Tuesday 4 September 2018

Database (Questions Solution)

Database, DBMS, MS Access

Prepared By :- Ramesh Mahato 
Visit Us for more information :- rameshworld.com

1)     What is database? Give two examples.
Ans: Database is a collection of related and organized information that can be used for different purpose.
Two examples of database are:
i) Dictionary
ii) Telephone Directory
2)     Differentiate between computerized and non-computerized database.Ans:
i)    It can store large volume of data.
i) It is limited by physical storage available.
i)    It is very fast to find a specific record.
ii) It can take a while to manually search through all of the records.
iii) Data can be sorted into ascending or descending order on multiple criteria.
iii) Difficult to sort data on more than one criteria
iv) The database can be kept secure by use of passwords.
iv) The only security would be locking up the records.

3)     What is data? Write with examples.Ans:Data can be numbers, letters or symbols representing facts and figures which may or may not give any sense.
E.g.: Ram, student, 20, etc.

4)     What is information?
Ans: Information is an organized collection of related data, which gives a complete sense. For example: “Ram is a student. He is 20 years old.”, is information that gives a complete sense.
5)     What is MS-Access?Ans:MS-Access is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft Corporation which is used to store and manipulates large volume of data in the form of table.
6)     Define DBMS with example.Ans: DBMS is a software which is used to manage data, manipulate them and provide the information in an organized way.
E.g.: MS-Access, Oracle, etc.
7)     Define RDBMS with example.Ans: It is a database management system that is based on the relation model in which data is stored in the form of tables and the relationship among the data is also stored in the form of tables.
E.g.: SQL, MS-Access, Oracle, etc.
8)     List any four features of DBMS.Ans: The four features of DBMS are:
i) It controls data redundancy which means duplication of data.
ii) It allows sharing the existing database by different programs.
iii) Large volume of data can be stored and updated easily.
iv) It provides high security of data as well as maintains accurate database.
 List any four features of MS-Access?Ans: The four features of MS-Access are:
i) It provides the flexible ways to add, edit, delete and display the related data.
ii) Queries help to view, change and analyse the data indifferent ways.
iii) Forms are used for viewing and editing the information.
iv) Reports are used for summarizing and printing the data.

1)     What are the different objects of MS-Access?Ans: The different objects of MS-Access are:
i) Table
ii) Form
iii) Query
iv) Report

2)     Define table. Write different ways to create a table.Ans: Table is an object of Ms-Access that stores large volume of data in the form of rows and columns.
The different ways to create table are:
i) Design view
ii) Using wizard
iii) Entering data

3)     Write down the importance of table.
Ans: The importances of table are:
·       Different properties of a field can be set in a table.
·       It provides options for primary key which helps to make data consistent.

4)     What is form? Mention the methods to create a formAns: Form is an object of Ms-Access which provides graphical interface to enter data into the tables or multiple linked tables.
Methods to create a form are:
i) By using auto forms features.
ii) By using the form wizard features.
iii) By using your own in design view.

5)     Write down the importance of form.
Ans: The importance of form are:
·       It provides an interactive platform for input of data into the database.
·       It helps to display data in more presentable form than a datasheet.

6)     What are the different controls used in form?Ans: The different controls used in form are text box, combo box, list box, check box, label, command bottom, tab control, etc.
7)     Define query. Mention different types of query.Ans: Query is an object of Ms-Access which extracts and arranges information from a table in a manner that is specified.
The different types of query are:
i) Select query
ii) Action query
In action query, we have update query, append query, delete query and make-table query.
8)     What are the advantages of query?Ans: The advantages of query are:
i) We can filer, perform calculations and summarize data.
ii) Large volume of records can be updated or deleted at a same time.
iii) It retrieves and display records including some fields or all the fields of a table or multiple linked tables.
9)     What are the purposes of query in MS-Access?Ans: The purpose of query in MS-Access are:
i) To view records including some fields or all the fields of a table or multiple linked tables.
ii) To perform mathematical calculation of a data.
iii) To sort the records on the basis of one or more key fields.
iv) To perform mass update, delete or append new records to a table.
10)  What is select query? For what it can be used?Ans: A select query is the most common category and is used for extracting specific information from one or more tables in a database.
We use select query to group records and perform calculations on field values in the groups such as sum, count, average, minimum and maximum.
11) What is update query?Ans: Update query is a type of action query which make global changes to a group of records in one or more tables.
12) Write the append query?Ans: The use of append query is to add a group of records at the end from one or more tables.

13) Write down the importance of query?
Ans: The importances of query are:
·       It allows user to make calculations and change data in automated fashion.
·       It provides option to delete all the unwanted data matching certain criteria.
14) Differentiate between select query and action query.
Select query
Action query
i) It is a query which extracts specific information from one or more tables.
i) It is a query which makes changes to many records in just one operation.
ii) It cannot make changes in tales.
ii) It can do changes in tables by update, append.
15) What is report? List any two methods to create report.Ans: Report is an object of Ms-Access which displays the output in an effective way to present the data in a printed format.
The methods are:
i) Using design view
ii) Using report wizard
16) What is the importance of report?Ans: The importance of report are:
i) It displays the information the way we want to view it.
ii) It presents the information retrieved through queries or tables.
iii) It presents the information in designed layouts by adding necessary titles, setting font colour or font size, etc.
17) Why is report created?Ans: Report is created to print documents according to user’s specifications of the summarized information through query or table.
18) What is the data source for report?Ans: The data sources for report are table and query.
19) Differentiate between form and report.Ans:
i) Forms are used to enter, view, and edit information.
i) Reports are used only to view information.
ii) Forms are usually displayed on the screen.
ii) Reports can be previewed on the screen, but they are usually printed.
iii) Forms generally provide a detailed took at records and usually for the people who actually work with the database.
iii) Reports are often used to group and summarize data, and are often for the people who don’t work with the database but who use its information for other business task.

1)     What is data type?Ans: Data type is an attribute for a field that determines what type of data it can contain.
2)     Write any four data types of MS-Access.Ans: Any four data types of MS-Access are:
i) Text
ii) Number
iii) Memo
iv) Currency
3)     List any four types of field properties used by MS-Access. Ans: The four types of field properties of MS-Access are:
i) Caption
ii) Format
iii) Validation rule
iv) Input mask

4)     Define the term of input mask and relationship.Ans:
Input mask: Input mask is a field property that controls the value of a record and sets in a specific format.
Relationship: Relationship is an association among several entities (table).
5)     What is caption?Ans: Caption is a field property which displays an alternate name for the field to make the field name more explanatory. It can contain up to 2048 characters. 

6)     What is validation rule? Define validation text.Ans:
Validation rule: A field property which enables to limit values that can be accepted into a field is known as validation rule.
Validation text: A field property which allows type text to be displayed if the user input value is prohibited by the validation rule is known as validation text.

7)     Differentiate between text and memo.Ans:
i) It is used for storing text or combination of text and numbers.
i) It is used for storing lengthy text and numbers.
ii) It can store up to 255 characters.
ii) It can store up to 65,535 characters.
8)     What is field size? What is the use of ‘Format’ field property?Ans: Field size is a field property that set the maximum size for the data stored in the field set to the text or number data type.
The use of ‘Format’ field property is to display the data in a different format.
9)     Write down the use of Lookup Wizard and Hyperlink data types.Ans: The use of Lookup Wizard is that it creates a field that allows choosing a value from another table or from a list of values by using a list box or combo box.
The use of Hyperlink is that it stores hyper like addresses like email addresses, websites, database objects or other field.
10) Define indexing. Mention its types.Ans: Indexing is one of the important properties of database that speed up searching and storing of records using on the field.
Its types are:
·       Primary indexing
·       Secondary indexing
·       Clustering indexing

11) Define relationship with its types.Ans: Relationship is an association among several entities (table).
Its types are:
i)One to one relationship
ii)One to many relationship
iii)Many to many relationship
12) What is referential integrity?Ans: Referential integrity is a set of rules used by RDBMS to make sure that the relationships between tables are valid and that the related data is not accidentally changed or deleted.
13) Define field.Ans: A column in a table is called field, and it contains a specific piece of information within a record.
14) Differentiate between field and record.Ans:
i) A column in a table is called field, and it contains a specific piece of information within a record.
i) Record is a collection of multiple related fields in a row which gives complete information about a person or thing.
ii) E.g.: Name, Address, Telephone
ii)E.g.: Ram Chabahil 4468790
15) While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about teacher’s name, address, salary and date of birth.Ans:
Teacher’s name - Text
Address – Text
Salary – Currency
Date of birth – Date/Time
What happens when we enter text in a numeric field?Ans: If we enter text in a numeric field then it displays the error message.

1)     What is Primary key? Why is it needed?Ans: Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies the record. It is needed because it neither accepts duplicate values nor  permit null values.
2)     Write any two uses of Primary key?Ans: The uses of Primary key are:
i) To reduce and control duplication of record in a table.
ii) To set the relationship between tables.
3)     What is composite and foreign key?Ans: The group of primary key that consists of two or more attributes is called composite key.
Foreign key is a unique field or combination of fields in linked table whose value matches with a primary key in another table.
4)     Define sorting and filtering in MS-AccessAns: Sorting means grouping records in a particular order either in ascending or descending order based on a key field of the records. Sorting helps to locate the required records quickly.
Filtering is an option that selects the required records and displays the result.
5)     How is sorting different from filtering?Ans: Sorting arranges the record either in ascending or descending order whereas filtering selects the required records and displays the result.
6)     What are the advantages of form over table?Ans: The advantages of form over a table are:
i) It allows to design the layout of field on screen in any arrangement.
ii) It shows only the information we want to see.
iii) It can display one complete record at a time.

7)   How can data redundancy be controlled in MS-Access?Ans: Data redundancy can be controlled in MS-Access by the use of “Primary Key”.

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