Wednesday 27 June 2018

Subharambha Publication (Objectives Solved)

  Subharambha Publication  Objectives Solved 

Networking and Telecommunication
1.      Fill in the blanks:
a.       Computer Networkis a communication system connecting two or more computer that work together to exchange information and share resources.
b.      Telecommunicationis a transmission of data and information between computers using a communication link such as a standard telephone line.
c.       A Peer is a self-reliant computer that acts both as a server and a client to other similar computer on the network.
d.      A Centralizednetwork is a network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients.
e.       A Peer to Peer network is a group of computer that functions both as a client/server.
f.       LANis a self-content network that spans a small area such as a single building, floor or a room.
g.       A Network Topology refers to the shape of the network in which all the computers are connected together.
h.      A physical Ring topology is a network topology in which network nodes are connected in a continuous circle.
i.        Simplexmode communication is a mode of transmission in which data flows in one direction only.
j.        Gatewayis a device software or a system that converts data between dissimilar network with different protocols.
2.      True or false:
a.       Computer network increases worker productivity and offers tremendous convenience.True
b.      A server is a network computer that utilizes the resources of other network computers, including other clients.False
c.       Local Area Network is a network that spans multiple geographical locations.False
d.      A physical ring topology is a network topology in which network nodes are connected in a continuous circle.True
e.       Router is a network device used to regenerate or replicate a signal.False
3.      Select the best answers:
a.       A _______ is a self-sufficient computer that acts both as a server and a client to other similar computers on the network.
i. Node       ii. Client           iii. Peer
b.      The communication protocol usedto connect to web servers on the internet or on a local network(intranet).
i. TCP/IP    ii. HTTP          iii. Apple Talk
c.       A network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients.
i. Centralized computing network            ii. Client/Server network          iii. Peer-to-peer network
d.      A network of computers spread over a city or town located in the same geographical area.
i. Local Area Network       ii. Metropolitan Area Network          iii. Wide Area Network
e.       A form of wireless transmission in which signals are sent via pulses of infrared light.
i. Radio networking           ii. Infrared transmission         iii. Microwave transmission
4.      Technical terms:
a.       A computer circuit board or card designed top allow computers to communicate over a computer network.(NIC)
b.      A set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices, such as computers.(Protocol)
c.       A group of computers that functions both as a client and a server.(Peer to peer network)
d.      A self-contained network that spans a small area, such as a single building, floor or a room.(LAN)
e.       A device, software or a system that converts data between dissimilar networks with different protocols.(Gateway)
5.      Match the following:
a.       Node                      a network computer that utilizes the resources of other computer(B)
b.      Client                     a set of rules by which computers communicate with each other over a
c.       Host                       a self-sufficient computer that acts both as a server and a client(shares and
                              uses resources (D)
d.      Peer                       any network device that can connect to the network and can generate, process
                              or transfer network data(A)
e.       Protocol                 the most powerful type of computer on the network, that does all the(C)
                              processing for the user
Chapter 2
The internet and its services
Fill in the blanks:
a.InternetIs a collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe.
b. The internet originated from an experimental network called ARPANet created in 1969.
c.       WWWis the leading information exchanged service of the internet.
d.      The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer is calledDownloading
a)     The internet allows to play the interactive multimedia games, listen to music and watch digital movies.(True)
b)    TCP/IP is responsible for ensuring that the packets are sent to the right destination. (True)
c)     Electronic mail contains a large collection of linked text , image, sound and video files.(False)
d)    The method of locating information on the internet involves the use of search engine. (True)
e)     Fire wall programs allow workgroups to use the internet to see each others face in small window on the computer screen and to hear their voice through speakers.(False)
Match the following:
a.       E-mail                  a global collection of millions of computers of  different types
belonging to various networks worldwide(B)
b. Internet                    an online communication   mechanism that lets people to make a
real time discussion with one or more people through the internet(D)
c. newsgroup                  electronic message sent from one computer to another(A)
d. Web Chat                   a world wide discussion    group in which people share information
and ideas on a particular area of interest.(C)
Select the best answer:
a.       a collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe
i. Internet                    ii. Intranet                    iii. Extranet
b.      Websites that alow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords.
i. world wide web        ii. electronic mail         iii. search engine
c.       Yahoo! Is a ……..
i. browser                     ii .home page               iii. search engines
d.      An online interactive communication mechanism that les people to make a real time discussions with one or more people through the internet
i. web chat       ii. Newsgroup              iii. video conferencing
e. the process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer .
i. downloading                        ii. Uploading                iii.FTP
Technical terms:
  1. A collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe . (Internet)
  2. Websites that allow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords.  (Search Engine)
  3. An online interactive communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussions with one or more people through the internet. (Web Chat)
  4. The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote  computer to the requesting computer.  (Downloading)
  5. A worldwide discussion group in which people share information and ideas on a particular area of interest.(Newsgroup)
Full forms
a. Arpanet                    b. FTP              c. NSFNET                 d. TCP/IP                     Telnet              f. WWW
Chapter 3
Computer security system
1.Fill in the blanks:
1.     Hardware security protects the machine and peripheral hardware from theft, electronic intrusions, and damage.
2.     Ups is a device which provides continuous power and protects the computer equipments from power surges and voltage fluctuations
3.     Voltage regulatoris an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level.
4.     Scan diskis one of the tools used to maintain performance and error free file management. 
1.     The loss of information can cause serious damage to the organization .(True)
2.     The routine servicing of hardware is a  must to keep equipment tin good operating condition an to find and correct problems before they develop into serious malfunctions.(True)
3.     Computer equipment should be used and stored at a relative humidity of 5 percent with 50 percent variation.(False)
4.     Defragmentation is one of the tools used to maintain performance and error free file management. (False)
3.Terms match
a. Surge suppresorThe destructive increase in the amount of Voltage
delivered through a power line(B)
b. Spike                                                     an electrical regulator designed to automatically
maintain a constant voltage level(D)
c. UPS                                                      A device that protects your PC against power surges and
d. Voltage regulator  A device which provides continuous power to the
computer equipment and protects them from
power surges and voltage fluctuations (C)
4.Select the best answer:
a.       …….protects the machine and peripheral hardware from theft,electronic intrusion and damage.
i. information security             ii. Hardware security             iii. Software security
b.      The temperature in the computer system should be maintained between …. to ….
i.21 to 24               ii.22 to 25                    ii.23 to 26          
c.       A device that protects your PC against power surges and spikes.
i. Uninterruptible Power Supply                 ii.Voltage regulatoriii.Surge suppressor
d.      The type of security that provides barriers and other cyber tools that protects program, files, and the information flow to and from a computer
i. computer security           ii.Hardware security                 iii.Software security
e.       The ………. Process optimize the read/write process by realigning the speed posiyion of related file clusters to speed up the overall operation of the drive
i.Fragmentation                  ii.Defragmentation                 iii.Scan disk
5.Select the best answer:
1.     A device which provides continuous power to the computer equipment and protects them from power surges and voltage fluctuation .(UPS)
2.     an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. (Voltage Regulator)
3.     A device that protects your PC against power surges and spikes.(Surge Suppressor)
4.     A program designed to infect and potentially damage files on a computer that receives it.(Computer Virus)
5.     The tool that is used to maintain performance and error free file management.(Scan Disk)
6.Full Forms
  1. CVT                 UPS                 AC                               DC
Chapter 4
Computer viruses
1.Fill in the blanks:
a. Computer Virusis a program containing code that can generate multiple copies of itself .
b. Boot Sectorvirus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record(MBR)
c. Programviruses infect executable program files having an extension .exe,.com,or.dll.
d. Polymorphiccode is a code that mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact.
e. Frodo is an example of aStealthvirus.
1. Viruses can easily hide within a system by attaching themselves to other files or program because they are small in size.(True)
2. Boot sector virus infects or substitutes it’s own code for either the DOS boot sector or the Master boot record(MBR). (True)
3.The examples if script viruses are W97M.Melissa and WM.NiceDay.(False)
4.A virus that can change it’s appearance with every infection is called macro virus. (False)
5.Freeware software is a program designed to detect and remove viruses from the computer system.(True)
3.Match the following:
a. Boot virus    a computer virus that infects files and boot records. (E)
b.File virus                   a computer virus that infects the DOS boot sector   or the master boot record (MBR)(A)
c. polymorphic virus     a computer virus that infects program written in scripting language(D)
d. Script viruses  a computer virus that infects executable program files having an extension                                                 .exe,.com,or.dll(B)
e.stealth virus a computer virus that can change its appearance with every infection (C)
4. Select the best answer:
  1. Boot sector virus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record.(MBR)
i. Boot sector virus                 ii. file infecting virus               iii. polymorphic virus
2.Disk killer, stoned, Michelangelo are the examples of ………..
i. Boot sector virus             ii.File infecting virus               iii. polymorphic virus
3.The type of virus that is designed to infect executable program files having extensions .exe,.com,.dll
i.Boot sector virus                          ii.File virus                              iii.Script virus
4. A virus that can change its appearance with every infection is called…..
i. . polymorphic virus                   ii. Macro virus                         iii. Script virus
5. A program designed to detect and remove virus from the computer system
i. shareware                       ii.Freeware                   iii. Antivirus
6. Norton antivirus, when loaded onto a computer system , checks the following areas for viruses
i.                    boot record                        programs at the time you use them both
5.Technical terms
  1. A program containing code that can generate multiple copies of itself. (Computer Virus)
  2. A virus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record (MBR). (Boot Sector Virus)
  3. A small program that runs every time the computer starts up. (MBR)
  4. A series of commands and actions that help to automate some task. (Macro Virus)
  5. A code that mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact. (Polymorphic Virus)
1.Fill in the blanks.
a.Cyber Lawis a generic term, which refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of internet and the world wide web
b.Cyber law of Nepal was enacted in Nepal in2061 BS.
c.Fair Act Reportingact is a federal law enacted in 1970 to insure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies.
d.Video Privacy Protection act limits the disclosure of personally identifiable information regarding video rentals.
a. Data protection law provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium.(True)
b.Intellectual property describes a wide variety of property created by musicians ,authors , artist, and inventors.(False)
c.Cyber law of nepal was enacted in nepal in 2062 B.S(2005). (False)
d.Fare credit reporting act is a federal law enacted in 1970 to ensure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies. (True)
e. The copyright act of 1992 imposed on entirely new body  ofrequrements on the federal government handling of information concerning individuals. (False)
3.Match the following
a. Computer ethics                   (A)The block of data at the end of an electronic message that attests the                                                                   authenticity of the said message(C)
b. Cyberspace                          (B) A method of making the data or message transmitted through the internet
unreadable by everyone except the receiver.(D)
c. Digital signature                   (C)The world-wide network of computers.(B)
d. Encryption                           (D)A branch of applied ethics which studies and analyzes social and ethical
impacts of information technology.(A)
a. The law that provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium.
i. Digital signature law                       ii. Intellectual property law                  iii. Telecommunication law
b. A criminal activity involving the information technology infrastructure.
i. Digital crime             ii. intellectual property             iii. Cyber crime
c. Cyber law of Nepal was enacted in Nepal in ___________ B.S.
i.2062              ii.2000             iii.2061
d. A federal law enacted in 1970 to ensure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies.
i. Fair credit reporting act                 ii.Federal privacy act               iii.Copyright act
a.Multimediais a computer-delivered  electronic system that allows the user to control , combine and manipulate different types of media.
b.Graphics deal with the generations,representations,manipulation and display of pictures with the aid of computer.
c. Videodeal with recording and displaying of a sequence of mages at a reasonable speed to create an impression of movement.
d. Virtual Realityis a technology  that allows people to enter and interact with three dimensional computer graphics world.
a.Monomedia enhance standard education techniques and make the process of learning easier.(False)
b.Graphics is a series of image that are displayed in rapid succcession giving, the illusion of movement.(False)
c.Interactive multimedia programs bring concept to life and helps students integrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills . (True)
d.Multimedia provides a medium to promote,sell,teach and communicate in new interactive ways .(True)
e.Virtual reality is technology that allows people to ebter and interact with three dimensional  computer graphics world. (True)
a.Animation                             A. The creation and manipulation of pictures  images in the computer.(B)
b.Graphics                               B. A system that enables one or more users to move and react with computer
graphics world(E)
c.Multimedia                            C. The moving graphic images(A)
d.Resolution                            D. The combination of multiple media such as  text,images,video,animation
and audio. (C)
e.Virtual reality                                    E. The sharpness of the image on the monitor screen,determined by the
number of pixels that make up the image.(D)
a. A computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control ,combine,and manipulate different types of media, such as text,sound,video,computer graphics and animation.
i.monomedia                ii.multimedia               iii.None of the above
b.___________deal with the recording and  display of a sequence of images at a raesonable speed to create an impression of movement.                                   iii.animatioin
c.In order to work with multimedia, personal computer typically requires the following hardware components.
i.powerful microprocessor                   ii.large main memory               iii.both

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MCQ Question Bank Microsoft PowerPoint