Thursday 25 July 2019

Computer Operator MCQ

MS Access MCQ Questions
1. When a picture or other graphic image is placed in the report header section it will appear____
a. Once in the beginning of the report
b. At the top of every page
c. Every after record break
d. On the 1st and last pages of the report
2. Cascade delete option
a. is used to delete all the records of all tables in a database
b. will repeat the recent delete operation to all the records of current table
c. is available in Edit relationship dialog box which makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically when the record from parent table is deleted
d. None of above
3. This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols.
a. text
b. memo
c. auto number
d. None of the above
4. Query design window has two parts. The upper part shows
a. Name of fields, field type and size
b. Tables with fields and relationships between tables
c. Criteria
d. Sorting check boxes
5. In a database table, the category of information is called ____________
a. tuple
b. field
c. record
d. All of above
6. To create a new table, in which method you don’t need to specify the field type and size?
a. Create table in Design View
b. Create Table using wizard
c. Create Table by Entering data
d. All of above
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
7. Which of the following is not a database object?
a. Tables
b. Queries
c. Relationships
d. Reports
8. In one-to-many relationship the table in ‘one’ side is called _______ and on ‘many’ side is called _______
a. Child , Parent
b. Parent , Child
c. Brother , Sister
d. Father , Son
9. The third stage in designing a database is when we analyze our tables more closely and create a ___________ between tables
a. relationship
b. Join
c. Query
d. None of these
10. Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find Relationship Command?
a. Home Tab
b. Create Tab
c. External Data Tab
d. Database Tab
11. This is the stage in database design where one gathers and lists all the necessary fields for the database project.
a. data definition
b. data refinement
c. establishing relationship
d. none of the above
12. The two form layout types will display multiple records at one time are tabular and___
a. columnar
b. justified
c. date sheet
d. pivot table
13. The size of a field with Number data type can not be
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
14. A small button with three dots usually displayed at the right of field properties box
a. Make button
b. Expression button
c. Build button
d. None of above
15. The size of Yes No field is always
a. 1 bit
b. 1 byte
c. 1 character
d. 1 GB
16. This key uniquely identifies each record
a. primary key
b. key record
c. unique key
d. field name
17. The command center of  access file that appears when you create or open the MS Access database file.
a. Database Window
b. Query Window
c. Design View Window
d. Switchboard
18. A database language concerned with the definition of the whole database structure and schema is ________
a. DCL
b. DML
c. DDL
d. All of above
19. When creating a new table which method can be used to choose fields from standard databases and tables
a. Create table in Design View
b. Create Table using wizard
c. Create Table by Entering data
d. None of above
20. What happens when you release mouse pointer after you drop the primary key of a table into foreign key of another table?
a. A relationship is created
b. Edit relationship dialog box appears
c. Error occurs
d. Nothing happens
21. How can you define a field so that when entering data for that field it will display ****** instead of actual typed text
a. Input mask
b. Validation Rule
c. Indexed
d. IME Mode
22. To sort records in a table
a. Open table, click on the field on which the sorting is to be done, then click Sort button on database toolbar
b. Open table, click Sort button on database toolbar, choose field based on which to sort, click OK
c. Click the field heading to sort it ascending or descending
d. All of above
23. To create relationship between two tables
a. drag the primary key of a table into foreign key of another table
b. drag the foreign key of a table into the primary key of another table
c. drag any field from parent table and drop on child table
d. Any of above can be done to create relationship
24. After entering all fields required for a table, if you realize that the third field is not needed, how will you remove?
a. You need to delete the whole tablThere is no method to remove a particular field only.
b. Delete all the fields from third downwards and reenter the required fields again.
c. Select the third column in datasheet view then  Delete
d. Select the third row in table design view then Delete
25. To duplicate a controls formatting you can use___
a. Manager
b. Wizard
c. Painter
d. Control
26. Which field type will you select when creating a new table if you require to enter long text in that field?
a. Text
b. Memo
c. Currency
d. Hyperlink
27. In table design view what are the first column of buttons used for
a. Indicate Primary Key
b. Indicate Current Row
c. Both of above
d. None of above
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
28. What does the show check box in query design window indicate
a. It indicates whether the field is to be used or not
b. It indicates whether the field is to be displayed in query result or not
c. It indicates whether the field names to be displayed in query result or not
d. None of above
29. Which of the following is not a type of relationship that can be applied in Access database
a. One to One
b. One to Many
c. Many to Many
d. All of above can be applied
30. This option allows you to build a new table by entering data directly into the datasheet.
a. datasheet view
b. design view
c. link table
d. None of the above
31. To create queries in Access
a. You can drag and drop fields on query builders
b. you can type the SQL command in SQL view
c. You can use query wizard or design view
d. All of above
32. Following is not a database model
a. network database model
b. relational database model
c. Object Oriented database model
d. None
33. In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?
a. F3
b. F4
c. F5
d. F6
34. Which of the following is NOT a type of Microsoft Access database object?
a. Table
b. Form
c. Worksheets
d. Modules
35. Which of the field has width 8 bytes?
a. Memo
b. Number
c. Date/Time
d. Hyperlink
36. Which is not a view to display a table in Access?
a. Datasheet View
b. Design View
c. Pivot Table & Pivot Chart View
d. None of above
37. Which of the following database object hold data?
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
38. The__ button on the tool box display data from a related table
a. Sub form sub report
b. Relationships
c. Select objects
d. More controls
39. The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression___ for entering an expression
a. Table
b. Box
c. Cell
d. Palette
40. A __________ enables you to view data from a table based on a specific criterion
a. Form
b. Query
c. Macro
d. Report
41. Which of the following database object produces the final result to present?
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables
42. The default and maximum size of text field in Access
a. 50 and 255 Characters
b. 8 and 1 GB
c. 266 characters & 64000 characters
d. None of above
43. Cascade update option
a. means do not change the value in the primary key field if that record has related records in another table
b. means change all the related records in child tables if the record in parent table is changed
c. Both of above
d. None of above
44. You can set a controls border type to make the border invisible.
a. Transparent
b. Invisible
c. Do not display
d. No border
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
45. The database language that allows you to access or maintain data in a database
a. DCL
b. DML
c. DDL
d. None of above
46. Referential integrity means
a. Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the parent table
b. Do not enter a value in the primary key field of child table if that value does not exist in  the primary key of the parent table
c. Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a parent table if that value does  not exist in the primary key of the child table
d. All of above
47. A __ name must be unique within a database
a. Table
b. Field
c. Record
d. Character
48. It is an association established between common fields of two tables.
a. line
b. relationship
c. primary key
d. records
49. Which of the following is not a field type in Access
a. Memo
b. Hyperlink
c. OLE Object
d. Lookup Wizard
50. When entering field name, how many characters you can type in maximum?
a. 60
b. 64
c. 68
d. Any number of character
51. It is a database object to view, change, and analyze data in different ways
a. query
b. form
c. report
d. None of the above
52. Which of the following creates a drop down list of values to choose from a list?
a. OLE Object
b. Hyperlink
c. Memo
d. Lookup Wizard
53. To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window
a. write criteria values vertically one in a row
b. write criteria values horizontally
c. Write criteria values in same field separated with AND
d. Write criteria values in same field separated with &
54. A search value can be an exact value or it can be
a. Logical Operator
b. Relationship
c. Wild card character
d. Comparison operation
55. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?
a. Rows
b. Records
c. Fields
d. Columns
56. What is a form in MS Access
a. It is a printed page where users will write their data to fill it up
b. It is an input screen designed to make the viewing and entering data easier
c. This is an important part of database used by analysts to draw conclusions
d. All of above
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
57. You can automatically include all of the field in a table in a query by___ a strike that appear list box in query design view
a. Clicking
b. Right clicking
c. Double clicking
d. None of the above
58. It is a sign or symbol that specifies, operator, and values that produce a result
a. operator
b. query
c. expression
d. None of the above
59. We can remove a relationship defined between two tables by
a. From Edit menu choose Delete Relationship
b. Select the relationship line and press Delete
c. Choose Delete option from Relationship menu
d. All of above
60. Unlike text data type, this can store up to maximum of 65, 535 characters.
a. memo
b. data/time
c. number
d. All of above
61. The___ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied
a. Or
b. If or
c. Range
d. And
62. Which field type can store photos?
a. Hyperlink
b. OLE
c. Both of these can be used
d. Access tables can’t store photos
63. Queries in Access can be used as
a. view, change and analyze data in different ways
b. a source of records for forms and reports
c. Only a
d. Both a and b
64. While creating relationship, when you drag a field of a field to drop into another table the mouse pointer changes into
a. a doctor’s sign
b. thin + sign
c. outline rectangle
d. None of above
65. Which of the following is a method to create a new table in MS Access?
a. Create table in Design View
b. Create Table using wizard
c. Create Table by Entering data
d. All of above
66. It is most common type of query. It retrieves records from one or more tables and then displays the
a. Parameter
b. Select
c. crosstab
d. All of above
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
67. What is the difference between ‘Open’ and ‘Open Exclusively’?
a. Open statement opens access database files and Open Exclusively opens database files of other program like Oracle
b. Open Exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas Open locks only the record that is being accessed
c. Both Open and Open Exclusively are same
d. Open Exclusive command does not exist in MS Access
68. Which of the following statement is true
a. Reports can be used to retrieve data from tables and calculate
b. Queries can be printed in well formatted manner and presented as the information
c. Queries can include calculated fields that do not exist in table
d. Reports and forms are similar but forms are use to print but reports to display on screen only
69. It is a query that when run displays its own dialog box prompting you for information, such as
a. Select
b. crosstab
c. Parameter
d. Append
70. It is used to calculate and restructure data for easier analysis of your data. It calculates the sum,
a. Parameter
b. Select
c. crosstab
d. Append
71. What is the maximum length a text field can be?
a. 120
b. 255
c. 265
d. 75
72. Which of the following statement is true?
a. Foreign key fields don’t allow duplicate values
b. In primary key field you can enter duplicate value
c. In an indexed field you may or may not enter duplicate value depending upon setting
d. All statements are true
73. Microsoft Access is a
d. Network database model
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
74. If you need to edit a relationship
a. Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship
b. Double click the relationship line
c. Both of above
d. None of above
75. DCL provides commands to perform actions like
a. Change the structure of tables
b. insert, update or delete records and data values
c. authorizing access and other control over database
d. None of above
76. Which of the following store command to retrieve data from database?
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables
77. Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when ___operator is in use
a. OR
b. IN
c. AND
78. If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean
a. OR conditions
b. AND conditions
c. NOT condition
d. None of above
79. The key uniquely identifies each record in a table.
a. primary key
b. key word
c. filed name
d. All of above
80. What do you mean by one to many relationship between Student and Class table?
a. One student can have many classes
b. One class may have many student
c. Many classes may have many students
d. Many students may have many classes
81. A part of database that stores only  one type of data is
a. Report
b. Field
c. Query
d. Record
82. Which of the following may not be a database?
a. Data presented in table in MS Word document
b. Data entered in Excel spreadsheet
c. A presentation created in PowerPoint
d. A telephone diary
83. A database can be best described as
a. Organized collection of data
b. Useful presentation of data
c. Graphical representation of data
d. All of above
84. Which of the following term is least related to database?
a. Attributes
b. Tuples
c. Relationship
d. Columns
85. Collection of related records in a database is known as
a. File
b. Bench
c. Table
d. Relationship
86. The task of arranging data in order is called
a. Searching
b. Sorting
c. Ordering
d. Shorting
87. Each record is constituted by a number of individual data items which are called
a. Fields
b. Data Types
c. Relations
d. Tables
88. Which of the following is not a database object in MS Access?
a. Tables
b. Query
c. Report
d. Relationship
89. A database object in MS Access that stores a question about the data in database?
a. Table
b. Form
c. Query
d. Report
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
90. The complete information about an entity in a database is called
a. Data
b. Information
c. Field
d. Record
91. Database Management Systems are featured with:
a. The facility to easy editing, spelling check, auto pagination, lay out and printing reports
b. The ability to store large amount of data to facilitate easy update, sort and retrieval
c. The ability to calculate efficiently with the help of built-in functions and analyze
d. All of above
92. Which of the following can be an example of a database?
a. Address book of all the suppliers of a company
b. Salary sheet of all the employees of a company
c. Records of daily sales transactions of a company
d. All of above
93. An Access database object that is used to enter, view or edit records
a. Table
b. Form
c. Query
d. Report
94. Which of the following expresses correct order?
a. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Files, Databases
b. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Database, Files
c. Databases, Tables, Files, Records, Field, Character
d. Files, Databases, Tables, Records, Fields, Characters
95. Every table in relational database contain a field or combination of fields that can uniquely identify each records, it is called
a. Foreign key
b. Native key
c. Composite key
d. Primary key
96. If I create ‘Student’ field in ‘Fees’ table to store ‘student_id’ of ‘Students’ table, then this ‘Student’ field in ‘Fees’ table is called:
a. Foreign key
b. Native key
c. Composite key
d. Primary key
97. A composite key is
a. Required when a table does not have any unique fields in it
b. The primary key with AutoNumber as the field type
c. Made up of two or more fields to uniquely identify records
d. Is a foreign key that uniquely identifies records
98. A primary key in any table has the properties
a. Not Null
b. No Duplicates
c. Both of above
d. None of above
99. To create primary key for a table when in design view
a. Type PRIMARY in field type box when creating required field
b. Mark the Primary check box in field name of required field
c. Click the Primary Key button in Design ribbon when the cursor is in required field
d. None of the above

Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
100. How can you link a table with another so that a field in current table will display values in drop down box from another table while entering data:
a. Query Wizard
b. Look up Wizard
c. Form Wizard
d. Report Wizard
Correct Answers to MS Access MCQ
Q.No-Correct Answer
1 – a
2 – c
3 – a
4 – b
5 – b
6 – c
7 – c
8 – b
9 – a
10 – d
11 – a
12 – b
13 – d
14 – c
15 – a
16 – a
17 – a
18 – c
19 – b
20 – b
21 – a
22 – a
23 – a
24 – d
25 – c
26 – b
27 – c
28 – b
29 – d
30 – a
31 – d
32 – d
33 – d
34 – c
35 – c
36 – d
37 – d
38 – a
39 – b
40 – b
41 – b
42 – a
43 – c
44 – c
45 – b
46 – a
47 – a
48 – b
49 – d
50 – b
51 – a
52 – d
53 – b
54 – c
55 – c
56 – b
57 – c
58 – a
59 – b
60 – a
61 – d
62 – b
63 – d
64 – c
65 – d
66 – b
67 – b
68 – c
69 – c
70 – c
71 – b
72 – c
73 – a
74 – c
75 – c
76 – c
77 – c
78 – a
79 – a
80 – a
81 – b
82 – c
83 – a
84 – d
85 – c
86 – b
87 – a
88 – d
89 – c
90 – d
91 – b
92 – d
93 – b
94 – a
95 – d
96 – a
97 – c
98 – c
99 – c
100 – b

101 to 200 MCQ Questions from MS Access


101. An organized collection of logically related data is known as 
a. Data
b. Meta data
c. Database
d. Information
102. In databases, Locking level is also called as
a. Granularity
b. S lock
c. X lock
d. Dead lock
103. Which of the following is not a database application?
a. dBase
b. Flash
c. FoxPro
d. Access
104. HSAM stands for ________ 
a. Hierarchic Sequential Access Method
b. Hierarchic Standard Access Method
c. Hierarchic Sequential and Method
d. Hierarchic Standard and Method
105. Which of the following is not a logical database structure?
a. Chain
b. Network
c. Tree
d. Relational
106. In a datasheet, what does each column represent?
a. Record
b. Field
c. Database
d. Table
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
107. In a datasheet, what does each row represent?
a. Record
b. Field
c. Database
d. Table
108. A ________ is a unit of information in a ________
a. record, field
b. field, record
c. data source, field
d. record, data source
109. What do you call a primary key field included in another table?
a. Foreign key
b. Parent key
c. Child key
d. Index
110. Which type of field is incremented automatically?
a. Auto Elevate
b. AutoNumber
c. Auto Increment
d. Auto Value
111. Which object is used to create a form?
a. Tables and Queries
b. Tables only
c. Tables and reports
d. Queries and reports
112. What determines a table’s sort order?
a. AutoNumber field
b. Index field
c. Field order
d. Primary key
113. What is an intersection of a row and a column?
a. Form
b. Cursor
c. Cell
d. Record
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
114. Which tool do you use to create a query object?
a. Database wizard
b. Simple filter wizard
c. Simple query wizard
d. Table query wizard
115. Which of the following is not a view for interacting with a form object?
a. Datasheet view
b. Design view
c. Form view
d. Layout view
116. What is the purpose of indexing?
a. To reduce table size
b. To speedup data search
c. both A and B
d. none of the above
117. Which is the valid data type in Access?
a. Number
b. Text
c. Currency
d. All of the above
118. How many relations may exist between tables in databases?
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
119. What is the full form of SQL?
a. Sophisticated Question List
b. Structured Question List
c. Structured Query Language
d. Small Query Length
120. Which data type is better to use for storing phone number in the following format “977-1-1234567”?
a. Text
b. AutoNumber
c. Number
d. Currency
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
121. What do you call a collection of records matching parameters of a query?
a. Field
b. Record
c. Query
d. Dynaset
122. Which query do you use to answer the question “Which employees earn more than $5000 a month”?
a. Search query
b. Cross tab query
c. Select query
d. Update query
123. In which order do you place the field to sort a Dynaset first by zipcode, then by lastname and then by firstname?
a. zipcode, firstname, lastname
b. firstname, lastname, zipcode
c. zipcode, lastname, firstname
d. can’t sort by multiple fields
124. What does the expression [detail] ! [product] * 1.30 do?
a. multiplies the contents of detail and product fields by 1.3
b. First divides detail by product and then multiplies by 1.3
c. multiplies the contents of detail in the product table by 1.3
d. multiplies the contents of product in the detail table by 1.3
125. Which criteria return only those addresses beginning with the letter “K”?
a. address = “K”
b. address = “K*”
c. address = “K?”
d. address = “K#”
126. Which criteria do not return the position “Officer” as a match?
a. position = “*ff*”
b. position = “O??icer”
c. position = ” ?ff*”
d. position = “O#r”
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
127. Which query do you use to answer the question “What is the average salary of the employees”?
a. Search query
b. Cross tab query
c. Select query
d. Update query
128. What is the result of ‘Select * from customer where CustID>10 and CustID<100’ query?
a. display all customers with CustID from 10 to 100
b. display all customers with CustID above 10
c. display all customers with CustID below 100
d. display all customers with CustID from 11 to 99
129. How to make a date field DOB store the dates like “2002/10/17” ?
a. By setting the input mask property to “yyyy/mm/dd”
b. By setting the format property to “yyyy/mm/dd”
c. By entering dates in yyyy, mm, dd order
d. none of the above
130. You have field ‘Sex’ of type Byte Number. How to limit its value to 0 and 1 only?
a. By setting required to ‘Yes’
b. By using default value
c. By defining validation rule
d. By using format
131. In an application created using the database wizard, the main menu is presented as a:
a. form, called a switchboard
b. report, called a menu
c. table, called a switchboard
d. query, called a menu
132. Which leads you through the process of creating a table?
a. wizard
b. assistant
c. relation
d. coach
133. Which data type is better to use for storing the price of an item?
a. Text
b. AutoNumber
c. Number
d. Currency
134. Which do you click to display the table\’s primary key and indexes in a separate window?
a. indexes button
b. primary key button
c. view datasheet button
d. view design button
135. After right click the field selector button, which do you choose to delete a field in design view?
a. Delete field
b. delete rows
c. remove field
d. remove rows
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
136. Which tool is used to generate printout of a table\’s structure?
a. Analyzer
b. Designer
c. Documenter
d. Generator
137. Which of the following is not a legitimate section for form objects?
a. Form detail
b. Group header
c. Form header
d. Page footer
138. The basic elements of a form or a report are called:
a. Controls
b. Objects
c. Windows
d. Properties
139. Which control types is most often associated with a bound control?
a. command button
b. label
c. text box
d. list box
140. Which control type do you use to create a calculated control?
a. command button
b. combo box
c. text box
d. list box
141. Which is not a view for displaying a report object?
a. Datasheet view
b. Design view
c. Print preview
d. Layout preview
142. The report footer section is most useful for displaying:
a. grand totals
b. Column headings
c. subtotals
d. page numbers
143. Which function can not be used for calculated controls in a report?
a. SUM
b. AVG
c. MPT
144. Which setting you must modify to print a report using letterhead?
a. Group
b. Margin
c. Section
d. Orientation
145. In the datasheet formatting dialogue box, which is not an option in the border and line styles dropdown list box?
a. datasheet border
b. datasheet underline
c. Column Header underline
d. vertical gridline
146. Which is not an option for customizing a datasheet window?
a. change one row\’s height
b. hide one column
c. change one column\’s width
d. freeze one column
147. Which is not a command that is selectable from right click menu of a field column?
a. Hide columns
b. Rename columns
c. freeze columns
d. sort descending
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
148. What do you call the process of restricting the display of records in a table to those matching a particular criterion?
a. filtering
b. restricting
c. sorting
d. sifting
149. In the relationships window, what does the appearance of symbols, such as 1 and the infinity symbol, at the endpoints of a relationship line mean?
a. Referential integrity is enforced
b. Referential integrity isn\’t enforced
c. An inner join is set
d. An outer join is set
150. Which of the following is not an action query?
a. add
b. delete
c. make-table
d. update
151. In MS Access, Text Data type may contain maximum character of
a. 255 Character
b. 256 Character
c. 1064 Character
d. No Limit
152. Which of the following is not a valid Data Type in MS Access?
a. Memo
b. Picture
c. Currency
d. AutoNumber
153. In MS Access “Hyperlink” Data Type can store
a. Web Address
b. email Address
c. Path of a File
d. All of Above
154. Which of the following data type is used to store logical value in MS Access?
a. True/False
b. On/Off
c. Yes/No
d. All of Above
155. The appropriate Data Type to store Time in MS Access?
a. Date/Time
b. Time Only
c. Time
d. Time cannot be stored
156. In MS Access “Lookup Wizard” is used to
a. to select from previous values
b. to select values from Excel Sheet
c. to select value from another table
d. Not a valid Data Type
157. Which of the following Data Type is used to store picture in MS Access
a. Picture
b. OLE Object
c. Memo
d. Picture cannot be stored
158. in MS Access, which data type is appropriate to store large text and numbers?
a. Text
b. Memo
c. OLE
d. Large Text
159. in MS Access, OLE Object Data type can store
a. Microsoft Word documents
b. Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
c. Sounds
d. All of the Above
160. in MS Access, AutoNumber Data Type
a. Can be Sequential
b. Can be Random
c. Can be Edited
d. Only A & B
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
161. Which of the following is use to get data from user?
a. Query
b. Pages
c. Form
d. Report
162. Which of the following is invalid field name?
a. Student.Address
b. Student\’sAddress
c. Student_Address
d. Student Address
163. Primary key is
a. Uniquely identifies each record
b. Cannot be repeated
c. AutoNumber is example of Primary key
d. All of the above
164. To create a table in Access
a. Database should be created before create table
b. Table can be created using Table Templates
c. There must be at least one Primary key in a table
d. All of the above
165. Which of the following is use to view or print the data in organized manner?
a. Query
b. Report
c. Table
d. Form
166. In a table to insert User\’s Voice, Data field should be
a. OLE Object
b. SoundField
c. VoiceField
d. Memo
167. After creating the table which of the following is correct?
a. Fields cannot be added
b. Fields cannot be deleted
c. Fields can added but only once
d. Fields can added and deleted as needed
168. Validation Rule in a field will
a. Checks the value entered when user leaves the field
b. Displays the value in specified format when user leaves the field
c. Defines the appearance for the text
d. There is no option of Validation Rule
169. Query can be use to select data from
a. Single Table
b. Multiple Tables
c. Both A & B
170. Data can be import into Access Database from
a. Word Files
b. Excel Files
c. PowerPoint Files
d. HTML Files
171. What is the use of Referential Integrity in MS Access?
a. It allow to enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value exist in the primary key of the parent table
b. It does not allow to enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value exist in the primary key of the parent table
c. It allow to enter a value in the Primary key field of a child table if that value exist in the Foreign key of the parent table
d. None of above
172. In MS Access, Field Value may contain
a. Text
b. Date & Time
c. Picture
d. All of the Above
173. Which of the following is the DBMS type
a. Flat File System
b. Hierarchical DBMS
c. Relational DMBS
d. All of the Above
174. Which of the following relationship is not valid in MS Access ?
a. Many to Many
b. Many to Null
c. One to One
d. One to Many
175. A collection of related tables is called
a. Row
b. Record
c. Database
d. File
176. Which of the following Format supports for Data Type Yes/No?
a. Yes/No
b. True/False
c. On/Off
d. All of Above
177. Queries can be created in Access by
a. Typing Queries in SQL View
b. Drag and Drop fields on Query Builder
c. Using Query Wizard
d. All of the Above
178. Relationship can be establish between two tables by
a. Drag Primary key of a table into Foreign key of another table
b. Drag Foreign key of a table into Primary key of another table
c. Drag any key of a table into any key of another table
d. All of the above
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
179. What is the use of Cascade Delete Option in MS Access?
a. It makes sure that all the records from the parent table and child table is deleted from selected database
b. It makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically from child table when the records from parent table is deleted
c. It makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically from Parent table when the records from child table is deleted
d. None of above
180.  Macros can recover from _______ in a controlled manner.
a.            events
b.           modules
c.           arguments
d.            errors
181.  A report module includes code for all event _______ triggered by events occurring on a specific report or its controls.
a.            properties
b.           procedures
c.           macros
d.            commands
182.  The VB Name used to display the warning message icon is _______.
a.            vbCritical
b.           vbInformation
c.           vbExclamation
d.            vbQuestion
183. What happens when a user double-clicks an object in the Project pane of the Visual Basic Editor?
a.            The associated code is displayed in the Code pane.
b.           The associated code is displayed in a new window.
c.           The object is deleted from the Project pane.
d.            The object\’s property sheet opens.
184.  A(n) _______ is major object that completes an action or a set of actions.
a.            event
b.           property
c.           procedure
d.            macro
185.  By default, what is the name of a new module in the Modules folder of the Project pane called?
a.            Bas1
b.           Module
c.           New Module
d.            Module1
186.  To assign a macro to an event, users need to open the form in Design View.
a.            event
b.            property
c.           title
d.           macro
187.  In a module, the VB Name used to display a warning query icon is _______.
a.            vbCritical
b.           vbInformation
c.           vbExclamation
d.            vbQuestion
188.  In a module, a(n) _______ is a series of commands and properties that perform a specific task.
a.            event
b.           property
c.           procedure
d.            macro
189. A(n)_______ is a major object that can run independent of a control.
a.            event
b.           property
c.           procedure
d.            macro
190. Which of the following statements about option group is incorrect?
a. It is a control object.
b. It is bound to two fields.
c. It is a control to identify a choice.
d. It contains a set of controls representing choices.
191. The option button ____ identifies each button or check box in an option group.
a. event
b. frame
c. label
d. value
Q. Why you can rely on MCQ Sets to prepare your computer jobs exams?
a. It offers you to downloads of MCQ Banks
b. MCQ Sets has huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ Quiz is helpful to practice
d. You can get subjective questions and answers
192. Which of the following statements about a tab control in a form is incorrect?
a. It can contain only one object.
b. It defines a layered space.
c. It is a control object.
d. It is created in multipage forms.
193. The option group ____ describes the contents of the entire option group.
a. event
b. frame
c. label
d. value
194. A(n) ____ is the default control for a Yes/No field.
a. check box
b. option button
c. toggle button
d. list box
195. Which of the following components has a property sheet that includes settings for the frame and the option group?
a. Option group label
b. Option group frame
c. Option button
d. Option button labels
196. Which control lets a user create multiple pages in a form?
a. Check box control
b. Combo box control
c. Option group control
d. Tab control
197. On the property sheet, which of the following tabs contains the Caption property?
a. Data
b. Event
c. Format
d. Other
198. Which of the following statements regarding charts is incorrect?
a. It can be inserted into a form only.
b. It can be designed as a stand-alone object.
c. It can be linked to the object in which it is placed.
d. It is a control linked to a data source.
199. Which of the following options is NOT a part of an option group?
a. Option button label
b. Option group frame
c. Option group label
d. Option group button
200. Which of the following is a condensed form of standard generalized markup language?
b. XML
c. XSD
d. XSL


Q.No-Correct Answer
101 – c
102 – a
103 – b
104 – a
105 – a
106 – b
107 – a
108 – b
109 – a
110 – b
111 – a
112 – b
113 – c
114 – c
115 – d
116 – b
117 – d
118 – b
119 – c
120 – a
121 – d
122 – c
123 – c
124 – d
125 – b
126 – d
127 – c
128 – d
129 – b
130 – c
131 – a
132 – a
133 – d
134 – a
135 – b
136 – c
137 – b
138 – a
139 – c
140 – c
141 – a
142 – a
143 – c
144 – b
145 – c
146 – a
147 – b
148 – a
149 – a
150 – a
151 – a
152 – b
153 – d
154 – c
155 – a
156 – c
157 – b
158 – b
159 – d
160 – d
161 – c
162 – a
163 – d
164 – d
165 – b
166 – a
167 – d
168 – a
169 – c
170 – b
171 – a
172 – d
173 – d
174 – b
175 – c
176 – d
177 – d
178 – a
179 – b
180 – a
181 – b
182 – c
183 – a
184 – d
185 – d
186 – a
187 – d
188 – c
189 – d
190 – b
191 – c
192 – a
193 – c
194 – a
195 – b
196 – d
197 – c
198 – a
199 – d
200 – b


201 to 300 MS Access MCQ Questions

MS Access MCQ Questions:

201. In Access 2007, to make changes in the Trust Center, you need to go to the ____.
a. Microsoft Office button
b. Navigation Pane
c. Quick Access toolbar
d. Database Tools command tab
202. For _________ data to be useful, both the sender and the receiver need to be able to read and use the data.
a. standardized
b. fixed
c. delimited
d. shared
203. Which of the following is a standard file format language for web documents?
b. XML
c. XSD
d. XSL
204. HTML stands for ____.
a. High Text Mail List
b. Hyperlink Markup Language
c. HyperText Markup Language
d. Hyperlink Transfer Markup Language
205. In Access 2007, to set a table to open as a document tab, you need to go to the ____.
a. Microsoft Office button
b. Navigation Pane
c. Quick Access toolbar
d. Database Tools command tab
206. Which of the following is the file extension for an Extensible Markup Language?
a. EML
c. XML
d. XSD
207. A(n) __________ is an Extensible Scheme Standard file that is an approved W3C standard design as a basic infrastructure.
b. XML
c. XSD
d. XSL
208. A disadvantage to a ____file is that there is no easy way to tell which fields are numbers, text, dates, or currency.
a. standardized
b. fixed
c. delimited
d. text
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
209. A(n) _____ is an image control that displays in the background of a page on a form or report.
a. legend
b. icon
c. logo
d. watermark
210. Which colors are used to define a custom color?
a. Red, Blue, Yellow
b. Red, Green, Blue
c. Blue, Green, Orange
d. Green, Orange, Violet
211. If a color property contains “#336699”, how many blue units are in the color?
a. 33
b. 66
c. 99
d. 255
212. The _____ function returns a string that has been converted to uppercase text.
a. AllCap
b. UCase
c. UpCase
d. Upper
213. Which part of the IIF expression is the action performed if the true condition exists?
a. inner
b. first
c. second
d. third
214. If you need a calculation in an unbound control, you can create a custom _____.
a. string
b. expression
c. relationship
d. syntax
215. The _____ Builder is an Access tool for selecting colors from a palette or creating custom colors.
a. Color
b. Expression
c. Palette
d. Property
216. Which function evaluates a “true/false” expression and then performs one of two actions?
a. Case
b. IF
c. IIF
d. IsTrue
217. When adding an image, which size mode will change the height or width of the image fit the control?
a. Clip
b. Stretch
c. Zoom
d. Crop
218. The three parts of an IIF function are separated by _____.
a. dashes
b. asterisks
c. semicolons
d. commas
219. A Smart Tag can be set using the _____ tab in the property sheet.
a. Format
b. Tag
c. View
d. Data
220. A(n) _____ is a control that, when clicked, executes an action or series of actions.
a. combo box control
b. AutoFormat
c. Conditional Format
d. command button
221. According to the Leszynski Naming Conventions, which of the following is the prefix for a text box control?
a. txt
b. txb
c. tbc
d. tex
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
222. How can a user open the Expression Builder dialog box?
a. By clicking the drop-down arrow on the Control Source property
b. By clicking the drop-down arrow of the Input Mask property in the Data tab
c. By clicking the Build button of the Input Mask in the Data tab
d. By clicking the Build button of the Control Source property in the Data tab
223. According to the Leszynski Naming Conventions, which of the following is the prefix for a combo box control?
a. cbo
b. cob
c. cmb
d. cbx
224. You have a Command button in the Form Footer, you click the Tabular Control Layout; an attached label will be added in what section?
a. Detail
b. Form Footer
c. Form Header
d. Page Header
225. The Allow _____ property controls whether new records can be added through the form.
a. Additions
b. Edits
c. Deletions
d. Data Entry
226. The _____ Smart Tag launches Microsoft Outlook to schedule an appointment or display a calendar.
a. Date
b. Time
c. Calendar
d. Appointment
227. The _____ Symbol Smart Tag launches Microsoft Explorer and obtains a stock quote.
a. MSN Money
b. Portfolio
c. Financial
d. Stock
228. Which of the following is NOT true about background images?
a. They are similar to watermarks in Word.
b. They are displayed behind the controls in a form.
c. They do not print when a form or a report is printed.
d. They can be inserted on a form or a report.
229. In a query, what symbol is used to surround a parameter\’s user prompt?
a. [ ]
b. { }
c. ” ”
d. ( )
230. A(n) _______________ query locates data from one or more tables.
a. select
b. summary
c. parameter
d. action
231. Which function extracts the name of the month from a date/time value?
a. Month
b. MonthName
c. MonthLabel
d. MonthValue
232. Which of the following queries prompts users for input data by displaying dialog boxes?
a. Append
b. Delete
c. Parameter
d. Update
233. A(n) _______________ query makes changes to or moves records in a dynaset, in a single operation.
a. select
b. summary
c. parameter
d. action
234. Which of the following queries modifies fields not records?
a. Append
b. Delete
c. Make-Table
d. Update
235. A summary query can be created by adding which row to the design grid of a select query?
a. Arguments
b. Group
c. Summary
d. Total
236. Which of the following functions is used to all the values in a numeric field?
a. Num
b. Count
c. Sum
d. Total
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
237. Which of the following queries can create a table?
a. Append
b. Delete
c. Make-Table
d. Update
238. In a query, which row do you need to place wildcards to affect a parameter?
a. Arguments
b. Criteria
c. Fields
d. Tables
239. You created a query with two tables that have relationship of One-To-Many with referential rules applied. The first table has 3 records and the second has 8. With using a right outer join, how many records will the resulting recordset have?
a. 5
b. 8
c. 24
d. Not enough information to tell
240. Which of the following types of joins displays records with the same value in the common field?
a. Inner join
b. Left outer join
c. Right outer join
d. Self join
241. A global join will be created automatically when using tables in a(n) _____.
a. form
b. report
c. query
d. field
242. Which of the following is the default join between two recordsets?
a. Inner join
b. Left outer join
c. Right outer join
d. Self join
243. In a query\’s Design View, right-clicking the sloping portion of the join line between two tables and selecting Delete will delete what?
a. The join line but not the relationship between the two tables
b. The relationship between the two tables locally
c. The relationship between the two tables globally
d. The primary key of the first table
244. What is an index?
a. A wizard that creates a functional database structure based on the user\’s selections
b. A widely recognized naming convention for database objects
c. A sort order for records, which is identified in the table design
d. A set of relationship rules that enforce defined database relationships
245. You created a query with two tables that did NOT have a join line. The first table has 12 records and the second has 5. The resulting recordset would have how many records?
a. 7
b. 17
c. 60
d. Not enough information to tell
246. Which of the following dialog boxes enables users to enforce referential integrity in a One-To-Many relationship?
a. Edit Relationships
b. Indexes
c. Option
d. Show Table
247. In a junction table, the _____ field consists of the foreign key from both the linked tables.
a. first defined
b. last defined
c. foreign key
d. primary key
248. What does an inner join display?
a. Records from the second recordset and only records from the first recordset where the common fields are equal
b. Records from the first recordset and only records from the second recordset where the common fields are equal
c. Records that have the same value in the common field
d. Records from the first recordset only
249. The page count of a report can be determined by clicking the _______ button.
a. First Page
b. Previous
c. Next
d. Last Page
250. When you add fields in ____, a Field List pane displays.
a. Design View
b. Layout View
c. Print Preview
d. Report View
251. Any report, including a basic report, can be modified in __.
a. Form View
b. Layout View
c. Print Preview
d. Report View
252. A ____ often display summary data such as totals or counts.
a. Group Header
b. Group Footer
c. Report Header
d. Page Footer
253. Which of the following can a Report Wizard NOT do?
a. Add summary functions
b. Create groups
c. Group fields into more than one Control Layout
d. Select fields
254. ______ allows you to resize controls, adjust column widths, move columns, and change labels while viewing the actual data in the report.
a. Design View
b. Layout View
c. Print Preview
d. Report View
255. Which report section prints once at the bottom of every printed page?
a. Detail
b. Page Header
c. Page Footer
d. Report Header
256. Which report section only prints one time at the end of the report?
a. Report Header
b. Page Header
c. Report Footer
d. Page Footer
257. Which of the following database objects can have more than one Group Header/Footer section?
a. Forms
b. Queries
c. Reports
d. Tables
258. Which of the following statements about the Label Wizard is NOT true?
a. Adding groups can help organize the labels.
b. It helps users to create package labels.
c. It allows users to select a label type and size.
d. It allows users to sort the labels.
259. Which of the following views enables users to create and modify the sections of a form?
a. Datasheet
b. Design
c. Form
d. Layout
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
260. To align controls in rows and columns like a spreadsheet, with labels across the top, which layout should be used?
a. Datasheet
b. Justified
c. Stacked
d. Tabular
261. Which Form tool creates a new form that show both a form and datasheet views?
a. Form
b. Form Wizard
c. Multiple Item Form
d. Split Form
262. Which of the following statements about tab order setting is NOT true?
a. The actual tab order setting for a form can be used in the Form View.
b. The tab order setting determines the movement of the insertion point through a form.
c. The tab order setting is usually right-to-left and top-to-bottom.
d. The default tab order setting can be altered by moving the controls in the Design View.
263. What type of controls are text boxes when data from the recordset is visible?
a. Align
b. Bound
c. Calculated
d. Unbound
264. When increasing the Control Padding, space is added where?
a. Between the content of the controls and the outside edge of then controls
b. Between all controls
c. Between the control and the Form\’s edge
d. Between controls and gridlines
265. Which of the following is NOT possible when printing Forms?
a. Print page 1, 3, and 5
b. Print pages 1 through 5
c. Print selected records
d. Print only the third record
266. To apply an AutoFormat to an entire Form, what must you select first?
a. Form Selector
b. Document tab
c. Detail section
d. Any control
267. Which is NOT an option of the Picture Size Mode property?
a. Clip
b. Fit
c. Stretch
d. Zoom
268. Which mode sizes an image to fit the control while maintaining the proportions of the original image?
a. Clip
b. Fit
c. Stretch
d. Zoom
269. Which of the following views is used to graphically summarize and analyze data in a recordset?
a. Datasheet
b. Form
c. PivotChart
d. PivotTable
270. Which of the following statements about criteria in a query is NOT true?
a. Criteria can contain wildcard characters.
b. Criteria in a query selects or excludes certain records.
c. Criteria cannot be specified as an expression.
d. Multiple criteria can be specified using AND, OR, and relational operators.
271. Which of the following statements does NOT hold true for the Top Values property?
a. The Top Values property displays only the highest values from the query.
b. The Top Values property requires the fields to have a defined sort order.
c. The Top Values property finds a specified number of records.
d. The Top Values property finds a specified percentage of records.
272. Which of the following statements about calculated fields is NOT true?
a. A calculated field does not store data in a recordset.
b. Calculated fields use an expression or formula as its data source.
c. Data contained in a calculated field is created the first time a query is run.
d. A calculated field can be created using the Expression Builder dialog box.
273. Using the keyword _______________ will return records in which the field value equals a defined text.
a. Between
b. Is Null
c. Like
d. Not
274. What is the process of eliminating redundant fields by separating data into tables called?
a. Renormalizations
b. Filtering
c. Normalization
d. Sorting
275. Which of the following statements about PivotChart View is NOT true?
a. It is used to graphically summarize and analyze data in a table, query, or form.
b. It can be used to view different levels of detail or to specify custom layout.
c. It displays field values that can be switched for different views of data.
d. It displays the same information as a crosstab query, except for the counts and sums of numeric fields.
276. Which of the following search criteria is invalid?
a. $45*
b. *cal*
c. D*m??
d. AS150*
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
277. In a query, using the keyword _______________ will return records in which the field value is between two numbers.
a. Between
b. Is Null
c. Like
d. Not
278. Which of the following database objects extracts information from one or more tables or queries?
a. Forms
b. Queries
c. Reports
d. Tables
279. Referential integrity cannot be set for _______________ relationships.
a. One-To-One
b. Indeterminate
c. One-To-Many
d. Many-To-Many
280. A relationship is created between how many tables?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Any number
281. The common field linking the two datasheets is the _______________ key field in the main datasheet and the _______________ key field in the linked datasheet.
a. primary, foreign
b. primary, common
c. foreign, primary
d. foreign, common
282. Referential integrity can be enforced if both _______________ belong to the same Microsoft Access database.
a. queries
b. fields
c. records
d. tables
283. In the Relationship window, related fields from each table are connected by a(n) _______________.
a. default field
b. linking tables
c. index
d. join line
284. Relationships between tables can be graphically viewed in the _______________ window.
a. Design
b. Joins
c. Relationships
d. Tables
285. A One-To-Many relationship that is not enforcing referential integrity, displays what symbol next to the foreign key field?
a. 1
b. ?
c. r
d. None
286. In the Field List of a table, the primary key appears _______________.
a. bold
b. italicized
c. underlined
d. with key icon
287. What type of relationship is created when you select a primary key in both related tables?
a. One-To-One
b. Indeterminate
c. One-To-Many
d. Many-To-Many
288. The Table _______________ Wizard analyzes a database and recommends changes for normalization.
a. Analyzer
b. Documenter
c. Cleanup
d. Normalization
289. The Input Mask wizard does NOT include the ability to do which of the following?
a. Force all uppercase
b. Define placeholder
c. Store symbols with data
d. Use preset masks
290. Which of the following field properties enforces the use of parentheses when keying an area code?
a. Field Size
b. Format
c. Input Mask
d. Validation Rule
291. Which of the following field properties is an expression that specifies criteria or requirements for entering data?
a. Field Size
b. Format
c. Input Mask
d. Validation Rule
292. In Datasheet View, what appears at the top of each column?
a. Data type
b. Description
c. Field name
d. Primary key
293. Which is NOT a method of creating a table?
a. Datasheet View
b. Design View
c. Layout View
d. Template
294. Which of the following views displays the field name, description, and properties of a table?
a. Datasheet View
b. Design View
c. Layout View
d. Table View
295. Which of the following properties identifies the type of information stored in a field?
a. Data type
b. Field description
c. Field name
d. Field properties
296. Which of the following field properties displays a model or pattern for entering data?
a. Field Size
b. Format
c. Input Mask
d. Validation Rule
297. Which of the following data types automatically generates a consecutive number?
a. Autonumber
b. Memo
c. Number
d. Text
298. Database properties do NOT include ___________.
a. title
b. author
c. company
d. size
299. To remove all Sorts in a table you can click the ______ command.
a. Clear All Sorts
b. Delete All Sorts
c. Eliminate All Sorts
d. Remove All Sorts
Q. What MCQ Set offers for the candidates of computer jobs exams?
a. Downloads of MCQ Banks
b. Huge collection of MCQ questions
c. Online MCQ quiz
d. Subjective questions and answers
300. A(n) _____________ is dynamic mathematical calculation that displays a single value for a specific field.
a. format row
b. criteria row
c. aggregate function
d. format layout


Click the Like, Tweet or Google+ buttons below to show correct answers:
Q.No-Correct Answer
201 – a
202 – d
203 – a
204 – c
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299 – a
300 – c


301 to 400 Multiple Choice Questions from MS Access


301. The content and application of the Search tool CANNOT be retained when you ______.
a. format an object
b. resize a column
c. use Datasheet View
d. close an object
302. The Search tool CANNOT be used on which major Access object?
a. Forms
b. Queries
c. Reports
d. Tables
303. In a table, ______(s) are displayed in the order in which they were entered. Most often this order is not useful.
a. formula
b. format
c. layout
d. record
304. The ______ is a wild card that represents one or more characters.
a. question mark
b. asterisk
c. exclamation mark
d. dollar sign
Q. MCQ  Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
a. It offers MCQ collection
b. It allows to download MCQ Banks
c. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
d. It has online MCQ quiz system
305. Which is not an option for Filter on a text field?
a. Begins With
b. Between
c. Contains
d. End With
306. The Search tool is best used when searching for ______ data.
a. simple
b. multiple
c. unique
d. formatted
307. Which of the following Find and Replace dialog box options finds records in which the beginning of a field matches the Find What entry?
a. Match Case
b. Match: Whole Field
c. Match: Start of Field
d. Match: Any Part of Field
308. Which of the following functions CANNOT be used in the Totals row?
a. Average
b. Count
c. Maximum
d. Round
309. Before printing a datasheet, you can use ____ to determine whether to change the page orientation from portrait to vertical orientation.
a. Design View
b. Datasheet View
c. Office View
d. Print Preview
310. What is the keyboard shortcut to move to the last records in a table?
a. [Tab]
b. [Shift]+[Tab]
c. [Ctrl]+Home]
d. [Ctrl]+[End]
311. A ____ is a major database object used to display information in an attractive, easy-to-read screen format.
a. form
b. query
c. report
d. table
312. Print options can be changed in the Print ____.
a. tab
b. layout mode
c. setup routine
d. dialog box
313. Which major database object stores all data?
a. Field
b. Query
c. Record
d. Table
314. The insertion point looks like a(n) ____.
a. H-pointer
b. I-pointer
c. H-beam
d. I-beam
315. Access file operations can be found by clicking the ____.
a. Access Button
b. Database Button
c. Office Button
d. Window Button
Q. MCQ  Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
a. It offers MCQ collection
b. It allows to download MCQ Banks
c. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
d. It has online MCQ quiz system
316.  A ____ is a major database object used to display information in a printable page format.
a. form
b. query
c. report
d. table
317. In Datasheet View, new records are added to a table ____.
a. in alphabetical order
b. at the end of the table
c. at the beginning of the table
d. in numerical order
318. What happens when a user selects a record in a form and presses [Delete]?
a. The record is deleted in the form and from its source table.
b. The record is deleted in the form, but not from its source table.
c. The record is neither deleted in the form, nor from its source table.
d. The record is not deleted in the form, but is deleted from its source table.
319. Which of the following CANNOT be done to data using a Form?
a. Store
b. Sort
c. Edit
d. Print
320. What is one of the advantages for using a form over other Access objects?
a. Utilizes field placement to improve the efficiency of data entry.
b. Forms store information more efficiently.
c. Forms show the summary of all the records.
d. Forms cannot be edited.
321. Which of the following methods CANNOT be used to copy a block of text from one part of a table to another?
a. Press [Ctrl]+[C] and [Ctrl]+[V].
b. Right-click, choose from the shortcut menu Copy and Paste.
c. Press [Ctrl]+[+] and [Ctrl]+[-].
d. From the ribbon, select Copy and Paste.
322. A(n) ____ in the Record Selector indicates a new record.
a. check mark
b. pencil
c. asterisk
d. arrow
323. All attachment fields display as a(n) ____ in Datasheet View.
a. icon
b. button
c. thumb tack
d. paperclip
324. Which of the following methods CANNOT be used to delete records from a table?
a. Selecting records and pressing [Delete]
b. Pressing [Ctrl]+[\’]
c. Clicking the Delete Record button
d. From the ribbon, selecting Delete Record
325. Where can you find the undo command in Access?
a. Office button
b. Home command tab
c. Status bar
d. Quick Access toolbar
326. An application that executes on separate PCs like this is called a(n) __________ application.
a. enterprise
b. distributed
c. tier
d. global
327. The most popular commercial DBMS.
a. Microsoft SQL Server
b. Microsoft Access
c. MySQL
d. Oracle
328. The ability of a database to grow as the data tracking needs grow is its __________.
a. scalability
b. expandability
c. maintainability
d. platform-independence
329. The most open source DBMS.
a. Microsoft SQL Server
b. Microsoft Access
c. MySQL
d. Oracle
330. A DBMS that runs on many different operating systems is said to be __________.
a. scalable
b. robust
c. platform independent
d. distributed
331. Search engines use a(n) __________ to automatically index sites.
a. crawler
b. query
c. enterprise
d. sitebuilder
Q. MCQ  Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
a. It offers MCQ collection
b. It allows to download MCQ Banks
c. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
d. It has online MCQ quiz system
332. The __________ performs document tracking.
a. distributed application
b. enterprise software
c. Oracle software
d. EDM software
333. An enterprise solution with data storage, a client interface and a security system is a(n) __________ system.
a. 2-tier
b. 3-tier
c. 4-tier
d. n-tier
334. __________ will answer questions you did not think to ask of your data.
a. data mining
b. data extrapolation
c. knowledge discovery
d. data enlightenment
335. __________ is the clear leader for personal databases.
a. Microsoft Access
b. Microsoft FoxPro
c. Borland dBase
d. MySQL
336. The __________ is the software tool to store or access data.
a. table
c. query
d. report
337. __________ are documents that when filled in create records.
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Tables
d. Queries
338. This database has only one table.
a. relational
b. large
c. flat-file
339. The __________ field is used to hold a yes or no answer.
a. object
b. number
c. text
d. logical
340. To delete records or perform calculations on a table, the best tool to use is a __________.
a. query
b. filter
c. form
d. report
341. __________ is used to build ‘intuitive’ queries.
a. SQL
b. Xbase
c. QBE
d. XML
342. To print information from a table, the __________ tool is the best choice.
a. form
b. report
c. query
d. macro
343. To store your picture in a database requires a(n) __________ field.
b. text
c. image
d. logical
344. The __________ is used to access one record at a time.
a. query
b. filter
c. form
d. report
Q. MCQ  Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
a. It offers MCQ collection
b. It allows to download MCQ Banks
c. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
d. It has online MCQ quiz system
345. SQL stands for __________.
a. Standard Query Language
b. Structured Query Language
c. Simplified Query Language
d. Static Query Language
346. What are the different views to display a table
a. Datasheet view
b. Design view
c. Pivote table & pivot chart view
d. All of above
347. Which of the following creates a drop down list of values to choose from?
a. Ole object
b. Hyperlink
c. Memo
d. Lookup wizard
348. The command center of access file that appears when you create or open the MS Access database file.
a. Database window
b. Query window
c. Design view window
d. Switchboard
349. In a database table, the category of information is called __________
a. Tuple
b. Field
c. Record
d. All of above
350. It is an association established between common
a. Line
b. Relationship
c. Primary key
d. Records
351. This is the stage in database design where one gathers and list all the necessary fields for the database project.
a. Data definition
b. Data refinement
c. Establishing relationship
d. None of the above
352. Which of the field has width 8 bytes?
a. Memo
b. Number
c. Date/time
d. Hyperlink
353. Which of the following statement is true?
a. Foreign key fields don\’t allow duplicate values
b. In primary key field you can enter duplicate value
c. In an indexed field you may or may not enter duplicate value depending upon setting
d. All statements are true
354. Following is not a database model
a. Network database model
b. Relational database model
c. Object oriented database model
d. None
355. Microsoft Access is a
a. Rdbms
b. Oodbms
c. Ordbms
d. Network database model
356. Dcl provides commands to perform actions like
a. Change the structure of tables
b. Insert, update or delete records and data values
c. Authorizing access and other control over database
d. None of above
357. The database language that allows you to access or maintain data in a database
a. Dcl
b. Dml
c. Ddl
d. None of above
358. What is the maximum length a text field can be?
a. 120
b. 255
c. 265
d. 75
359. which of the following is not a database object?
a. Tables
b. Queries
c. Relationships
d. Reports
360. A __________ enables you to view data from a table based on a specific criterion
a. Form
b. Query
c. Macro
d. Report
361. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?
a. Rows
b. Records
c. Fields
d. Columns
362. Which of the following is not a type of Microsoft Access database object?
a. Table
b. Form
c. Worksheets
d. Modules
363. Which of the following database object hold data?
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables
364. Which of the following store command to retrieve data from database?
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables
Q. MCQ  Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
a. It offers MCQ collection
b. It allows to download MCQ Banks
c. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
d. It has online MCQ quiz system
365. Which of the following database object produces the final result to present?
a. Forms
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Tables
366. What is the difference between ‘open’ and ‘open exclusively’
a. Open statement opens access database files and open exclusively opens database files of other program like oracle
b. Open exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas open locks only the record that is being accessed
c. Both open and open exclusively are same
d. Open exclusive command does not exist in MS Access
367. Which of the following is a method to create a new table in MS Access?
a. Create table in design view
b. Create table using wizard
c. Create table by entering data
d. All of above
368. In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?
a. F3
b. F4
c. F5
d. F6
369. The default and maximum size of text field in access
a. 50 and 255 characters
b. 8 and 1 gb
c. 266 characters & 64000 characters
d. None of above
370. Which of the following is not a field type in access
a. Memo
b. Hyperlink
c. Ole object
d. Lookup wizard
371. Which field type can store photos?
a. Hyperlink
b. Ole
c. Both of these can be used
d. Access tables can’t store photos
372. When entering field name, how many characters you can type in maximum?
a. 60
b. 64
c. 68
d. Any number of character
373. After entering all fields required for a table, if you realize that the third field is not needed, how will you remove?
a. You need to delete the whole table. There is no method to remove a particular field only.
b. Delete all the fields from third downwards and reenter the required fields again.
c. Select the third column in datasheet view then delete
d. Select the third row in table design view then delete
374. Queries in access can be used as
a. View, change and analyze data in different ways
b. A source of records for forms and reports
c. Only a
d. Both a and b
375. To create queries in access
a. You can drag and drop fields on query builders
b. You can type the sql command in sql view
c. You can use query wizard or design view
d. All of above
376. What is a form in MS Access
a. It is a printed page where users will write their data to fill it up
b. It is an input screen designed to make the viewing and entering data easier
c. This is an important part of database used by analysts to draw conclusions
d. All of above
377. Which of the following statement is true
a. Reports can be used to retrieve data from tables and calculate
b. Queries can be printed in well formatted manner and presented as the information
c. Queries can include calculated fields that do not exist in table
d. Reports and forms are similar but forms are use to print but reports to display on screen only
378. Two tables can be linked with relationship so that the data integrity can be enforced. Where can you find relationship command
a. File menu
b. View menu
c. Database menu
d. Tools menu
Q. MCQ  Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
a. It offers MCQ collection
b. It allows to download MCQ Banks
c. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
d. It has online MCQ quiz system
379. While creating relationship, when you drag a field of a field to drop into another table the mouse pointer changes into
a. A doctor’s sign
b. Thin + sign
c. Outline rectangle
d. None of above
380. What do you mean by one to many relationship between student and class table?
a. One student can have many classes
b. One class may have many student
c. Many classes may have many students
d. Many students may have manu classes
381. Referential integrity means
a. Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the parent table
b. Do not enter a value in the primary key field of chield table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the parent table
c. Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a parent table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the child table
d. All of above
382. Cascade delete option
a. Is used to delete all the records of all tables in a database
b. Will repeat the recent delete operation to all the records of current table
c. Is available in edit relatiionship dialog box which makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically whn the record from parent table is deleted
d. None of above
383. Cascade update option
a. Means do not change the value in the primary key field if that record has related records in another table
b. Means change all the related records in child tables if the record in parent table is changed
c. Both of above
d. None of above
384. We can remove a relationship defined between two tables by
a. From edit menu choose delete relationship
b. Select the relationship line and press delete
c. Choose delete option from relationship menu
d. All of above
385. If you need to edit a relationship
a. Right click the relationship line and choose edit relationship
b. Double click the relationship line
c. Both of above
d. None of above
386. If you write criteria values vertically (one in a row) it will mean
a. Or conditions
b. And conditions
c. Not condition
d. None of above
387. To achieve and effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window
a. Write criteria values vertically one in a row
b. Write criteria values horizontally
c. Write criteria values in same field separated with and
d. Write criteria values in same field separated with &
388. A search value can be an exact value or it can be
a. Logical operator
b. Relationship
c. Wild card character
d. Comparison operation
389. Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when ___operator is in use
a. Or
b. In
c. And
d. Like
390. You can automatically include all of the field in a table in a query by___ a strike that appear list box in query design view
a. Clicking
b. Right clicking
c. Double clicking
d. None of the above
391. The___ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied
a. Or
b. If or
c. Range
d. And
392. When a picture or other graphic image is placed in the report header section it will appear____
a. Once in the bugging of the report
b. At the top of every page
c. Every after record break
d. On the 1st and last pages of the report
393. The__ button on the tool box display data from a related table
a. Sub form sub report
b. Relationships
c. Select objects
d. More controls
394. You can set a controls border type to make the border invisible.
a. Transparent
b. Invisible
c. Do not display
d. No border
395. A __ name must be unique within a database
a. Table
b. Field
c. Record
d. Character
396. The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression___ for entering an expression
a. Table
b. Box
c. Cell
d. Palette
397. The key uniquely identifies each record in a table.
a. Primary key
b. Key word
c. Filed name
d. All of above
398. Unlike text data type, this can store up to maximum of 65, 535 characters.
a. Memo
b. Data/time
c. Number
d. All of above
Q. MCQ  Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
a. It offers MCQ collection
b. It allows to download MCQ Banks
c. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
d. It has online MCQ quiz system
399. It is a database object to view, change, and analyze data in different ways
a. Query
b. Form
c. Report
d. None of the above
400. It is most common type of query. It retrieves records from one or more tables and then displays the
a. Parameter
b. Select
c. Crosstab
d. All of above


Click the Like, Tweet or Google+ buttons below to show correct answers
Q.No-Correct Answer
301 – d
302 – c
303 – d
304 – b
305 – b
306 – a
307 – c
308 – d
309 – d
310 – d
311 – a
312 – d
313 – d
314 – d
315 – c
316 – c
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368 – d
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381 – a
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383 – c
384 – b
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386 – a
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388 – c
389 – c
390 – c
391 – d
392 – a
393 – a
394 – c
395 – a
396 – b
397 – a
398 – a
399 – a
400 – b


401 to 493 MCQ Questions for MS Access


401. It is a query that when run displays its own dialog box prompting you for information, such as
a. Select
b. Crosstab
c. Parameter
d. Append
402. It is used to calculate and restructure data for easier analysis of your data. It calculates the sum,
a. Parameter
b. Select
c. Crosstab
d. Append
403. It is a sign or symbol that specifies, operator, and values that produce a result
a. Operator
b. Query
c. Expression
d. None of the above
404. Which of the following database object is created first before any other created?
a. Table
b. Form
c. Report
d. Query
Q. Visit MCQ Sets for
a. Multiple Choice Questions Collection
b. Download MCQ Banks
c. Attempt online quiz
d. Study subjective questions/answers
405. This type of database contains multiple tables that are connected to produce combined output from all tables.
a. Bound
b. Linked
c. Relational
d. Joined
406. The ‘filter by selection’ allows you to filter those records
a. That match the selected field
b. That match the criteria specified
c. That meet any of several criteria specified
d. All of above
407. The operation of checking input data against specified criteria is known as?
a. Data verification
b. Data validation
c. Cross check
d. Data control
408. Some rules are set in databases to check and permit only correct values. What is this feature called?
a. Data verification
b. Auditing
c. Data filtering
d. Data validation
409. Database access levels are specified so as to define who can access what in a database. It is identified through
a. User id
b. Password
c. Status
d. None of above
410. What it is called to present information in a particular order based on numeric or alphabetical value?
a. Sorting
b. Searching
c. Arranging
d. Cropping
411. A collection of related records in database is known as a
a. Table
b. Database
c. File
d. None of above
412. A part of database that stores complete information about an entity such as employee, sales, orders etc.
a. File
b. Record
c. Field
d. Query
413. To create this, you enter an expression in the design grid that instructs access to perform a calculation using the current field values.
a. Formulated field
b. Numeric field
c. Formula field
d. Calculated field
414. The ascending order of data hierarchy is?
a. Bit – byte – field – record – file – databse
b. Bit – byte – record – field – file – database
c. Byte – bit – field – record – file – database
d. Bit – byte – field – record – database – file
415. Which of the following database object can be used if you need to mail the invoice to customers?
a. A form
b. A query
c. A report
d. A table
416. When creating an input mask this character does not require an entry, but if an entry is made it must be a letter from a-z
a. ?
b. !
c. #
d. \
417. In access, this displays the results of a calculation in a query
a. Lookup field
b. Calculated field
c. Source field
d. Child field
418. In access, this operation copies a backup file from the storage medium back onto the computer
a. Recreate
b. Restore
c. Copy
d. Structure
419. If you make an invalid entry in the input mask wizard dialog box, this will display to advise you that the entry is not correct
a. Text error
b. Validation error
c. Literal error
d. Entry error
420. In the form wizard dialog box, the fields from the selected table are displayed in this list box.
a. All fields
b. All records
c. Available records
d. Available fields
421. This form displays the field name labels down the left side of the column, with the data for each field just to the right of its corresponding label.
a. Tabular
b. Justified
c. Columnar
d. Datasheet
422. This form displays data in a table layout with field name labels across the top of the page and the corresponding data in rows and columns under each heading.
a. Columnar
b. Justified
c. Datasheet
d. Tabular
423. This form displays multiple records, one per row, in the form window
a. Datasheet
b. Tabular
c. Columnar
d. Justified
424. In this form, a single record may appear in multiple rows in the form window in order to fully display the field name label and data.
a. Datasheet
b. Tabular
c. Justified
d. Columnar
425. Which of the following is not a form style available in the form wizard dialog box.
a. Blends
b. Standard
c. Stone
d. Highlights
426. You can move between fields in a form by using any of these keys except
a. Tab
b. Enter
c. Shift+tab
d. Page up
427. Queries are based on this, allowing you to use a query as the source for forms and reports
a. Filters
b. Tables
c. Records
d. Fields
428. This type of query summarizes large amounts of data in easy-to-read, row-and-column format.
a. Crosstab
b. Columnar
c. Select
d. Action
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429. Which of the following is not one of the methods available in the new query dialog box to create queries?
a. Design view
b. Crosstab query wizard
c. Simple query wizard
d. Datasheet view
430. This query wizard will create a select query.
a. Crosstab
b. Find duplicates
c. Simple
d. Design view
431. The quickest way to add a field to the selected fields list is to double-click its field name in this list.
a. Find fields
b. Search fields
c. Search record
d. Available fields
432. The result of a query is displayed in a
a. Record
b. Query datasheet
c. Query table
d. Form
433. Changing the order of this in the query datasheet does not affect the field order in the table.
a. Record
b. Row
c. Column
d. Sort
434. In the second subform wizard dialog box you specify the table to use as the data source and the
a. Records from the selected form
b. Form from the selected table
c. Fields from the selected table
d. Content from the selected form
435. This is not one of the sections of the form design window
a. Form footer
b. Form content
c. Form header
d. Form detail
436. When you select this control, its associated text control is also selected and the two controls will act as one when manipulated.
a. Text
b. Form
c. Label
d. Field
437. In access, this view is used to create and modify the structure of a form.
a. Normal
b. Datasheet
c. Form design
d. Control
438. To set a password for the database, select ____________ in the Microsoft Access open window.
a. Open read only
b. Open write only
c. Open explicit
d. Open exclusive
439. To enter the input mask wizard
a. Click on the three dots to the right of the caption entry field
b. Click on the three dots to the right of the format entry field
c. Click on the input mask toolbar
d. Click on the three dots to the right of the input mask entry field
440. Saving a database in access is done
a. At the beginning of the database
b. The first time you save data
c. When closing the application
d. During auto save
441. The file extension for an access 2003 database is
a. Exe
b. Doc
c. Exc
d. Mdb
442. Which of the following best describes the grouped report?
a. A part of report that can be generated by the report wizard
b. A report that displays data that has been sorted in ascending or descending order
c. A report that displays data grouped by fields you specify
d. None of a the above
443. What is the use of description field in table design window?
a. The description will be displayed on status bar when entering data in datasheet view
b. The description will be displayed on status bar when entering data in form
c. Both of above
d. None of a the above
444. How can you display the related records from other tables in datasheet view?
a. Click on the expand indicator next to the record
b. Double click on the record to expand it
c. Apply filter by command to display related records
d. All of above
445. Which of the following query type is best suitable to analyze data?
a. Cross tab queries
b. Parameter queries
c. Action queries
d. None of above
446. Which of the following is a database management system?
a. Ms word
b. Ms excel
c. Oracle
d. Lotus 1-2-3
447. In relational database schema each tuple is divided into fields known as?
a. Relations
b. Queries
c. Records
d. Domains
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448. Which of the following columns does not exist in macro design window?
a. Arguments
b. Comments
c. Conditions
d. Actions
449. What is the type of query that extracts data from a table and puts them into separate table?
a. Parameter query
b. Make table query
c. Update query
d. Put table query
450. What type of control in a form can display data from database table?
a. Bound control
b. Unbound control
c. Both of above
d. None of above
451. To display value from table for a label control
a. Set teh control source and record source prom property panel
b. Choose the databse, table, field and select data value to display
c. Look at the table and type value in the caption
d. Set the record source property and then control source
452. Which of the following is not a section in report design window?
a. Report header section
b. Page header section
c. Summary section
d. Report footer section
453. You can not import data into access database from
a. Dbase iii database files
b. Excel spreadsheets
c. Comma delimited text files
d. None of the above
454. Which control does access use to link data access page components to Access data?
a. Microsoft dynamic data control
b. Microsoft data connection control
c. Microsoft office data source control
d. None of the above
455. which program do you use to edit code for data access pages?
a. Microsoft script editor
b. Microsoft code editor
c. Microsoft data access pages editor
d. None of above
456. the way a particular application views the data from the database that the applicaton uses is a
a. Module
b. Relational model
c. Schema
d. Sub-schema
457. which of the following is a database management system?
a. Ms-word
b. Lotus 1-2-3
c. Oracle
d. None of above
458. what is the corresponding text for the <#1/1/95# validation rule setting?
a. Neter a value less or more than 1,195
b. Value must be less than 95 characters
c. Enter a date before 1995
d. All of above
459. what is the name of the visual basic editor utility that allows you to view the Microsoft Access type library’s available objects and members?
a. Object viewer
b. Object browser
c. Type library spy
d. None of above
460. a computer language for informing the dbms regarding the data structure used is
a. Pascal
b. Ddl
c. Prolog
d. Fortran
461. which of the following is not a data type
a. Picture/graphic
b. Data/time
c. Texst
d. Number
462. the executive responsible for the data processing function in an organization is
a. Pm
b. Dbms
c. Dp
d. Dpm
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d. Study subjective questions/answers
463. which of the following is not a type of Microsoft Access database object?
a. Queries
b. Workbooks
c. Forms
d. Tables
464. a file containing relatively permanent data is
a. Random file
b. Transaction file
c. Master file
d. Sequential file
465. the complete picture of data stored in database is known as
a. Record
b. Scheme
c. System flowchart
d. Dbms
466. a subset of characters within a data field is known as
a. Record
b. File
c. Data string
d. Byte
467. data items groped together for storage purposes are called a
a. Record
b. Title
c. List
d. String
468. which of the following terms does not describe a database structure used by a dbms to link data from several files?
a. Relational
b. Structural
c. Network
d. All of the above
469. in a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called
a. Relations
b. Domains
c. Queries
d. All of the above
470. how do you filter by selection?
a. Right click the field value and select filter by selection from the shortcut menu
b. Find and double click the value on which you want to base the filter
c. Find and select the value on which you want to base the filter and select tools>filter by selection from the menu
d. None
471. what is a fast way t adjust the width of a column?
a. Right click the left side of the column heading
b. Double click the left side of the column heading
c. Double click the right side of the column heading
d. Select tools>adjust column width from the menu
472. what are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?
a. Rows
b. Fields
c. Cells
d. Records
473. how do you update pivot table report data after changes are made to the source data?
a. Save your changes, close the workbook, and then reopen it.
b. Select the pivot table worksheet and press f9 on the keyboard
c. Click the report, and on the pivot table toolbar, click the refresh data button
d. All of the above
474. In access, the best types of queries to use for data analysis are:
a. Select queries
b. Parameter queries
c. Action queries
d. All of the above
475. How can you add a table to the relationship window?
a. Select tools>add table from the menu
b. Select the table from the table list on the toolbar
c. Click the show table button on the toolbar
d. Select edit>add table from the menu
476. What is the first step in creating a form or report with the form wizard or report wizard?
a. Selecting the fields that you want to appear in the form or report
b. Selecting the underlying table or query on which you want to base the form or report
c. Reading several screens of mostly useless information and clicking next
d. Selecting how the form or report should be formatted
477. Which action will optimize your database performance?
a. Set the record set type to snapshot
b. Use the compact and repair database tool
c. Create a replica of the database
d. All of the above
478. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called
a. Sorting
b. Classifying
c. Reproducing
d. Summarizing
Q. Visit MCQ Sets for
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c. Attempt online quiz
d. Study subjective questions/answers
479. According to access help, what’s a good way to design a database?
a. Start from data access pages and work backward
b. Sketch the design of your database using a pencil and paper
c. Use the table analyzer to reverse-engineer your flat source data.
d. None of above
480. If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then a
a. Storage space is wasted
b. Changing the data is one spot will cause data inconsistency
c. It can be more easily accessed
d. Both a and b
481. A relational database management (RDBMS) package manages data in more than one file at once. How does it organize these file? As
a. Tables
b. Relations
c. Tuple
d. Both a and b
482. Which of the following database objects asks a question of information in a database and then displays the result?
a. Tables
b. Reports
c. Queries
d. Forms
483. What data type should yo choose for a zip code field in a table?
a. Text
b. Number
c. Memo
d. All of above
484. In order to use dbms, it is important to understand
a. The physical schema
b. All sub schemas that the sytem supports
c. One sub schema
d. Both a and b
485. A list consists of last names, first names, address and pin codes if all people in the list have the same last and the same pin code, a useful key would be
a. The pin code
b. The last name
c. A compound key consisting of the first name and the last name
d. All of the above
486. What happens when you add the asterisk (*) from any field list ot a query?
a. The table will not include any fields from the table
b. The query sorts the table’s record in the order you specify
c. The query will include every field from the table
d. The query uses the records from the table without displaying them
487. Which editor was provided for use with access basic?
a. The visual basic 1.0 editor
b. Notepad
c. The quickbasic editor
d. All of above
488. The filter by selection feature allows you to filter:
a. Those records that match an entity in a field
b. Records based on a criterion you specify
c. Records that meet any of several criteria you specify
d. All of above
489. What is the memo data type field used for?
a. To add table
b. To store objects created in other programs
c. For long text entries
d. For shout text entries of no more than 255 characters
490. What is the purpose of the description column in table design view?
a. To define the data type applied to each field within the table
b. To describe the data that should be entered in each field
c. To enter lookup data that the field should refer to.
d. None of the ablve
491. What is the propose to a sub datasheet?
a. To provide a hierarchial view of related tables or queries in a single window
b. To display grouped data in a report
c. To display summarized data.
d. All of the above
492. Which of the following is not a selection technique
a. To select a word, double click the word
b. To select an entire table click the empty bosx to the left of the field names
c. To select a row, click the record selector box to the left of the row
d. To select a column, double click anywhere in the column
Q. Visit MCQ Sets for
a. Multiple Choice Questions Collection
b. Download MCQ Banks
c. Attempt online quiz
d. Study subjective questions/answers
493. How can you display pivot table report summary data in a currency format?
a. Use custom calculation
b. Type in the currency symbol
c. Modify the field settings
d. None of the above


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401 – c
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439 – d
440 – a
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443 – c
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455 – a
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459 – b
460 – b
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467 – a
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476 – b
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481 – d
482 – c
483 – a
484 – c
485 – c
486 – c
487 – b
488 – a
489 – c
490 – b
491 – a
492 – d
493 – c

MCQs on Query of MS Access

Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Subject: Query of MS Access
No of questions: 10
A query is the most powerful tool in any database application and in MS Access, composing query is much easier due to its QBE (Query by Example) feature. Here in this post, I’m going to present Solved MCQs on Query of MS Access.

Query of MS Access


1) Which statement does not hold true?
a. A relationship establishes the association between common fields in two tables.
b. An AutoNumber field can be related to a field of either type AutoNumber or type Text.
c. Joins specify that each pair of rows that satisfy the join conditions will be combined in the results to form a single row.
d. Access will automatically create a join only if the field names in both tables are the same.
2) Microsoft Access uses Jet Query Engine which uses
a. MS SQL Server
b. Full fledged SQL
c. D
ialect of SQL
d. None of above
3) You can enclose the prompt within square braces in criteria to create
a. Parameter query
b. Select query
c. Action query
d. Crosstab query
4) A(n) _____ is an association that is created in a query between a field in one table or query and a field of the same data type in another table or query.
a. Join
b. Link
c. Connector
d. Identifier
5) In a query when you have multiple conditions and each of them must satisfy to return the result, use
a. AND
b. OR
c. NOT
d. XOR
6) A query that uses information from two or more tables to get the results is called a(n)
a. Informal query.
b. Optional query.
c. Complex query.
d. Multitable query.
7) In MS Access query, which of the fields is derived field? Query: SELECT product.qty AS Quantity, product.rate AS Rate, product.qty*product.rate AS Amount FROM product;
a. Quantity
b. Rate
c. Amount
d. Product
8) Which of the following SQL query deletes Product table from Store database?
a. DEL Product FROM Store
b. DROP Product
c. DROP TABLE Product
d. Any of b or c
9) When you need to restrict the records that meets certain conditions, you can mention them in
a. Filter cell
b. Sort cell
c. Show cell
d. Criteria cell
10) If you write “Like Su*” in criteria cell of FirstName field it will display
a. All the names that are like Su such as Bunu, Kunal, Purna
b. All the names that begin with Su such as Suresh, Sunita, Sumit
c. Blank recordset
d. Error message


1 – b  / 2 – c  /  3 – a / 4 – a  / 5 – a  / 6 – d / 7-c / 8 – c / 9 – d  / 10 – b

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