Wednesday 3 April 2019

Final Examination Question 2075

Barahathawa-5, Sarlahi
Final Examination-2075
Class:   Nine (IX)                                  

Subject: Computer    Time:  1 Hours 30 Minutes    F.M.:50
Attempt all these questions
Group A (Computer Fundamental – 22 Marks)
1. Answer the following questions:                 2*3=6
a.       Why computer is called versatile machine?
b.      Define software and hardware with examples.
c.       What is an output device? Explain its types.
2. State the following statements are true or false. 0.5*6=3
a.       Computer is 100% accurate machine.
b.      High level language is machine oriented programming language.
c.       Software controls hardware and its functions.
d.      Open source software are distribute at free of cost.
e.       Digital camera is an output device.
f.        National Information Technology Development Council is constituted under the chairmanship of President.
3. Match the following:                            0.5*4=2
Group “A”                    Group “B”
a.       RAM                                              Translate HLL to Machine language line by line
b.      Hard Disk                                     Primary memory
c.       Compiler                                      Translate whole program in HLL to machine language
d.      Interpreter                                   Free source software
                                                      Secondary memory
4. Select   the correct answer:                0.5*5=2.5
a.       Speed of computer is measured in
i)                   FLOPS                   ii) MHZ                        iii) MIPS                                  iv) Byte
b.      First computer programmer
i)                   Charles Babbage              ii) Lady Augusta Ada   iii) Herman Hollerith   iv) Blaise Pascal
c.       Fifth generation of computer uses
i)                   Vacuum Tube      ii) Transistors            iii) Microprocessor     iv) Bio- chips
d.      Which is the user programmed semiconductor memory?
i)          SRAM                    ii) DRAM                      iii) EPROM                 iv) All of above
i)          SRAM                    ii) DRAM                      iii) EPROM                 iv) All of above
e.       Which of the following is not a pointing device?
i)                   Mouse                   ii) BCR                                    iii) Touch Pad            iv) Track Ball
5. Name technical term                           0.5*5=2.5
a.       The computer which has the capability of both analog and digital computers.
b.      The high speed memory placed between CPU and main memory.
c.       Point device used in laptops.
d.      System software designed to take care of computer.
e.       The physical part of a computer.
6. Give full form:                                 0.5*4=2
ABC                                         DVD                            BIOS                                        VLSI
7. a. Perform the binary calculation:              1*2=2
1.      1011 + 111                                                                      2.         1111 * 101
b. Perform the following number conversion:     1*2=2
1. (128)10 into Hexadecimal                                                 2. (101101) 2  into decimal
Group B (Operating System – 5 marks)
8. Answer the following:                             1*2=2
a.       Why  is windows called a GUI based operating system?
b.      What do you mean by booting?
9. Write the purpose of the following DOS commands:  0.5*6=3
a.       RD                     b. CLS              c. CD                d. DEL             e. TIME           f. Date
Group C(HTML- 5 marks)
10.        Answer the following:                           1*2=2
a.       What is HTML ? How many types of tag are there?
b.      Define hyperlink?
11.        Write the use of the following HTML Tag:    0.5*6=3
a.       <p>           b. <ol>            c. <b>              d. <br>            e. <UL>           f. <i>
Group D (Programming – 18 Marks)
12.        Answer the following:                           1*2=2
a.       Write any two features of QBASIC.
b.      What do you mean by operator? Give example.
13.         Rewrite the following programs after correcting bugs.2   
REM program to check the input number is positive, negative or zero
INPUT "Enter a number"; N
IF N >= 0 THEN
    PRINT "Positive"
        PRINT "Negative"
        PRINT "Zero"
14.        Write the output of the given program:      1*2=2
N$ = "Final"
FOR I = 1 TO LEN(N$)
    B$ = RIGHT$(N$, I)
    PRINT B$
15.        Write the program:                              3*4=12
a.       To calculate the area of circle. [ A= pi*r2]
b.      To input a number and check whether it is odd or even.
c.       To calculate simple interest.
d.      To input height and base and to calculate the area of triangle . [A= ½(B*H)

******** Happy New Year 2076 ******

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