Thursday 30 August 2018

Technical Term

Prepared By:-  Ramesh Mahato 

Networking and Telecommunication
1.      Sending or receiving information between two or more persons. Communication
2. A system of transmission of sounds, images, texts or data in the form of electronic signals. Telecommunication
3.      Network sharing and exchanging information between different people. [SLC 2070 S]
Computer Network
4.      A group of the interconnected computers. Computer Network
5.      The interconnection between two or more computers through physical and logical components to share resources. Computer Network
6.      The path through which the sender makes communication to the receiver. Medium
7.      A path through data is transmitted from one computer to another. Communication Medium
8.      A network of computers formed by using cables. Wired Network
9.      A network of computers formed by using unguided media. Wireless  Network
10.   Medium that carries data without physical path. Unbounded Media
11.   The data or signals transmitted through the air in the communication. Unguided Media
12.   A transmission medium through which data are transmitted in the form of light. Fiber Optic
13.   The amount of data transmitted per second through a communication channel. Bandwidth
14.   The data carrying capacity of communication channel. [SLC 2068 S] [SLC 2071] Bandwidth
15.   A device used at end user’s computer in a network which converts digital signal into analog and vice-versa. [SLC 2064] [SLC 2067 S]MODEM
16.   The device used to connect PC with telephone line. [SLC 2068] MODEM
17.   The conversion of digital signals into analog signals. Modulation
18.   The conversion of analog signals into digital signals. Demodulation
19.   A card used to connect network cable to computer. [SLC 2066 S] NIC
20.   A computer circuit board or card designed to allow computer to communicate over a computer network. NIC
21.   A hardware device that provide common wiring point in LAN. Hub
22.   A network device that retransmits signals to all nodes on the network. Hub
23.   A device with multiple ports that joins multiple computer together. Hub
24.   A multiple port repeater. Hub
25.   A network device that retransmits signals to a destination node on the network. Switch
26.   A network device that connects the segments of the same or different network having same protocol. Bridge
27.   A network device that can determine the best path for forwarding the data packets. Router
28.   A device that forwards signals between networks in networks in network traffic. Router
29.   An intelligent device that connects two different networks by setting best network traffics. Router
30.   A network device that joins networks having different protocols. Gateway
31.   A network device that connects dissimilar networks. Gateway
32.   The device which accepts weak signals regenerates them and sends them back on their way. Repeater
33.   A device that amplifies the incoming signals creates a new copy of it and transmits the signals on the network. Repeater
34.   The device that connects communication media with network devices. Connector
35.   Interface between the NIC of the computer and the cable that passes data from one computer to another computer. Connector
36.   A computer in a network which can provide services to other computer. [SLC 2070]
[SLC 2072] [SLC 2074] Server
37.   A main computer in the computer network. [SLC 2068] Server
38.   The computer that controls and coordinates all the activities of the entire computer in a network. Server
39.   A computer on the network that uses resources of the network. Workstation / Client
40.   The computer on which users run applications. Client
41.   The network models where there is at least one server. Client/Server Network
42.   The network model where each node has equal right. Peer to Peer Network
43.   A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server. [SLC 2073] Peer to Peer Network
44.   A network model in which resources sharing, processing and communication control are completely decentralized. Peer to Peer Network
45.   A computer network limited within a room. [SLC 2065] LAN
46.   A self-contained network that spans a small area such as single building, floor, or a room. LAN
47.   A large computer network that spans a metropolitan area or campus. MAN
48.   A network which is extended beyond the boundary of countries. WAN
49.   A network of computer that cover whole world. WAN
50.   The modes of transmission in which communication takes place from both the sides simultaneously. Full Duplex mode
51.   A mode of transmission in which data flows in both directions, but only from one direction at a time. Half Duplex mode
52.   An operating system used in a server computer. NOS
53.   The software which controls and manages all the operation in computer network. NOS
54.   The physical interface between cabling and network places. Topology
55.   The physical layout or cabling structure of computers on Local area network. [SLC 2069]
[SLC 2074] Topology
56.   The arrangement or connection patterns of computers or nodes and other devices of the network. Topology
57.   The topology in which all the computers are connected by a common distribution channel. Bus Topology
58.   A network topology in which network nodes are arranged in a linear format, with each node connected directly to the network cable with a T-connector or tap. Bus topology
59.   The cabling pattern of computers where all nodes are connected in a closed loop. Ring topology
60.   The cabling pattern of computers where each node is individually connected to centrally located device. Star topology
61.   Hub or switch based network topology. [SLC 2068 S] Star Topology
62.   A set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices, such as computer. [SLC 2067] Protocol
63.   The rules and regulations to systematize the computer related technology. [SLC 2065 S] Protocol
64.   Rules and format to accept and transfer data in the computer network. [SLC 2066] Protocol
65.   The rules that make the network communication possible. [SLC 2068] Protocol

Internet and Its services

66.   A network of networks. [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2067 S] Internet
67.   The largest computer network. Internet
68.   A collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe. Internet
69.   The private network within an organization that utilizes the internet services. Intranet
70.   The protocol used for transferring hypertext documents that make the World Wide Web possible. HTTP
71.   A protocol used by the WWW to establish client server interaction. HTTP
72.   A company that provides the Internet facility. [SLC 2067 S] [SLC 2070] [SLC 2072] ISP
73.   Commercial activities on the Internet. E-commerce
74.   Buying and selling products and services online. [SLC 2065] [SLC 2071] [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2069] [SLC 2074] E-commerce
75.   Sending mail by using computer. E-Mail
76.   Online postal service. E-Mail
77.   The exchange of messages and computer files between computers over a computer network. E-Mail
78.   A server which sorts and directs your mail for you. Mail server
79.   Protocol used to receive e-mail from the mail server. [SLC 2073] POP
80.   A protocol used for sending emails from one server to another. SMTP
81.   Protocol used to browse the internet. TCP/IP
82.   Both a program and method used to transfer files between computers. FTP
83.   A protocol used for transferring files from one computer to another typically from your computer to a web server. FTP
84.   An internet tool that helps to download /upload the file. [SLC 2067] FTP
85.   A program that allows the user to log into a remote computer on the Internet as a user on that system.
86.   A service of the Internet that allows a user to access the remote computer. Telnet
87.   A web page, which is designed to search other web pages. Search engine
88.   A coordinated set of programs that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index, and returns result to you. Search engine
89.   A searchable database of Internet files collected by a computer program. Search engine
90.   A program that allows the user to scan the contents of the internet to find Web sites or specific information of the interest to them. Web browser
91.   The application software which is used to visit web pages. Web browser
92.   Software that is used for surfing information through the internet. Web browser
93.   A global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computer users exchange information on a vast range of topics. Usenet News
94.   An online meeting and information system that allows people to carry on discussions. Newsgroup
95.   A service of the internet that allows a user to post question for discussion. Newsgroup
96.   Internet programs to communicate with each other by typing in real time.IRC
97.   A service of the Internet that allows a user to send or receive instant message. IRC
98.   An online interactive communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussion with one or more people through the internet.IRC
99.   The visual communication of parties around the world. Video Conference
100.          Voice communication through Internet. Video Conference
101.          A component of the Internet that presents information in a graphical interface. WWW
102.          The total set of interlinked by hypertext documents residing on HTTP servers. WWW
103.          The technology with deliver voice over the Internet. Skype
104.          The learning process by using the Internet. E-learning
105.          Learning through electronic media. [SLC 2070 S] E-learning
106.          A mechanism which is used to convert domain names into IP addresses. DNS
107.          The process of transferring data/file from user’s computer to Internet. Upload
108.          The process of copying files, documents, programs, etc from users computer to the web server.
109.          The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer.
110.          The document formatting language used to link document in on the web. HTML
111.          A document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile device. Web Page
112.          The very first page of every web site. Home page
113.          High speed digital communication network evolving from existing telephony. ISDN
114.          The wireless technology that allows computer and other devices communicate over a wireless signal.
115.          A character (such as asterisk or question mark) that stands for any other character, or series of any character. [SLC 2064] Wild card character

Computer Security

116.          The process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer. Computer Security
117.          The process of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computers, their programs, hardware devices and data. Computer Security
118.          The protection of the components of a computer system. Hardware Security
119.          The securing data and programs from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm. Software Security
120.          The method applied to increase the life of computers and its assets. Regular Maintenance
121.          A secret word that gives a user access to a particular program and system. [SLC 2064]
[SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2069] [SLC 2070 S] Password
122.          A spare copy of important program and documents. [SLC 2069 S] Backup
123.          Making an extra copy of data and software. [SLC 2066] [SLC 2066 S] Backup
124.          Making duplicate copy of file for security purpose. [SLC 2067] Backup
125.          The scattering of the parts of the same disk file over different locations. Fragmentation
126.          The method of consolidating fragmented files on the computer. [SLC 2069 S] Defragmentation
127.          The process of rearranging the fragmented files in the contiguous locations on the disks. Defragmentation
128.          A program that checks a condition of hard disk. Scan Disk
129.          A disk tool which helps to fix errors in the disk and also remove bad sectors. Scan Disk
130.          A television transmitted to the particular audience at specific location via coaxial cables, telephone wires, fiber-optics strands, microwave radio systems, or communications satellites, as compared to open-circuit (broadcast) television intended for the general public. CCTV
131.          The use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. CCTV
132.          A device that protects your PC against power surges and spikes. Surge Suppressor
133.          A device or circuit that maintains a load voltage nearly constant over a range of variations of input voltage and load current. Voltage Regulator Device
134.          An electrical regulator designed to automatically maintains a constant voltage level. Voltage Regulator Device
135.          An electrical device that provides “clean” AC power to sensitive electrical equipment. Power Conditioner
136.          A device that protects computer system from the fluctuation of electric voltage. Volt Guard
137.          Device used for power protection. [SLC 2066 S] Volt guard
138.          An electronic device that supply electronic current when electricity is cut off[ SLC 2067 S].  UPS
139.          The power regulating device this supplies constant power to the computer from its backup system.
140.          A battery supported power unit between and external power source and a computer system which supplies clean and continuous power even during power failures. UPS

Computer Virus

141.          A software program with the ability to generate multiple copies itself. Computer Virus
142.          A program that destroys other program. [SLC 2065] Computer Virus
143.          A computer program that entertains and damages the user’s file. Computer Virus
144.          A program that effect the normal functioning of computer. [SLC 2068] Computer Virus
145.          The software that protects computer virus.[SLC 2069]. Antivirus
146.          A program that can disinfect a file from virus. [SLC 2070] [SLC 2072]. Antivirus
147.          Program used to detect and eliminate computer virus. [SLC 2066 S] Antivirus
148.          A virus that infects the part of the computer called a system sector. Boot Sector Virus
149.          A virus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record (MBR) Boot Sector Virus
150.          A small program that runs every time the computer starts up. MBR
151.          A type of virus that infects executable files having .exe, .com, .ovl, .drv, .sys, or .dil. File Infector Virus
152.          A virus that affects application programs. File Infector Virus / Program Virus
153.          A virus that corrupts system files of operating system. [SLC 2066] System Infector Virus
154.          A virus that shows different behavior in each infection. Polymorphic Virus
155.          A complicated virus that affects data types and functions. It is a self encrypted virus designed to avoid detection by a scanner. Polymorphic Virus
156.          A code that mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact. Polymorphic Virus
157.          A series of commands and actions that help to automate some task. Macro Virus
158.          A computer virus that damages the documents created in MS-Word & MS-Excel.
[SLC 2068 S]  Macro Virus
159.          A virus that infects both boot sector of a disk and program files. Multipartite Virus
160.          A file virus that uses special technique to hide its presence from users and virus scanners. Stealth Virus
Multimedia and Its Application

161.          A computer equipped with multimedia features. Multimedia Computer System
162.          A computer system that is capable of handling more than one medium simultaneously. Multimedia Computer System
163.         A computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation. Multimedia
164.          The integration of text, audio, sound and animation. [SLC 2067] [SLC 2069 S] [SLC 2071]. Multimedia
165.          The combination of more than media such as text, picture, sound, movies clips, etc. Multimedia
166.          A 3-D simulated environment. Virtual Reality
167.          An upcoming technology that makes user feels in a Virtual Environment (VE) by using computer hardware and software. Virtual Reality
168.          The artificial environment created by computer technology to entertain users. Virtual Reality
169.          An emerging term, multimedia used in education. Edutainment
170.          A technology that makes teaching-learning easier in a classroom. Computer Aided Learning (CAL)
171.         A form of education which is designed to be entertaining, in order to keep people interested and engaged. Edutainment
172.          The process of displaying still images in rapid sequence to create the illusion of movement. Animation
173.          A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of images of artwork one after the other. Animation
174.          The moving graphic images. [SLC 2073]. Animation
175.          The real images of artwork. Animation
176.         The process of giving the illusion of movement to drawings, models or inanimate objects. Animation
177.         The creation and manipulation of picture images in the computer. Graphics
178.          The display of still-frame pictures or photos on a computer screen. Graphics
179.          An extension to hypertext that supports linking graphics, sound and video elements in addition to text elements. Hypermedia
180.          The process of displaying alphanumeric characters on the screen to present information. Text
Cyber Law and Computer Ethics

181.          The law that governs the legal issue of cyberspace. [SLC 2064] . [SLC 2065]  [SLC 2069 S].
Cyber Law
182.          The rules and regulation to systematize the computer related technology. Cyber Law
183.          The law that controls cyber crimes (fraud, hacking). [SLC 2073] [SLC 2074]. Cyber Law
184.          The moral principles that control cyber-crime. [SLC 2068 S] [SLC 2071]. Computer Ethics
185.          Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals.[SLC 2066] Computer ethics
186.          A person who steals the password or credit card number of Internet users and make unauthorized access of it. [SLC 2070] [SLC 2072].Hacker
187.          The activity of breaking into a computer system to gain an unauthorized access. Hacking
188.          A computer user who attempts to break into copyright protected software or an information system. Cracker
189.          Any type of illegal activity that makes use of the internet, a private or public network, or an in-house computer system. Cyber Crime
190.          An electronic equivalent of a signature. Digital Signature
191.          A mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or document. Digital Signature
192.          A security mechanism used on the internet that relies on two keys, one public and one private. Digital Signature
193.          The rights granted to creator and owners of the works that are the result of the human intellectual creativity. Intellectual Property Law
194.          Law that prevents illegal copying. Copyright Law
195.          Software that do not come from reliable sources. Pirated Software
196.          The unauthorized duplication and use of computer software. Software Piracy
197.          Transferring illegal item through the internet (such as encryption technology) that is banned in some locations. Cyber Contraband
198.          The protection of creations of the mind, which have both a moral and a commercial value. Intellectual Property Law
199.          The repeated acts of harassment or threatening the victim by using internet services like e-mail. Cyber Stalking

200.          Virtual space created by computer networks, internet to make communication. Cyber Space

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