Tuesday, 23 May 2023

तपाईँले थाहा पाउनैपर्ने कम्प्युटरका ६५ ओटा शर्टकट की

कम्प्युटरमा शर्टकट की धेरै नै महत्त्वपूर्ण हुन्छन् । यदि हामीलाई शर्टकर्ट की थाहा भएन भने सरल तरिकाले हुने काम पनि जटिल ढङ्गतर्फ मोडिन्छ ।

कम्प्युटरमा अभ्यस्त हुने मानिसहरू केही शर्टकट कीका बारेमा जानकार नै हुन्छन् ।

आज हामी माइक्रोसफ्टको विन्डोज अपरेटिङ सिस्टमको जुनसुकै भर्सन प्रयोग गर्ने प्रयोगकर्ताका लागि उपयुक्त हुने शर्टकट कीबारे जानकारी दिँदैछौं ।

सामान्य कीहरू

Ctrl + A: कुनै पनि तस्वीर वा अक्षर छनौट गर्न

Ctrl + C अथवा Ctrl + Insert: कुनै पनि तस्वीर, शब्द वा अन्य सामग्री कपी तथा हाइलाइट गर्न

Ctrl + V वा Shift + Insert: सेलेक्ट गरेको वा कपी गरेको सामग्री अन्यत्र पेस्ट गर्न

Ctrl + X: सेलेक्ट अथवा हाइलाइट गरेका सामग्री डिलिट गर्न

Ctrl + Z: आफूले पहिले गरिरहेका काम फर्काउन अथवा मेटिएका शब्द, तस्वीर, भिडिओ तत्काल पहिले कै ठाउँमा फर्काउन

Ctrl+Z: हटाएको सामाग्री फिर्ता ल्याउन

Ctrl+Y: पहिले गरेको काम दोहोर्‍याउन

Ctrl + N: नयाँ फाइल एक्स्प्लोरर खोल्न अथवा नयाँ फोल्डर बनाउन वा नयाँ ट्याब खोल्न

Windows key + F1: विन्डोज कसरी प्रयोग गर्ने भनेर आफ्नो ब्राउजरमा खोज्न

Alt + F4: प्रयोग गरिरहेको एप वा विन्डो बन्द गर्न

Alt + Tab: एप अथवा विन्डो एकअर्कामा साटफेर गर्न

Shift + Delete: सेलेक्ट गरेको सामग्री सधैंको लागि मेटाउन

स्टार्ट मेनु र टास्कबारको लागि

Windows key अथवा Ctrl + Esc: स्टार्ट मेनु खुलाउन

Windows key + X: गोप्य स्टार्ट मेनु खोल्न

Windows key + T: खोलिरहेको एप वा विन्डो छनौट गर्न

Windows key + [Number]: टास्कबारमा भएको विन्डो अथवा एप कुन नम्बरमा छ सोही नम्बर टाइप गरी एकैचोटी खोल्न

Windows key + Alt + [Number]: टास्कबारमा पिन भएको एपको राइट क्लिक मेनु खोल्न

Windows key + D: डेस्कटप देखाउन तथा लुकाउन

डेस्कटपमा प्रयोग हुने कीहरू

Windows key + M: खोलिएका सबै विन्डोहरू मिनिमाइज गर्न

Windows key + Shift + M: मिनिमाइज गरेको विन्डोहरू रिस्टोर गर्न

Windows key + Home: छनौट गरेको अथवा तत्काल प्रयोग गरिरहेको विन्डो बाहेक अन्य प्रयोग नभएका सबै विन्डो मिनिमाइज गर्न

Windows key + Up arrow: सेलेक्ट गरेको विन्डो म्याक्सिमाइज (मिनिमाइज भएको एप ओपन गर्न) गर्न

Windows key + Shift + Up arrow: प्रयोग गरिरहेको विन्डो तेर्सो आकारमा म्याक्सिमाइज गर्न

Windows key + Down arrow: सेलेक्ट गरिएको विन्डो मिनिमाइज गर्न

Windows key + Left arrow or Right arrow: सेलेक्ट गरिएको विन्डोलाई स्क्रिनको दायाँ, बाया अथवा बिचमा राख्न

Windows key + Shift + Left arrow or Right arrow: सेलेक्ट गरिएको विन्डो मनिटरको दायाँ अथवा बायाँ सार्न

Windows key + Tab: टास्क भ्यु खोल्न

Windows key + Ctrl + D: नयाँ भर्चुअल डेक्सटप थप गर्न

Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow: भर्चुअल ड‍ेक्सटपलाई स्क्रिनको दायाँतिर सार्न

Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrow: भर्चुअल डेक्सटपलाई स्क्रिनको बायातिर सार्न

Windows key + Ctrl + F4: भर्चुअल डेस्कटप बन्द गर्न

विन्डो कीहरू

Windows key + A: एक्सन सेन्टर खोल्न

Windows key + S: टेक्स्ट मोडमा कोर्टाना (विन्डोजको भर्चुअल असिस्टेन्ट) ओपन गरेर कुनै कुरा सर्च गर्न

Windows key + C: लिसनिङ मोडमा कोर्टाना ओपन गर्न

Windows key + E: फाइल एक्सप्लोरर खोल्न

Windows key + F: विन्डोज १० को फिडब्याक हब ओपन गर्न

Windows key + Ctrl + F: नेटवर्कमा अरु कम्प्युटर सर्च गर्न

Windows key + G: गेमबार खोल्न

Windows key + H: साइडबार शेयर गर्न

Windows key + I: सेटिङ मेनु खोल्न

Windows key + K: नयाँ ब्लुटुथ डिभाइसहरू कनेक्ट गर्नको लागि साइडबार खोल्न

Windows key + L: कम्प्युटर लक गर्न

Windows key + O: स्क्रिन ओरेन्टेसन लक गर्न

Windows key + P: प्रोजेक्सन साइडबार अथवा प्रिजेन्टेसन खोल्न

Windows key + R: ‘रन’ विन्डो खोल्न

Windows key + U: ‘इज अफ एक्सेस सेन्टर’ खोल्न

Windows key + W: ट्याब्लेट अथवा टचस्क्रिनमा भएको विन्डोज इन्क वर्कस्पेस खोल्न

Windows key + Print Screen: डेस्कटपको स्क्रिनसट लिन

Win+Shift+s: स्निपिङ टुलको प्रयोग गरी स्क्रिनशट लिन

Windows key + (+) or (-): म्याग्निफायरमा जुम इन र जुम आउट गर्न

Windows key + Esc: म्याग्निफायर बन्द गर्न

Windows+Shift+M: मिनिमाइज गेरका विन्डोज फिर्ता ल्याउन

विन्डोजमा कमान्ड दिन

Ctrl + C अथवा Ctrl + Insert: क्लिपबोर्डमा सेलेक्ट गरिएको टेक्स्ट कपी गर्न

Ctrl + V अथवा Shift + Insert: कपी गरिएको टेक्स्ट पेस्ट गर्न

Ctrl + A: सबै टेक्स्ट सेलेक्ट गर्न

Ctrl + Up अथवा Down: स्क्रिनलाई एक लाइन माथि अथवा तल सार्न

Ctrl + F: विन्डोमा कुनै सामग्री खोज्न

Ctrl + M: मार्क मोडमा इन्टर गर्न

Shift + Up or Down: कुनै टेक्स्ट सेलेक्ट गर्न करसरलाई एक लाइन माथि वा तल सार्न

Shift + Left or Right: टेक्स्टलाई दायाँ तथा बायाँबाट सेलेक्ट गर्न

Ctrl + Shift + Left or Right: कर्सरलाई दायाँ अथवा बायाँ सार्न

Shift + Page Up अथवा Page Down: स्क्रिनमा कर्सरलाई माथि अथवा तल सार्न

Shift + Home or End: कर्सरलाई अनुच्छेदको (प्याराग्राफ) सबैभन्दा अगाडि अथवा सबैभन्दा पछाडि पुर्‍याउन

Ctrl + Shift + Home/End: कर्सरलाई सेलेक्ट गरिएको टेक्स्टको सबैभन्दा अगाडि अथवा सबैभन्दा पछाडि पुर्‍याउन

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Difference Between Hardware and Software

Difference Between Hardware and Software




Basic Definition

Hardware is a physical part of the computer that causes the processing of data.

Software is a set of instructions that tells a computer exactly what to do.


It is manufactured.

It is developed and engineered.


Hardware cannot perform any task without software.

The software can not be executed without hardware.

Process of creating

Electronic and other materials are used to create hardware. 

Created by utilizing a computer language to write instructions.


Hardware is tangible as hardware is a physical electronic device, that can be touched. 

Software is intangible as we can see and also use the software but can’t touch them.


Hardware typically wears out over time.

The software does not wear out with time. However, it may contain flaws and glitches.


It has four main categories:

1. Input Devices 

2. Output Devices 

3. Storage Devices 

4. Internal Components.

It is mainly divided into

1. System software 

2. Application software.

Virus effect

Hardware is not affected by computer viruses.

Software is affected by computer viruses.


It cannot be transferred from one place to another electrically through the network.

It can be transferred via a network means.

Machine-Level language

Only machine-level language is known to be understood by hardware. 

The program accepts human-readable input, interprets it in machine-level language, and sends it to hardware for additional processing.


If the hardware is damaged, it is replaced with a new one.

If the software is damaged, its backup copy can be reinstalled.


Dust, overheating, humidity, and other factors are commonly responsible for hardware failures. 

Overloading, systematic error, major-minor version error, and other factors are commonly responsible for software failures.


Ex: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Printer, CPU, Hard disk, RAM, ROM, etc.

Ex: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, MySQL, etc.


What are functions of computer?

What are functions of computer?
Answer : The functions of a computer are:
Input. A computer takes in data through input devices, such as a keyboard, mouse, or microphone.
Processing. The computer processes the data according to instructions stored in its memory.
Output. The computer displays the results of the processing on an output device, such as a monitor, printer, or speaker.
Storage. The computer stores data and programs in its memory or on a storage device, such as a hard drive or flash drive.

Differences between Microcomputer and Supercomputer , Supercomputer and Mainframe Computer , Mainframe Computer and Minicomputer


Differences between Microcomputer and Supercomputer are as follows: 



Microcomputers are general-purpose computers that are mostly used for daily work that performs all logic and arithmetic operations.

While supercomputer is used for complex and large mathematical computations.

Microcomputers are small in terms of size.

While the size of a supercomputer is very large.

Microcomputers are cheaper than supercomputers.

Whereas the supercomputers are very expensive.

Microcomputer speeds lower than supercomputers.

Whereas supercomputer speed is extremely high.

Microcomputers can have multiple operating systems simultaneously.

Whereas at present, supercomputers have Linux and their different operating systems.

Microcomputers are used in offices, education systems, database management systems, word processing, etc.

Where supercomputers are used in astronomy, data analysis, robot designing, weather forecasting, data mining, etc.

Microcomputers usually have a processor.

While modern supercomputers can contain thousands of processors.

Microcomputer was invented by Bill Pentz team.

Whereas supercomputer was invented by Seymour Cray.

Microcomputers can have a processing speed in the range of 70 to 100 MIPS.

Whereas supercomputers can have a processing speed in the range of 100 to 900 MIPS.

Examples of microcomputers are laptop, desktop, IBM-PC, etc.

Examples of supercomputers are Cray Supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, etc.


Difference between Supercomputer and Mainframe Computer

Let’s see the difference between Supercomputer and Mainframe Computer: 



Mainframe Computer


Supercomputers are used for large and complex mathematical computations.

While Mainframe computers are used as a storage for large databases and serve as a maximum number of users simultaneously.


Supercomputer’s speed is more than Mainframe computer. It can execute billions of instructions within a second.

Mainframe computer’s speed is comparatively less than Supercomputers. In these millions of instructions are executed simultaneously.


Supercomputers are the largest computers.

Mainframe computers are smaller than supercomputers in size.


Supercomputers are the costliest in the world.

Mainframe computers are less costly than supercomputers.


In the present, the supercomputers have Linux and their variant operating systems.

While Mainframe computers can have multiple operating systems simultaneously.


Super computers are mostly purpose-built for one or a few specific institutional tasks.

Mainframe computers are built to handle a large variety of tasks.


Seymour Cray invents the Supercomputer.

The first successful mainframe computer is invented by IBM.


Supercomputers can have a processing speed in the range of 100 to 900 MIPS.

Whereas Mainframe computers can have a processing speed in the range of 3-4 MIPS to as high as 100 MIPS.


Supercomputers find their application in fields like nuclear weapon simulation, etc.

Mainframe computers find their application in fields such as finance, health, etc.



Let’s see the difference between Mainframe Computer and Minicomputer: 





In mainframe computers, large size of disk is used.

While in a minicomputer, small size of disk is used.


Mainframe computers have large memory storage.

While minicomputers have small or less memory storage than mainframe computer.


The processing speed of mainframe computer is faster than minicomputer.

While the processing speed of minicomputer is slower than mainframe computer.


Mainframe computer is costlier than minicomputers.

Whereas minicomputers’s cost is less or it is inexpensive.


The first successful mainframe computer is invented by IBM.

The first microcomputer was invented by the team leader Bill Pentz.


Mainframe computers support thousand or millions of users simultaneously.

Whereas minicomputers support hundreds of users at a time.


Mainframe computers can have a processing speed in the range of 3-4 MIPS to as high as 100 MIPS.

Whereas minicomputers can have a processing speed in the range of 10 to 30 MIPS.


Difference between Mainframe and Minicomputer

Let’s see the difference between Mainframe Computer and Minicomputer: 





In mainframe computers, large size of disk is used.

While in a minicomputer, small size of disk is used.


Mainframe computers have large memory storage.

While minicomputers have small or less memory storage than mainframe computer.


The processing speed of mainframe computer is faster than minicomputer.

While the processing speed of minicomputer is slower than mainframe computer.


Mainframe computer is costlier than minicomputers.

Whereas minicomputers’s cost is less or it is inexpensive.


The first successful mainframe computer is invented by IBM.

The first microcomputer was invented by the team leader Bill Pentz.


Mainframe computers support thousand or millions of users simultaneously.

Whereas minicomputers support hundreds of users at a time.


Mainframe computers can have a processing speed in the range of 3-4 MIPS to as high as 100 MIPS.

Whereas minicomputers can have a processing speed in the range of 10 to 30 MIPS.

MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint