                            b)Antivirus software
                  b)Kaspersky                                                a)Input device
                  c)Dot Matrix printer                                  d)Storage media
                  d)Compact disk                                         c)Output device
                                                                                    Online media
4.               State true or false.                                                   2
                  a) Cyber law is the law which used to stop computer crime. True
                  b) CD has more storage capacity than DVD. False
                  c) Tailored package is a software used for general purpose.
                  d) Digital computer usnderstands only two digits, i, e, 0 and 1. True
5.               Give the appropriate technical term:                                  2
                  a) The program stored in th form of ROM is called.
                  b) A type of memory that sotres data, programs softwares, etc permanently even if the disk crashes.
                  - Secondary memory
                  c) A computer which has lower storage capacity, funcitons and used by geenral people.
                  d) A device used to transfer files from one computer to another.
                  - USB
6.               Give the full form:                                                 2
                  i) ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange 
                  ii) KBPS    -
                  iii) VSAT   -
                  iv) ICT - Information and Commnications Technology
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) What is meant by file ?                                       1
                  A file is a collection of related data stored on a disk.

                  b) What does “C:\dir/w” mean ?                            1
                  c) Mention any four features of windows.              1
                  Any 4 features of Windows are:
1.      It is GUI based operating syatem.
2.      It supports a long file name.
3.      It supports communication through the Internet.
4.      It helps to run multiple programs at a time.

                  d) Fill in the blanks:                                                           2
                        i) Delete command is used to delete files.
                        ii) ............. command is automatically loaded when computer                             is started.
                        iii) ............. operating system occupies more memory in the                     computer.
                        iv) .............. is used to open the program.
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               a) What will happen if we do not close the paired tag ?                  1
                  If we do not close the paired tag either the effect will not be activated or the effect will not be off.

                  b) <FONT SIZE = 4> ..................</FONT>                                1
                  Name the tag, attribute and value fro the given above tag.
                  Tag - <FONT>
                  Attribute - SIZE
                  Value - 4
                  c) In how many ways hyperlink can be created?
                  Hyperlinks can be created in two ways.

                  d) State either True or False.
                        i) HTML is a text file.
                        ii) Paired tag must have end tag. True
                        iii) <BG SOUND> tag is used for background music. True
                        iv) htm is an extension of HTML. False
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                                         2
                  a) What is an array ?
                  An array is a set of similar data elements, which are stored in consecutive memory locations under a common variable name.

                  b) Write down the syntax of the following statements.
                        i) DIM - DIM variable (subscripts) [as type]               
                        ii) MID$ - MID$ [string expression, start position, length]

10.             Draw a flow chart to display the even numbers from 2 to 100.      2
11.             a) Write the output of the following program.                               2
                        DATA Laxmi, Roshni, Roman, Samar
                        NEXT A
                        FOR  A = 1 TO 5
                                    READ N $
                                    C$=C$ + MID$(N$, A, 1)
                        NEXT A
                        PRINT “Result=*;C$
                  b) Debug the following program.                           2
                        REM to display the reverse of the number.
                        INPUT “Enter any number”;N$
                        DO WHILE N$<> 0
                                    B=10 MOD N$
                                    R = B * 10 + R
                                    N$ = N$/!)
                        PRINT “Reverse numberis”;R
                  - Debugged program
                  REM to display the reverse of the number.
                        INPUT “Enter any number”;N$
                        S = 0
                        WHILE N <> 0
                                    B = N MOD 10
                                    R = R * 10 + B
                                    N = N\10
                        PRINT “Reverse number is”;R

12.             Read the followign program and answer the quesitons.                  2
                  OPTION BASE 1
                  DIM (5) AS INTEGER
                  FOR P = 1 TO 5
                      READ N (P)
                     IF N(P) MOD 3 = 0 AND N(P) MOD 4 = 0 THEN S = S + N(P)
                  NEXT P
                  DATA 12, 30, 60, 50, 24
                  PRME “Result=”;S
                  a) What is the output of the above rogram ?                                  2
                  b) List the variables used in the program.                           3
13.             a) To accept length and breadth of a rectangle and display its area and perimeter.                                                                    2
                  INPUT "Enter length"; l
                  INPUT "Enter breadth"; b
                  A = l * b
                  P = 2 * (l + b)
                  PRINT "Area of rectangle="; A
                  PRINT "Perimeter of rectangle="; P

                  b) To accept any ten numbers from a user and display the sum of odd number among them using an Arrary.                                3
                  DIM N(10)
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  INPUT "Enter the numbers"; N(I)
                  IF N(I) MOD 2 = 1 THEN S = S + N(I)
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Sum of odd numbers is"; S

                  c) To accept a number from a user and display its factorial.           3
                  INPUT "Enter any number"; N
                  F = 1
                  FOR I = 1 TO N
                  F = F * I
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Factorial="; F


Model Question Set 5
Group A :
“Fundamentals” [22 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                             5×2=10
                  a) What are the disadvantages of computer ?
                  The disadvantages of computer are:
1.      It has increased unemployment.
2.      It upgrades frequently.

                  b) Differntiate between analog and digital computer.
                  The differences between analog and digital computer are:
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
1. It is a special purpose computer that works on continuous signals.
1. It is the most popular general purpose computer that works on digital data.
2. E.g. are: Speedometer, Thermometer, etc.
2. E.g. are: CRAY-XMP, CYBER 205, etc.

                  c) Why is CPU called ‘brain’ of computer ? Explain.
                  CPU is called 'brain' of computer because this is the main part of the computer which is resposible for processing and controlling the entire operations of computer system.

                  d) Differentiate between packaged and tailored software.
                  The differences between packaged and tailored software are:
Packaged software
Tailored software
1. It allows the computer to perform specific task for different users.
1. It is designed to meet the specific requirements of an individual.
2. It is a type of generalized set of application software.
2. It is a type of specialized set of application software.

                  e) Why computer is called versatile machine ? Explain.     
                  Computer is called versatile machine because in this machine wide range of operations can be done and its application area is not limited.

2.               a) Convert the following numbers.                         2
                        i) (6AD)16 = (?)2                       ii) (4A7)8 = (?)2
                  b) Perform the following calculation:                                 2
                        i) 1010 × 100 ÷ 10                   ii) 100101 + 1001 - 110
3.               Match the following pairs:                                     2
                  a)Rom                                c)Fourth Generation
                  b)Monitor              a)Primary Memory
                  c)VLSI                               b)Output device
                  d)Photoshop                      DBMS
4.               Select the correct answer:                                       2
                  a) The computer wich works on binary number.
                        i) Analog computer                  ii) Digital computer
                        iii) Hybrid computer                iv) Super computer
                  b) First electronic computer is
                        i)ENIAC          ii) EDVAC       iii) EDSAC      iv) All
                  c) The memory placed in between CPU and main memory.
                        i) Main memory          ii) Auxiliary memory
                        iii) Cache memory       iv) None
                  d) CPU is also known as
                        i) Brain of computer                ii) Heart of computer
                        iii) Nerve centre                       iv) None
5.               Give the appropriate technical term:                                  2
                  a) A subject in which stuents study about computer hardware and software.
                  - Computer science
                  b) To control all the units of the computer.
                  - Control Unit
                  c) To supply regulated power to the computer even at the time of power cut.
                  - Generator
                  d) To print engineering drawing.
6.               Give the full form:                                                 2
                  i) ALGOL -                      
                  b) RPG      -
                  c) PROLOG -       
                  d) LISP -
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) What is the purpose of OS?                                           1
                  The purpose of OS is to provide easy interaction between the user and computer.

                  b) What is meant by ICON ?                                             1
                  ICON is the small bitmap picture or symbol used in GUI based operating system environment.

                  c) Write the functions carried out by following DOS commands. 3
                        i) B:\>ATTRIB + H ABC.DAT           ii) C:\>CoPY*.*D:
                        iii) A:\>DEL TREE D:
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               Answer the following questions.                               2
                  a) What are the tools that you need to write HTML document ?
                  The tools needed to write HTML document are:
1.      Notepad/Wordpad
2.      Web Browser

                  b) Mention the purpose of start and end tag of HTML.
                  c) Fill in the blanks.                                                             3
                        i) Unordered lists items are prepared by the <LI> tag.
                        ii) The TYPE attribute is used with <OL> tag to change the                numering style i lists.
                        iii) The <A> tag is used to creat links in HTmL document.
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                                         2
                  a) Define the term stateemnt. List the different tye of statement.
                  Statements are special keywords oe reserved words which may not be used for any other purpose in a QBasic Program.

                  b) Write down the syntax and use to READ......DATA statement.
                                    READ Variable List
                                    DATA Constant

10.             a) Draw a flowhart to check whether the entered number is prime or not.                                                       2
11.             a) Write the output of the program.                                   2
                  PRINT A;
                        PRINT B;
                        WHILE C<=10
                                    Z = A + B
                                    PRINT Z
                                    A = B
                                    B = Z

                  b) Debug the following program.                           2
                        REM program for find maximum value
                        READ x MX = X
                        For i = 2 to 5
                        Read X
                        Next J
                        Print “The maximum is”;MX
                        Data 20, 3, 27, 98, 70, 54, 1, 60, 34, 90
12.             Read the following program and answer the questions.                  2
                  DIMA(10, 10), B(10, 10)
                  REM INPTU MATRIX A
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  FOR J = 1 TO 10
                  INPT A (I, J)
                  NEXT J: NEXT I
                  REM INPUT MATRIX B
                  FOR K = 1 TO 10
                  FOR L = 1 TO 10
                  INPUT B(K, L)
                  NEXT L = NEXT K
                  REM ADD A WITH B TO FORM MARIX C
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  FOR J = 1 TO 10
                  C(I, J) = A(I, J) + B(I, J)
                  PRINT C(I, J)
                  NEXT J : NET I
                  a) What is the purpose of the program ?
                  The purpose of the program is to display the output in tabular form using multi-dimensional array.

                  b) Count the number of varable used in the program.
                  The numbers of variable used in program are 7.

13.             a) write program to find sum of following series S = 12 + 22 + 32 + ..........+102                                                             1.5
                  b) Write a progra to display the following series: 2,4 , 8, 16,......., 10th terms.                                                              1.5
                  A = 2
                  FOR I = 1 TO 10
                  PRINT A
                  A = A * 2
                  NEXT I

                  c) Write a program to find sum of digits of any number. [Example: 125=1 + 2 + 5 = 8]                                              2

                  INPUT "Enter any number"; N
                  S = 0
                  WHILE N <> 0
                  R = N MOD 10
                  S = S+ R
                  N = N\10
                  PRINT "Sum of digits="; S

                  d) Write a program to print the word given by user in reverse order.
                  INPUT "Enter any word"; A$
                  FOR I = LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP - 1
                  B$ = MID$ (A$, I, 1)
                  C$ = C$ + B$
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Reverse Word is"; C$


Computer Science (Optional Science)
Group A
“Computer Fundamentals” [22 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                          5×2=10
                  a) What is hardware ?
                   The physical components that make up the entire computer system is called hardware.

                  b) What is language translator ? List its types.
                  Language translator is a type of system software that translates programs prepared by programmer in any other languages into machine language. Its types are :-
i)                   Assembler
ii)                 Interpreter
iii)               Compiler

                  c) What is e-governance ?
                  E-governance is the use of range of modern information and technologies by government to improve efficiency of services.

                  d) What are the objective of IT Police 2057 BS ?
                  The objective of IT Policy of 2057 BS are :-
i)                   To make information technology accessible to the general public and increase employment through this means.
ii)                 To build a knowledge-based society.
iii)               To establish a knowledge-based industry.

                  e) Write any four negative impacts of computer on society.
                  Any four negative impacts of computer in society are :-
i)                   It has increase the unemployment.
ii)                 It is highly expensive.
iii)               It increase computer crime.
iv)               It upgrades frequently.

2.               a) Convert the following:                                      2
                        i) (111011)2 into Octal
                        ii) (634)10 into Hexadecimal
                  b) Perform the binary calculation:                                    2
                        i) 110101 + 10101
                        ii) 11101 × 1001
3.               Match the following pairs:                                                2
                  a) Dot matrix printer         c) input device
                  b) Laser printer                 d) output device
                  c) Light pen                             a) impact printer
                  d) Speaker                         b) non-impact printer
4.               Fill in the blanks with suitable words:                             2
                  a) Information technology is a technology that is used to store , communicate and process the information.
                  b) System software controls and manages all the internal operation of the commuter. 
                  c) Thermometer and speedmeter are the examples of Analog devices.
                  d) IC was the main devices used in third generation of computer.
5.               Give the appropriate technical term of following:            2
                  a) Software is designed to perform maintenance work on the computer system.
                  - Utility software
                  b) The section of CPU that perform all arithmetic and logical calculation on data.
                  - ALU
                  c) The main components of fifth generation of computer.
                  - Biochips
                  d) Comuter’s capability to perform a variety of tasks at a time.
                  - Versatile
6.               Give the full form:                                                            2
                  i) ABC – Atanasoff Berry Computer       
ii) ICT – Information and Communications Technology                  
iii) CPU    - Central Processing Unit
iv) ROM – Read Only Memory
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) What is MS-DOS?
                  MS-DOS is a single use, single tasking operating system developed by Microsoft for the IBM range of personal computers.
                  b) What is taskbar ?         
                  Taskbar is a horizontal bar located on the bottom of the desktop.
                  c) What is dialog box ?    
                  Dialog box is a type of window in a graphical user interface, which is used for special purposes.
                  d) Write the function of the following DOS commands. 2
                        i) D:\>DIR*.TXT       
                        Displays all the files having txt as extension of d drive.
ii) C:\>CHKDSK
check a specified disk and repair or recover data on the drive if necessary
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               a) What is tag ?
                  Tag is the code and command that define the structures and behaviors of the different parts of a web document.
b) Write the basic structure of HTML.                                   1

                  The basic structure of HTML :-
                  c) Wrie the HTML codes to display the following.                      3
                        S.N.     Name               Address
                        1.         Ravindra         Bhaktapur
                        2.         Manohar          Kathmandu
                  <TABLE BORDER=1>
                  <TH> S.N. </TH>
                  <TH> Name </TH>
                  <TH> Address </TH>
                  <TD> 1. </TD>
                  <TD> Ravindra </TD>
                  <TD> Bhaktapur </TD>
                  <TD> 2. </TD>
                  <TD> Manohar </TD>
                  <TD> Kathmandu </TD>

Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               a) What is an array ?
                  Array is a set of similar data elements, which are stored in consecutive memory locations under a common variable name.

                  b) Write down the syntax of the following statements.
                        i) STR$ ()       
                        - STR$[N]

ii) STRING$()
- STRING$ [(Length %), ASCII code l sting   expression]

10.             Draw a flow chart to display the even numbers fro 2 to 100.      2
11.             a) Write the output of the following program.                              2
                        X = 1
                        FOR I = 1 TO 5
                                    PRINT X
                                    X = X*10+1
                        NEXT I

                  b) Debug the following program.                                     2
                        REM to display the given number in reverse.
                        INPUT “ENTER A NUMBER”;n$
                        WHILE N<> ZERO
                                    R=A MODE 10
                        PRINT S
                  Debugged Program
                  REM to display the given numbers in reverse.
INPUT “Enter a number”;N
                  S = 0
                  WHILE N<>0
                  R = N MOD 10
                  S = S*10+R
                  N = FIX(N/10)
                  PRINT S
12.             Read the following program and answer the questions:               2
                        FOR I = 1 TO LEN(A$)
                                    B$=MID$(A$, I, 1)
                                    IF INSTR (“aeiour”, C$) <> 0 THEN V = V + 1
                        NEXT I
                        PRINT V
a)      Make a list of built in function used in the program.
i)                   INSTR ( )
ii)                 MID$ ( )
iii)               LCASE$ ( )
iv)               LEN ( )

b)      Make a list of variables used in this program with their types.
i)                   A$ - String variable
ii)                 B$ - String variable
iii)               C$ - String variable
iv)               I – Numeric variable
v)                  V – Numeric variable

13.             a) Write a program to calculate the circumference of a circle.     2
INPUT “Enter the radius”; r
                  C = 2*22/7*r
                  PRINT “Circumference of circle=”; C

c)      Write a program to ask to enter a string then find out whether it is palindrome or not. 3
INPUT “Enter any word”; A$
FOR I = LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP -1
B$ = MID$(A$,I,1)
C$ = C$+B$
PRINT “The given word is palindrome”
PRINT “The given word is not palindrome”
d)      Write a program to ask to enter 10 diffeentanems from teh users then arrange is descending order.   3

FOR I = 1 TO 10
INPUT “Enter the names’: N(I)
FOR I = 1 TO 10
FOR J = 1 TO 10 – I
IF N(J) < N (J+1) THEN SWAP N(J), N(J+1)
PRINT “The sorted names in descending order”
FOR K = 1 TO 10


Model Question Set 9
Group A :
“Fundamentals” [20 marks]
1.               Answer the following questions.                             5×2=10
                  a) List the main component used in each geenraiton of computer.
                  The main components used in each generation of computer are:
i)        First generation computers - Vacuum tubes
ii)      Second generation computers - Transistors
iii)   Third generation computers - IC chips
iv)    Fourth generation computers - Microprocessors
v)      Fifth generation computers - Bio chips

                  b) Mention the features of the second generation computers.
                  The features of second generation of computers are:
i)        They used transistors as main electronic component.
ii)      They had more storage capacity.

                  c) Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory.
                  The differences between primary and secondary memory are:
Primary Memory
Secondary Memory
1. It is a semiconductor memory.
1. It is magnetic and optical memory.
2. It is high speed and expensive.
2. It is low speed and cheaper.
3. It has less storage capacity.
3. It has high storage capacity.

                  d) Define intput and output devices with suitable examples.
                  Input device is the device that allows a user to enter a data and instruction into the computer. Examples are mouse, keyboard, joystick, etc.
                  Output device is a physical part of computer that displays the data or information either in visual or audio format. Examples are monitor, printer, plotter, etc.

                  e) What are the limitations of computer ?
                  The limitations of computer are:
i)        Computers cannot take decisions on its own.
ii)      Computers are unable to correct wrong intructions.
iii)   Computers have no feelings.

2.               a) Convert the following number.                          2
                        i) (178)10 into Octal                 ii) (1045)8 into Binary
                  b) Perform binary operation.                                              2
                        i) 11011001 + 101010             ii) 11011 × 110
3.               Match the following pairs:                                     2
                  a)64 KB                             b)Soft copy output
                  b)Monitor              c)A-D, 1620
                  c)Slide Rule                        a)65, 535  Bytes
                  d)BIT                                bmp
                                                            d)Binary Digit
4.               Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                2
                  a) IC was patented by Jack Kilby in 1958 A.D.
                  b) First electronic computer was ..............
                  c) CU is the componet of processing unit.
                  d) Word processing software is a packaged software.

5.               Give the appropriate technical term:                                  2
                  a) Any type of mistake caused by missing comma, mismatching semicolon, etc.
                  - Grammatical mistake/error
                  b) A device which uses thermal conductivity, electrostatic, laswer beam for producing text or images.
                  - Laser printer
                  c) Removing the bug.
                  - Debugging
                  d) A specific software.
                  - Application software
6.               Give the full form:                                                 2
                  i) CPU - Central Processing Unit             
                  ii) MDA     - Monochrome Display Adapter
                  iii) ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator      
                  d) LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
Group B :
DOS + Windows [5 marks]
7.               a) What is the purpose of Recycle Bin ?                                         1
                  The purpose of recycle bin is to store the items that we delete from the windows.

                  b) What is a system message ?                                                        1
                  c) List examples of any four Os.                                         1
                  Any 4 examples of os are:
i)        Windows XP
ii)      Windows Vista
iii)   LINUX
iv)    UNIX

                  d) Write down the funcitons carried out by the following DOS commands:
                        i) C:\MYDOCS>VOL D:
                        ii) C:\>DIR A: \BACKUP\*.BAS
Group C :
HTML [5 marks]
8.               a) List the name of any four comercial websites name.                   1
                  Any 4 commercial websites are:

                  b) What are comments ? How can you add comments to yor HTML code ?                                                                           1
                  Comments are the programmer-readable explanations or notations in the source code of a computer program.
                  We can add comments to our HTML code by usind comment tags.

                  c) Write down the use of followign HTML tags with an example:  3
                        i) <BR> -          It is used for inserting a line break.      
                        ii) <OL> - It is used to list the items in various sequential format.      
                        iii) <IMG> - It is used to display an image inside our web page.
Group D :
Programming [18 marks]
9.               Answer the following questions.                                         2
                  a) Differentiate between LEFT$ and RIGHT$ functions.  1
                  The difference between LEFT$ and RIGHT$ are:
1. It returns specified number of character(s) from the left side of supplied string and returns the value.
1. It returns specified number of character(s) from the right side of supplied string and returns the value.

                  b) Differentiate between SUB procedure ad FUNCTION procedure.                                                                                                 1
                  c) Write down the use of followign statements.                              1
                        i) INPUT - It is used for accepting the value from the user in a                                         variable through the keyboard during the program                                          execution.              
                        ii) PRINT - It is used to display output on the screen in the                                        desired alignment with some spacing in limited way.
10.             Draw a flowchart to display 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, .............., 100 2
11.             a) Write down the output of the following program                      2
                  LET A = 30
                  LET B = 40
                  LET D = AREA (A,  B)
                  PRINT D
                  FUNCITON AREA (A, B)
                  PRINT A, B
                  AREA = A*B
                  END FUNCTION
                  b) Re-write the given programming correcting the bugs :   2
                  DECLARE SUB Series ()
                  EXECUTE Series
                  SUB Series ()
                  REM program to generate 3, 6, 9, 12 ............ up to 20th terms.
                  FOR ctr=10 TO 1
                  DISPLAY A:
                  NEXT ctr
                  END series ()
12.             Read the following program and answer the following questions.   4
                        PRINT “Input any number*;
                        INPUT N$
                        R$ = “ “
                        FOR X = L TO 1 STEP -1
                        R$ = R$ + MID $(N$, X, 1)
                        NEXT X
                        PRINT “The reverse order is”; R$
                  a) Mention the function of LEN, MID function.
                  LEN - It is used to return the number of characters in a string.
                  MID$ - It is used to return the specified number of characters from                                  the specified location of a string.

                  b) In this program, the value of N$ is used as a number of string. List it.
13.             a) Write a program in QBASIC to find the area of four wals of a room. [Hint A = 2h(l + b)]                                                  2
                  INPUT "Enter length"; L
                  INPUT "Enter breadth"; B
                  INPUT "Enter height"; H
                  A = 2 * H * (L + B)
                  PRINT "Area of 4 walls = "; A

                  b) Write a program that asks your name and displays its reverse. 3
                  INPUT "Enter your name"; A$
                  FOR I = LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP -1
                  B$ = MID$ (A$, I, 1)
                  C$ = C$ + B$
                  NEXT I
                  PRINT "Reverse name is"; C$

                  c) Wrie a progra to display the first 100 natural numbers.    3
                  FOR I = 1 TO 100
                  PRINT I
                  NEXT I


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